Kick April's Butt with 3 Small Things----New Friends



  • Remona4k
    Remona4k Posts: 2 Member
    Still taking new members I'd love to join. My 3 things are to drink more water,exercise at least 3 times a week and stay focus on goals
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Oh yes, invitation on the way, Remona4k!!!
  • taelor2
    taelor2 Posts: 272 Member
    Can I still join?
  • Les_B_FitNotFat
    Les_B_FitNotFat Posts: 12 Member
    Could I join too please
    3 goals
    Drink more water
    Be rational rather than beat myself up
    Show up every day
  • LJFJ
    LJFJ Posts: 73 Member
    Hi, R_Queenie! I'm three-days old and definitely need help. I'm so hungry! I have none of the "good" foods here; just the full-fat, full-sugar, high-carb foods. I can't afford to replace all the bad stuff until they're used up, so I'm spending hours every day planning meals. My focus is on carbs, fat, and sugar, as I was recently diagnosed with Type II diabetes and put on insulin. However, I'm not getting enough calories or protein. I don't know what to do. Therefore:

    What 3 Things could you do to improve your life by the end of April?
    1. I want to make it to the end of April.
    2. I want my blood sugar (fasting and 2-hours post-meal) to be "normal," whatever that is.
    3. I want to get down to 184 pounds (I'm now 192.8).


  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Linda- good luck with those goals! I'm sending you an invite for the group!
  • julies222
    julies222 Posts: 29 Member
    I would love to join.
    My three things are:
    1. Drink 8 cups of water per day
    2. Exercise every day for a minimum of 15 mins (no more excuses)
    3. 8000 steps per day
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Julies222- invite sent!
  • NaeNaeGarvey
    NaeNaeGarvey Posts: 7 Member
    Is it too late to join??
    1) I will tell myself two positive things about myself each day.
    2) I will finish cutting soda from my diet.
    3) I will eat a filling and healthy breakfast each morning this week.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    nope---never too late to start a good thing! ;)
    sending invite!
  • jlnoble513
    jlnoble513 Posts: 18 Member
    Can I join? I haven't joined anything here on my fitness pal and I don't have any friends.
    1. Use the elliptical machine I bought at least 15mins EVER day. (Small goal but I have to start some where)
    2. Find a meal plan and stick to it.
    3. To genuinely accept that weight loss is a process and that it won't happen over night. And to not give up and go back to old habits when the scale doesn't move.
  • betsysjl
    betsysjl Posts: 175 Member
    Please send me an invite...
    My three goals:
    1. Completing the 30-day walking challenge
    2. Weighing my food
    3. Getting to the gym 3x week
  • janinjo
    janinjo Posts: 1 Member
    R_Queenie wrote: »
    Would love to have new people join the challenge group to focus on 3 Things in April. When you are starting a new healthy lifestyle it's easy to get overwhelmed...for this group you choose 3 Things to work on and report daily about those.

    Examples from past have been flossing, eat 5 fruits and vegetables, exercise daily, read, meditate, no f'bombs, share positives, share compliment with yourself. Really ....there is no wrong answer.

    If you'd like to find new friends and be supported in an active group - send me a message and I'll get you an invite!

    What 3 Things could you do to improve your life by the end of April?

    Great idea, I'd love to join if possible! My 3 things would be
    1. Drink more water
    2. Record in diary consistently
    3. Increase activity

  • LittleMiss1D10
    LittleMiss1D10 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi! Can I still join? :)

    1) Eat 1-3 more servings of fruits/vegetables daily.
    2) Drink 8-10 cups of water
    3) I want to get down to 135 lbs. by the end (I'm 138 lbs. right now)
  • Sounds like a great idea to me.
    1. Walk three times a week.
    2. Lift weights three times a week. I've been very sedentary and I'm only beginning to find my motivational groove.
    3. Phone three friends a week. With all the social networking online I've found that I haven't seen or spoken to any friends in a long time. Good time to start reaching out and reconnecting :)
  • RebbyBix
    RebbyBix Posts: 3
    I would love to join please if not too late.
    My 3 things would be
    -Drink 8 glasses of water
    -Eat breakfast each day
    -Watch my sodium
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    Invites coming to all! The best news is...even if you are late joining April, you can easily stay in the group and participate in future months as well! Many people stick around for several months ---adapting their 3 things as times goes on. :D
  • anih87
    anih87 Posts: 25 Member
    Hey there - love the goals you guys have come up with!

    If it isn't too late to join, my goals are:
    1. No sugary afternoon snacks - I will aim to eat a healthy, 150-200 calorie snack every afternoon that isn't chocolate or something else naughty :)
    2. At least 2 litres of water per day
    3. Go to the gym 3 times per week
  • _Nickole_
    _Nickole_ Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join! My three would be to cut back on chocolate, eating more vegetables, and maintaining eating healthy overall.
  • R_Queenie
    R_Queenie Posts: 1,224 Member
    sending invites!!!