HOw have you stopped yo-yoing in weight and binge eating most calories in one meal a day?

jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
edited April 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi, I have been trying to lose weight for several years and find I keep yo-yoing in weight. I have worn the same size for years because I am very obese so there is a wide range you can be and still fit in one size. Getting back on track, I think my problem is that I still have never learned how to have small amounts of food at a time, instead of a large amount once a day that involves most of my calories. When I don't do that I tend to eat all through the day. I am not a very good cook and find it hard to put meals together. I am thinking of trying Jenny Craig or some kind of similar program and weaning off of the meals slowly over time. It is going to take me several years to get the weight off. I think learning what a normal meal and snack looks like would help me. I honestly don't know that because I have been overweight my whole life, not this severely, but always overweight to obese and like I said I have problems binge eating meals which programs like calorie counting and Weight Watchers don't really address. Anyone have a similar problem? How did you improve?


  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    I want to add that if I don't learn to eat less at a time I don't believe I will ever be able to maintain my weight loss and if I can't see what normal portions are and know when to stop I am also going to have problems.
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Most food has recommended portions on it (or is that just a UK thing?!) like my pasta gives nutritional info for 75g serving so I weigh out 75g of pasta.

    I'll show you what I mean in some photos of food packaging...
  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    edited April 2015
    Most food has recommended portions on it (or is that just a UK thing?!) like my pasta gives nutritional info for 75g serving so I weigh out 75g of pasta.

    I'll show you what I mean in some photos of food packaging...

    Yes, I have seen that. I have never been a big weigher of my food when I eat even though I do have a food scale that measures in grams. I just look up the food or measure it. So how do you put a meal together?
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    I never put my food on a plate really, another issue, and don't sit at the table and eat a meal. I notice when I do this it really shows me what I am actually eating. I have been horrible at making that a habit though. I just kind of pick out things and eat it and then write it down.

  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the pictures. I will definitely start weighing my food out more. I don't mean to be negative. I just know I have major problems with how I eat!
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I just wanted to show how normal food from a range of supermarkets (tesco, waitrose, morrisons, asda etc) helps you out by giving recommended portion sizes. Weigh when you make.

    As for putting a meal together I go with the rule of 3. Each meal (for me) has to have protein, carb and veg.

    Protein: fish, prawns, chicken, eggs, lamb
    Carb: pasta, sweet potato, couscous, rice
    Veg: carrots, peas, aubergine, tomatoes, mushroom

    Most meals fit this and most meals can be adapted. We love shepherds pie but the last one I made had sweet potato mash instead of white mash and used Turkey mince instead of beef mince.

    It sounds to me like you're started food education from scratch so some people on MFP might blow your mind. There are lots of recipe builders online and you don't have to eat "diet" food to lose weight, you'd see a difference by just cutting those portion sizes.

    Are you logging regularly? Maybe log your "normal" diet for a week and you'll see where you struggle. I know you say you binge on one big meal a day but take a look at my diary... I eat a big meal for tea most days and have a filling small breakfast and a light lunch (today it's soup and either rice cakes/bagel/brioche). I'm still losing. You don't have to eat little and often to lose it, find what works for you.

    Do you exercise at all?

  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    Good luck. It's not easy changing habits. X
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    I changed my overall habits.

    And since I binge eat out of boredom... I found something else to keep me busy with
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    jessicadb2 wrote: »
    I never put my food on a plate really, another issue, and don't sit at the table and eat a meal. I notice when I do this it really shows me what I am actually eating. I have been horrible at making that a habit though. I just kind of pick out things and eat it and then write it down.

    I was/am like this as well. I used to eat at the computer and watching tv. I could never sit and just watch something without eating. What I have been doing is taking baby steps. I started by only allowing myself to eat dinner at the table. Took awhile but now that has become a habit. Now I am working on mindless eating while watching TV. I tell myself, if I can watch an episode of my favorite shows without eating, the next episode I can have a small snack. Now I am up to several episodes :). I dvr so I watch my tv in bulk. I have also told myself I am no longer allowed to eat at the computer.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    You must start weighing and logging your food consistently.
    I like to eat a large volume of food to really feel satisfied so I eat a small breakfast (around 300 calories) and a large lunch or dinner depending on the day of the week.
    For instance, during the week I eat a large lunch and then nothing else except maybe a piece of fruit at night if I have calories left over.
    On weekends, I'll have a large dinner because we eat out on those days. I might have a very light snack at lunch.
    I love eating this way and I feel great!
    I also lost over 60 pounds eating this way and have been maintaining for years.
    All that matters is that you have a deficit-not when or how much you eat in one sitting.
  • snowflakesav
    snowflakesav Posts: 647 Member
    Planning is the trick for me. I do think that portion controlled prepared foods serve their purpose. I have been taking a lean cuisine and an apple to work for lunch nearly every day for the past 8 years (I have maintained a 50 pound weight loss and struggle with the last 15) I never eat out for lunch so I save a ton of money this way. I do save most of my calories for supper...that seems to work for me
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I allocate my calories throughout the day, giving myself approximately 500 calories for each of three meals. I then make choices
    that fit within that allocation. Breakfast, for me, is usually smaller (say 300 calories) so I have more calories available later in the
    day. After several meals that are within your calorie allocation, you begin to get a pretty good idea of how much you should
    be eating.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    edited April 2015
    I eat what I want, within reason, I just make sure I weigh out the portions of each food so I know exactly how much of it I'm eating beforehand. The only things I don't weigh are pre-portioned servings, pre-sliced bread, etc. I'm usually under my calories by at least 100 calories, so there is room for error. But last night I ate pita chips and hummus for dinner, and banana bread. That was what I really wanted, so I was satisfied with a reasonable amount, and didn't feel the need to snack afterward because my cravings were satisfied. :)