Hi, my name's Colby and I am addicted to mudruns. Looking for new friends that like them too, and to share what type of training techniques work for them. I have upped my game to longer ones like Tough Mudder and the longer Spartan Race ones, but welcome to any input in whatever ones you run and train for!


  • eriksthompson38
    eriksthompson38 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm there with you bro. I'm running the Savage Race this weekend in Atlanta. I try to do at least 4 runs a year. I really want to do the Spartan Trifeca this year. But I have to do some serious training for the beast!
  • Never_Quit32
    Never_Quit32 Posts: 89 Member
    That's awesome, I have done a couple Tough Mudders but there's just something about Spartan Race that they do to make it more challenging. I got a Spartan Super coming up in October and another Tough Mudder in Sept.
  • eriksthompson38
    eriksthompson38 Posts: 14 Member
    Cool! And yeah I love the Spartan races! They do seem to be more challenging. I need to register for the Super. Haven't done Tough Mudder yet. I need to though. I want to try them all! Lol. Im doing Rugged Maniac in August.
  • Never_Quit32
    Never_Quit32 Posts: 89 Member
    That's awesome, I've heard of those but haven't done it.
  • eriksthompson38
    eriksthompson38 Posts: 14 Member
    Here's to more mudruns! Let's add each other as friends to keep each other motivated on these races!
  • Never_Quit32
    Never_Quit32 Posts: 89 Member