Close to goal weight and getting too complacent?

So before I got pregnant with my son almost three years ago, I was about 160 lbs. I gained 30 lbs while pregnant, lost those quickly, and continued to lose weight. I am now 133 lbs, but my ultimate goal is maybe 120-125 range.

However, now that I am so close to my goal weight, I'm not nearly as motivated as I used to be. I find myself going over my calories a lot of days, not enough to gain weight, but I never lose any weight, either. I still WANT to lose weight, but a lot of days I"m like "oh it's no RUSH, no big deal if I just eat this ice cream/candy/snack/whatever."

Anyone else having this issue? How do you stay motivated when you've already come most of the way? I think it's been over a month since I've lost a single pound, and I run 20-25 miles a week so it's certainly not due to lack of exercise... it's all in my eating.


  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Hi hun, If I could give you any advise at all keep in mind that at goal once the little bad habits start its hard to stop lol. I lost alot of weight a few years ago upped my exercise and felt great..had 2 years of maintaining and still exercising.

    Watching what I ate mostly but still treating myself to nice meals and nights out when I wanted to :) injured my knee and the exercise went for 3x a week till 0. Ended up having a small Op on my knee.. Well lets just say I stupidly thought I would keep my new trim figure... It's now gone.

    Im 3st heavier again and feeling grim. It didnt happen over night I was ignorant and got lazy.
    Currently on a get healthy and fit again mission... Get rid of my bouncing belly and get my boingy happy bounce back lol... just been to the gym and now sat enjoying rice cakes!! I deffo think running will help you maintain I was doing about 20km a week. But cant do it now because of my knees. Power walks n Gym n classes. I didnt realise just how much the exercise was keeping my body still okay even though my diet had become crap... You can do it... I wish I had just looked after myself a bit better.... I have undone all my hard work in 18 mths. I have been working full time at a hospital whilst doing a university course so I just couldn't motivate myself. I have been feeling in the dumps for weeks. What do you know 1 week of being healthier and I already feel oodles better :) x
  • Steff46
    Steff46 Posts: 516 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far! I'm in the same boat:( I dropped from 153 to 128 (my goal weight is 120) and for the past month or so I've been playing with the same pound and not lost any. I'm like you and I still exercise like crazy but I guess I have relaxed a bit and eat out a little too often. I really need to get back on the My vacation is coming up in July and I really wanted to be closer to 120.
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    I'm less than 10lbs to my goal weight and been pretty much in maintenance since December. I wanted to head into maintenance mode for the home stretch, but stay just a little under to slowly get those last few pounds off. I seem to have mastered the art of maintenance and bounce up and down in a 5lb range with no true loss since December. I still go to the gm regularly, etc, but am a bit complacent on the calories required to actually lose those last few pounds as well.

    Now spring has finally arrived, I know I'll get more active outside for the next 5 or 6 months and spend less time snacking inside, so I'm shooting to have the last pounds off by October.
  • mandypie92
    mandypie92 Posts: 14 Member
    I have a question for you.. is 133 in the "healthy" weight range for your height? It's possible you've simply found your body's ideal weight, your happy weight.. if you can eat what you want and you're still motivated to exercise, you might just be in a happy maintenance place? Also, maybe take it easy on yourself.. I've been really close to my goal as well and I think putting pressure on myself and telling myself I should be there by now adds unnecessary stress that keeps that weight from dropping
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    mandypie92 wrote: »
    I have a question for you.. is 133 in the "healthy" weight range for your height? It's possible you've simply found your body's ideal weight, your happy weight.. if you can eat what you want and you're still motivated to exercise, you might just be in a happy maintenance place? Also, maybe take it easy on yourself.. I've been really close to my goal as well and I think putting pressure on myself and telling myself I should be there by now adds unnecessary stress that keeps that weight from dropping

    This. Be happy that you found a "sweet spot" where you can maintain your weight with a good mix of exercise and eating the foods you enjoy.

    If you're at a healthy weight, that is all that matters so if you're happy where you are right now, then stay there for awhile. Those last few pounds are for vanity and not for health, right? If you're not quite ready to make the commitment to drop a few more pounds then wait. You're right, there's no rush and there's nothing wrong with taking a break, maintaining your current weight and then starting again later when your motivation returns.