Easy Breakfast Ideas?!

I've always just been eating a yogurt and some fruit, or eggs and some fruit for my breakfast. I wanted more of a variety that would be fast and easy to make since I don't have much time in the mornings! I also really don't like oats, so that's out of the options haha. Any ideas?!


  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    I make smoothies and freeze them then just pull out a bag earlier and me it thaw out.

    Protein bars are a very quick high protein breakfast

    Waffles frozen or I premake and freeze

    Protein pancakes can be premade. I use the recipe on the back of my perfect fit protein powder.

    I also make eggs and cheese in muffin tins and freeze.

  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    Hot chocolate... Trust.
    1/2 cup boiling water
    3 Tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
    1 Tbs kerry gold butter
    1 Tbs coconut oil
    1 tsp sugar
    Blend until creamy and enjoy the richest, most delicious cup of hot chocolate. It is SO EASY and quite satisfying as a meal; it is not low calorie, but when I have this I don't need a snack before lunch.
  • miriamtob
    miriamtob Posts: 436 Member
    I make smoothies and freeze them then just pull out a bag earlier and me it thaw out.

    Protein bars are a very quick high protein breakfast

    Waffles frozen or I premake and freeze

    Protein pancakes can be premade. I use the recipe on the back of my perfect fit protein powder.

    I also make eggs and cheese in muffin tins and freeze.

    Protein pancakes!? Want to try!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Greek yogurt, mix in berries, Kashi GoLean (original) and sliced almonds. Protein, fat & fiber - keeps me full until lunch.

    Some people make a batch of breakfast burritos, freeze and then microwave later. This works with breakfast casserole too. You might look into green smoothies....you could put oats in there and not really notice them.
  • lenica
    lenica Posts: 14 Member
    I do a lot of protein drinks because I am on the go and a lot of times I am not hungry. I prefer Naked protein or Premier protein. They are easy and keep me from getting hungry till lunch.
  • krhoda1
    krhoda1 Posts: 6 Member
    I love a good omlette packed with veggies you love! My favorite is ham, onions and green peppers. Simple/Healthy and packed with protein to help you keep feel fuller longer. If you don't have time in the morning, I like cliff bars.
  • prudencemusic
    prudencemusic Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the great ideas! The protein pancakes, breakfast burritos and breakfast casserole all sound delicious :)!
  • dtsbrown
    dtsbrown Posts: 41 Member
    I usually do one egg scramble cook in microwave 1 minute toast 100 calorie thin bread and 5 minutes later you got a breakfast sandwich you can eat on the go. 170 calories total. Add a banana on the side
  • missh1967
    missh1967 Posts: 661 Member
    A scrambled egg or two wrapped in a warmed tortilla (reg, low carb, whole wheat, whatever) with some sharp cheddar or swiss cheese and tabasco sauce.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Chia pudding is quick and easy - i make a weeks worth in 10 minutes. It keeps in the fridge for the whole week.

    Chia seeds
    Nut butter +water, or nut/coconut milk (or normal milk)
    Sweetener (I use liquid stevia)
    Blend it all together - use whatever ingredients you need to meet your macros

    I also add protein powder for more protein,
    Cacao for chocolatey pudding, and add fresh or frozen berries and sometimes granola for crunch.
    Flavour combos are endless though!

    Frittata can be made easily in advance and frozen. Get out of thinking that you have to eat specific "breakfast" food - have leftovers if you like!
  • prudencemusic
    prudencemusic Posts: 10 Member
    Chia pudding is quick and easy - i make a weeks worth in 10 minutes. It keeps in the fridge for the whole week.

    Chia seeds
    Nut butter +water, or nut/coconut milk (or normal milk)
    Sweetener (I use liquid stevia)
    Blend it all together - use whatever ingredients you need to meet your macros

    I also add protein powder for more protein,
    Cacao for chocolatey pudding, and add fresh or frozen berries and sometimes granola for crunch.
    Flavour combos are endless though!

    Frittata can be made easily in advance and frozen. Get out of thinking that you have to eat specific "breakfast" food - have leftovers if you like!

    Sounds good! I'll probably be trying these :)
  • Nerruse
    Nerruse Posts: 40 Member
    Breakfast sausage or bacon with your eggs/fruit? I like to cook some sausage then use the grease to cook the eggs in. Plus by then the pan's hot enough that it takes like 2 minutes for an omlette.

    I also cooked some apple slices + spice and sugar in my Slow Cooker, it's basically apple pie filling without the pie. I just warm some up in the microwave when I'm cooking something else, it's really good on a cool morning. Not exactly low calorie or carb though hah.