Starch Solution / McDougall / HCLF Vegan

Hey hey. I'm Ashley. I'm looking for others that are eating the way I do :smiley:


  • dagucrew
    dagucrew Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Ashley! We are McDougallers and vegan. We're just coming off of a reboot with a juice fast. My husband and I are both aiming for our first goal of 20 lbs. I'm already down 7lbs. We are very committed to this way of eating. We're proof that you can gain a lot of weight and still eat vegan/clean!
  • Oh me! I love eating the McDougall way, so satisfying! Feel free to add me. :)
  • mrsagriffin
    mrsagriffin Posts: 8 Member
    Added you both :smile:
  • anneliesefisher
    anneliesefisher Posts: 6 Member
    I'm also HCLFV :) I've added all three of you, hope that's okay!
    Is there a HCLFV group?
  • Kymmu
    Kymmu Posts: 1,650 Member
    Mee tooo!!
  • I am adding everyone on here! I have read the starch solution and am working on transitioning myself and my family to a HCLF vegan lifestyle.
  • oneyearparty
    oneyearparty Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! My long term goal is to eat McDougall style I've read The Starch Solution and loved it. For me in particular, I found it's easier to transition than to go cold turkey from a S.A.D. I did 1 month pescatarian, 1 month vegetarian, 2 months flexible vegan, 3 weeks full vegan, and that's where I am as of today. Although it's still unhealthy vegan food (oil and occasional fake cheese) I've still reaped benefits and hope to continue :blush:
  • karenkkj
    karenkkj Posts: 7 Member
    I eat McDougall too. Please add me as a friend.
  • VeganChristy
    VeganChristy Posts: 10 Member
    You should check out the Plantbased Trucker on Facebook. He shares his recipes and tips. He's posts/updates a lot and is brutally honest about his weight loss journey. I like him. : )
  • T3ejayT73
    T3ejayT73 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello. So glad to find you on ss I'm starting maximum weightloss and looking to join people on ss. I look forward to catching up on your blogs.
  • meligu8
    meligu8 Posts: 1
    Hey!, I recently started eating HCLF too. I've already been vegan for a few years now, but I guess I've been junk food vegan for a while and that needs to change :D.
  • picklesauce
    picklesauce Posts: 4 Member
    I just returned to the land of plant-based, after years of trying to eat meat ! Would love a board for all us plant-based people, so we could chat without someone preaching protein! I've lost 16 lbs. so far (long way to go yet!)
  • PlantStrongMomma
    PlantStrongMomma Posts: 1 Member
    I'm just (re-starting!) on the McDougall plan, too! Would love to keep up with you all and be inspired by others who are plant strong! Please add me!
  • Rocketgirl88
    Rocketgirl88 Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in! Yesterday I started the Rice diet/McDougall way of eating. I love it! How is everyone doing?
  • lddfsu
    lddfsu Posts: 38 Member
    I restarted a little over a month ago, and I've lost 12 pounds so far. I'd say I'm at about 90% compliance.
  • anybodys_fruit
    anybodys_fruit Posts: 17 Member
    Me too!
  • nutritionenthusiast
    nutritionenthusiast Posts: 29 Member
    Meeee :)
  • lucyholdcroft363
    lucyholdcroft363 Posts: 124 Member
    Me too!
  • juliamclennan
    juliamclennan Posts: 4 Member
    Me too!
  • wjayeverdjd
    wjayeverdjd Posts: 18 Member
    I am. 19 years old and need a few friends