Busy Bee Moms of MFP..Plz share tips on losing the 1st 10lbs! and how to keep losing :)

I'm 28 and my goal is to lose 50lbs and would love some tips on how to get over that first 10lb hump. I do have a Gold's membership but not a whole lot of time between work, school & my kid in activities. I just want to hear some ways some of you were able to still push forward! Thanks for sharing!



  • BellaGettinFit
    BellaGettinFit Posts: 113 Member
    Time: Get up earlier has got to be the thing that is working for me. I make excuses after I get off work. I gotta cook, I'm tired, I'm going to miss my shows, homework. I have found that working out early in the morning is the only time that I am not able to convince myself that I'm too busy.

    Hair: As a black woman with a perm, I also was making my hair an excuse. I just got it done, got a fresh perm, I don't feel like doing my hair, blah blah. I got some braids and have lost 10 lbs.

    It's amazing what you can accomplish when you get out of your own way.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Yup. No excuses. You just gotta make the time! For me that's in the morning before kids (4 of them) wake up! I prep meals for the week so dinner is easy, I go to bed around 9, and I'm up at 5. Whether the baby sleeps all night or not.
  • Cheri7477
    Cheri7477 Posts: 9 Member
    Any suggestions for those of us who are not morning people. I can't get past the first 6 pounds. It's like my motivation is just not there.
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    This sounds like a great action plan BellaGettinFit! I am going to give this morning workout a try. That's awsome by the way! May I ask how long it took you to lose the 10?
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow Jennloella!! That's simply amazing you are so determined no matter what.☺

  • dougl004
    dougl004 Posts: 99 Member
    My goal is to lose 30lbs and it has taken me about 2.5 months to lose the first 10lbs. I'm on the slow and steady pace. I lose about a 0.5lb weekly. I have a 2yr old and workout around 8pm after my little one is in bed. Im no morning person. I've been doing Jillian Michaels dvds and love her 30min workouts. Good Luck
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    Cheri7477 wrote: »
    Any suggestions for those of us who are not morning people. I can't get past the first 6 pounds. It's like my motivation is just not there.

    6lbs is still progress, just dont stop!
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    Just remember exercise is for fitness, managing your intake is for weight loss. So focus on your logging if the scale is your main concern. I find logging my entire day either the night before or first thing in the morning makes it a lot easier to do and to stick to. It's almost like writing it down is "setting it in stone" and I don't want to screw it up by eating something I didn't log already.

    I second the posters above who work out in the morning. I have 2 kids who are super busy in the evenings after school but are not yet driving age, so I get to be taxi. Working out at night is NOT an option, so I had to adjust to a 5am wakeup and workout. Almost 2 years in and I actually feel weird if I sleep in and miss a workout! So fit in the exercise as you can, busy mom, but remember that the food choices you make are going to affect your weight the most. :) You can do it!
  • dinagonzalez96
    dinagonzalez96 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 10lb in a month.. is hard but u have to be determined. Think about ur goals, trust me been there I always think to my self if a eat it I'm going to b mad of my self no matter what so I don't eat it.. what is working for me is Im doing a flush water it help me to clean my body I cut some cucumbers, lemon, oranges, mint leaf put it in a bottle than add water an I drink from there all day I just keep filling up the bottle it send me to the bathroom to pee alot
  • dinagonzalez96
    dinagonzalez96 Posts: 4 Member
    I lost 10lb in a month.. is hard but u have to be determined. Think about ur goals, trust me been there I always think to my self if a eat it I'm going to b mad of my self no matter what so I don't eat it.. what is working for me is Im doing a flush water it help me to clean my body I cut some cucumbers, lemon, oranges, mint leaf put it in a bottle than add water an I drink from there all day I just keep filling up the bottle it send me to the bathroom to pee alot
  • dinagonzalez96
    dinagonzalez96 Posts: 4 Member
    Hope that help.!!!
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    For me to lose my first 10 lbs I had to cut out bread and pasta. Toast in the morning makes me very snacky for the rest of the day, and pasta makes me snacky in the evening.

    For breakfast I have an apple, yogurt, and 2 eggs, and that keeps me full. Lunch is usually leftovers from dinner, and dinner is protein + veggie + green + rice or potatoes. Drinks are water, tea with honey if I need a sugar-pick-me-up, and black coffee.

    This is the meal plan I strive for every day because it makes me feel full and I lose weight
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    edited April 2015
    For me to lose my first 10 lbs I had to cut out bread and pasta. Toast in the morning makes me very snacky

    I just recently cut bread! You are so right, it really does make me snacky :smiley:
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »

    I second the posters above who work out in the morning. I have 2 kids who are super busy in the evenings after school but are not yet driving age, so I get to be taxi. Working out at night is NOT an option, so I had to adjust to a 5am wakeup and workout. Almost 2 years in and I actually feel weird if I sleep in and miss a workout! So fit in the exercise as you can, busy mom, but remember that the food choices you make are going to affect your weight the most. :) You can do it!

    Oh yes, mom Taxi right on!! Im just starting to make sure I log every crumb I put in my mouth and I will be giving the AM work out a try. May I ask how many times you workout in the morning a week?
  • hyperbeth1
    hyperbeth1 Posts: 70 Member
    I work out in the evenings. I am not a morning person either. I cut out all sodas (including the diet ones). I plan on Sunday what the family's menu will be during the week. Some of it I can precook and place in the fridge so there is no reason why I cannot have a home cooked meal. My portions usually include protein+2 vegs (+sometimes rice or potatoes). I usually eat dinner before I work out so that my workout high keeps me from eating again after dinner. In my lunchbag I bring a protein powder I can mix with water and ice for snack or lunch. The trick is to eat small meals throughout the day so you don't feel hungry. I make homemade chicken salad (rotissere chicken, greek yogurt, celery, green onions, salt, and pepper) on Sundays and portion it into half size cups for work as well. It makes for a great snack lower in calories and high in protein. Don't give up.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Weight and log every morsel of food you put in your mouth. If you stay within your calorie goal, you will lose weight. That being said, I had to stop doing the mommy-thing and finishing my child's food (it adds up).

    As for exercise, the biggest change I made was to make more of an effort to incorporate my family and to find excuses to exercise. My son loves to go to the park and play soccer, have running races, ride his bike while I run, etc. While he's in his 30 minute swimming lesson, I swim lengths. Look for those little opportunities to sneak in some exercise. It doesn't have to be dripping-with-sweat exercise. If your child/ children are young, get yourself an inexpensive jogging stroller and go for a walk/run. Not only are you getting exercise but you're instilling a healthy attitude about activity in your kids.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am a busy wife/mom/employee.

    All you need to know is this. Exercise is not needed for weight loss....it's for health and fitness and I encourage it. You just need a calorie deficit to lose weight.

    For me I prelog my food for a week and know what is on the go because I keep a schedule that i can see easily (yes I use a day timer)

    I log consistently and accurately using a food scale (even stuff when it puts me over my goals) I do manage to exercise almost everyday...lifting weights which is about 20mins and a walk with the family (husband) which is 30mins...my son isn't small so he doesn't come often.

    My exercise is in the evenings...I make me a priority now...I did lose 60lbs and kept most of it off over the winter (save 7-10 from vacation a couple weeks ago) which is what I am losing now plus an extra 5 because I want to see what 140 looks like on me.

  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    ^ Yes! I dance around with my kids, play 'chase' with them, walk on the spot and do jumping jacks whenever I have a few minutes. I lift a couple of weights in the evening when they go to bed, and do a few bicycle crunches, push-ups, and side leg raises. Nothing too strenuous, but it adds up. Oh and because it's only a few extra things here and there I don't log them as exercise.
  • apagemartin
    apagemartin Posts: 2 Member
    It is so so tough to lose weight as a mom! I have a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, and they require so much time from me, leaving not much time to exercise!

    I've been trying to become more faithful to the food journaling here and I also have been working out at Planet Fitness since last October. I've been trying to get there 2-3 times a week in the mornings before my kids wake up. On the other days I've been letting them stay at daycare longer so I can squeeze in a jog or a workout. I feel like working out helps me have more energy for them, and also when I'm not as faithful to the food journal, it allows me to not gain as much.

    Good luck! It's tough but we can do it! I still really want to lose 25 pounds. Trying!
  • KrunchyMama
    KrunchyMama Posts: 420 Member
    It is so so tough to lose weight as a mom! I have a 5-year-old and a 2-year-old, and they require so much time from me, leaving not much time to exercise!

    I've been trying to become more faithful to the food journaling here and I also have been working out at Planet Fitness since last October. I've been trying to get there 2-3 times a week in the mornings before my kids wake up. On the other days I've been letting them stay at daycare longer so I can squeeze in a jog or a workout. I feel like working out helps me have more energy for them, and also when I'm not as faithful to the food journal, it allows me to not gain as much.

    Good luck! It's tough but we can do it! I still really want to lose 25 pounds. Trying!

    It gets easier! My boys are 3 and 4 and I've noticed this year is much better because they run faster, and walk faster, and are learning how to bike. I'm excited to be able to jog alongside them :)