Abdominal Strength - Ladies with multiple C-Sections?

redsoxy Posts: 73 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
In my weight loss and getting fit journey, I have disovered things about my body that I really wasn't aware of. One of those things is the loss of lower abdominal strength since the birth of my children. I had 2 c-sections, the last being 5 years ago. Before that I had very good lower abdominal strength - but I have discovered it's been compromised since the surgeries.

My question is for the ladies who have had multiple c-sections...have you been able to regain that strength/control and if so, what did you do to achieve it?


  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    Core exercises. Plank exercises. If you do Jillian Micheal's 30-Day Shred, she has some good ab exercises that will help.
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    No idea. I'm interested in seeing the responses from others as I have the same problem after 2 back to back c-sections, the first was June, 2009 and the second was September 2010.
  • LimeyTart
    LimeyTart Posts: 303 Member
    I've had four c-sections. I talked about it in a post yesterday, but I also have Pelvic Adhesive Disease, which basically means that all of my internal organs are scarred together from my sections. The ONLY thing that has worked for me is lots and lots of core work. I hate every second of it, but it works. I'll never be 100%, but I've gotten to around 90.
  • carpediem3
    carpediem3 Posts: 320 Member
    I swear by pilates, yoga, and a abdominal leg raise to strengthen my core. I also had 2 c-sections, earliest was 7yrs ago. Since starting all these workouts back in January, I've noticed my strength in doing the simplest tasks has increased dramatically, not to mention I can now lift things I once couldn't due to a bad back. Good luck!!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am getting there, but it is a slow process. I used to have really strong abs, and now I get pain doing things I did easily before. I can now do planks and sit ups, though. I had my section nearly 6 years ago, and for at least 2 years had no strength in the area at all.

    Edited to add - I have had one C-section and one appendectomy, so 2 scars..
  • cyndicwik1
    cyndicwik1 Posts: 1
    I had 2 c -sections as well, the last being 10 years ago. I had a complication with the last one as my doctor either pulled a nerve when putting me back together or nicked it. I was unable to have even a breeze hit my right leg withour it setting me off into tears because of pain. It took a little while to regain the ability to put weight back on it and once I was up and running, I was back in the gym. Though life has transformed me a few times ( especially when a military move was involved and I took my time getting back in the gym) I have found that my strength has returned over time to my lower abs. The best exercises I have found where the reverse crunches done on a balance ball and plank poses.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I've had 2 c-sections (my most recent was 3 years ago). I've done some circuit training and that has helped me strengthen a bit down there. I'm sure if I do more, it will be a lot better.
  • shivers42
    shivers42 Posts: 20
    Hello there,

    I've had 3 C-sections. I have strength in my abdominals but no tone. I'm hoping once I get to my goal weight it will all pull back into shape.

    After my second C-section, I got back into real good shape, ran a marathon with no saggy tum. One of the abs exercises that really helped me was lying on my back, stretching legs to the ceiling and using my abs to push legs to the ceiling.

    I think you have to wait a while before doing this and make sure you feel absolutely no pain at all.

    Good Luck!
  • Excellent question. I have had 3 C-Sections, the last being 20 months ago. I've also had a umblicus hernia repair and my gallbladder removed. A total of 5 abdominal surgeries within 7 years. I have been doing various DVD's for about 5 months such as Turbo Jam and Jillain Michaels. All of these DVD's work on abs. I can def feel the muscle underneath but still have a LONG way to go!

    I'm looking forward to the other replies for some tips as well!:embarassed:
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,324 Member
    Aquafit is surpisingly good at core strengthening. Everything you do in the water tends to make you start to drift unless you use your core to stay in place. My teacher has invented some great exercises. I had 2 C-sections and an ectopic pregnancy. I still have more to go. I find walking for almost 3 miles and Zumba are helping as well.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Time. Do the work and over time you will slowly, SLOWLY see improvements. 20 years ago, and a hyserectomy 17 years ago. Just takes time and work. Good luck
  • sixpacking
    sixpacking Posts: 148 Member
    You can do anything your body allows you to. I had 2 C-Section, the lastest (and last) in January 2010.
    This is me now after going from 180lbs to 121.5

  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    In my weight loss and getting fit journey, I have disovered things about my body that I really wasn't aware of. One of those things is the loss of lower abdominal strength since the birth of my children. I had 2 c-sections, the last being 5 years ago. Before that I had very good lower abdominal strength - but I have discovered it's been compromised since the surgeries.

    My question is for the ladies who have had multiple c-sections...have you been able to regain that strength/control and if so, what did you do to achieve it?

    Which type of C-section did you have? A lower transverse or the up and down kind that goes from your navel to your pubic bone?

    My first pregnancy I had the up and down kind of C-section. The next three pregnancies were natural V-back deliveries. I don't really know how good my stomach would look. I'd have to lose 60 pounds to be at my goal weight. I'll let ya know when I get there. I do know that I have the sparation above my navel that I have heard the medical community talk about. It seems that it makes for a less than desirable out come.
  • nosey_rosey
    nosey_rosey Posts: 380 Member
    I have never had an actual C-section but about 5 weeks ago I had a laparotomy to remove my right ovary and a 16cm ovarian cyst. My stomach muscles seem to be like mush since I had the surgery. I am excited to see that people have been able to regain some definition in their stomach areas.
    Also... how long before I should do actual stomach exercises?? I go for my 6 week check up next week but I hate waiting for silly doctors. I feel real good and my scar is already shrinking. It was about 6 inches and has shrunk to about 4 or so. I have never had a fit tummy but I reallllllyyyyy want one =)
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    I've had two c-sections as well (most recent was two years ago). Other than having a small section on the front of my belly that doesn't seem to have any feeling (poke - nope, can't feel that), I don't seem to have any other long-term problems. I've still got quite a bit of weight to lose, so I'm not close to seeing definition, but through doing core exercises, I can feel the abdominal muscles doing their thing. As long as you've been cleared by a doctor, there shouldn't be anything you can't do!
  • corieueber
    corieueber Posts: 72 Member
    Excellent question. I have had 3 C-Sections, the last being 20 months ago. I've also had a umblicus hernia repair and my gallbladder removed. A total of 5 abdominal surgeries within 7 years.

    Gosh your post sounded familiar, l had 2 c-sections, gallblader removal, surgery for infection, umblicus hernia - 5 surgeries in 3 years. Any tips on finding my tummy musles would be great :)
  • bjscmg
    bjscmg Posts: 77
    I had 3 c-sections, last one was 1 yr ago and the dr told me that he would go through the same section but that did not happen due to the babies all being huge. Needless to say I have 3 scars in 3 places and NO feeling in any of them. I started the 30 day shred and My stomach muscles are sore so it is working.
  • I had 2 c-secs and a tumor removal and also have no feeling, what is the 30 day shed??
  • I had 3 C-sections and a 'repair' surgery (all going in through the same lower abdominal transverse incision) within 4 years. The last was 20 months ago and I'm having a really hard time. I do well with upper ab and oblique exercises, but I struggle to get even 6 crunches out. I was recently told by a trainer that pelvic tilts are good for helping to regain strength in the lower abs when you are at the point where crunches are too much. Lay on your back on the floor with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tilt your pelvis upward by tightening your lower abs while keeping your back flat on the floor. As you gain strength, you can start to lift your hips off the floor until your up on your shoulders with feet still flat on the floor. I haven't tried it yet, but I plan to start these this weekend. Good luck mommas!
  • ashcky
    ashcky Posts: 393 Member
    I've had 2 c sections, my last was in November of last year. Whenever I try to do an work I get a pain in my left side that makes it impossible to continue. Has anyone had this problem? Could it be scar tissue?
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