130lb to loose and battle depression

Hey everyone,
Needless to say I need some serious lifestyle changes etc

I have to/want to/need to loose pretty much a fully grown human being so I am looking for people in the same boat or anyone seeking mutual support, share experiences or guide me to groups/discussions to help me in my cause.


  • KLangleydoula
    KLangleydoula Posts: 1,494 Member
    You can do this! Lifestyle change is the key. Feel free to add me!
  • cjr133
    cjr133 Posts: 1
    With the obvious determination u have. You will make far in Weight loss. Good luck :smile:
  • Celticlili
    Celticlili Posts: 11 Member
    Come on you can do it !!!
  • abanks0015
    abanks0015 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat ! I have 100 lbs to loose and i need all the encouragement I can find. I am a chronic dieter, I have recently hired a personal trainer who is also a nutrition expert. Feel free to add me . Its not just about weight loss, its about living the rest of your life.
  • minca1920
    minca1920 Posts: 11 Member
    So very true. I have hid away from life for so long. You guys inspire me!
  • MeganPaige94
    MeganPaige94 Posts: 8 Member
    You've got this! :)
  • BatgirlLifts
    BatgirlLifts Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I suffer from bipolar disorder, with frequent depressive episodes, feel free to add me. I know how hard it can and am back on my journey after gaining 40lb in the last 2 years.

    We can do this. :)
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I lost ~140 lbs and have kept it off since last August. I still struggle with depressive issues as well. Feel free to add me.
  • ironhajee
    ironhajee Posts: 384 Member
    To be honest, you need to tell yourself right this minute this very moment.... It won't be easy. It will require planning, focus and a willigness to stick with the plan. You slacked off enough and now its time to light the fire inside you that is laying dormant! Because you are strong... you are courageous and when a challenge stares you down - you smile and say I accept.

    Plot out a weekly routine and get excited for it! Plan a balance of cardio sessions and weight lifting sessions and as your fitness increases the intensity of these sessions should as well!

    If you can tell yourself this and set the plan in motion -- your mind has already won 50% of the battle! If you ever need some motivation I personally love some of the YouTube videos out there that really get my juices flowing!

    I have lost 30 lbs on my journey and so I know you got what it takes.

    Much Love yo!
    Dont stop till you get enough and then keep goin!

  • Carol_
    Carol_ Posts: 469 Member
    I wish you the best! I think the first 10-15 pounds are the hardest to lose, but you are on the way there! Congrats!
  • Dabblers
    Dabblers Posts: 12 Member
    I too suffer with depression ....please add me if you wish . Let's get a mind and body makeover together
  • Sorchya
    Sorchya Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I posted my initial goal as 75 pounds as I get depressed when I think of having to lose over a hundred pounds. My goal is to get there and then set another goal for the next round. At 5'2" and started at 222, should get down to about 110. I have lost 2 pounds in my first week which if I look at how it compares to the big goal I can get depressed, so I have to look at it by itself. I see a lot of people here have done this. Go for it!
  • ladyashen
    ladyashen Posts: 22 Member
    You can do this! Don't give up. You'll have good days and very bad days, you might even fall off the band wagon, we've all been there but you can do this!
  • cash619
    cash619 Posts: 6 Member

    minca1920 wrote: »
    Hey everyone,
    Needless to say I need some serious lifestyle changes etc

    I have to/want to/need to loose pretty much a fully grown human being so I am looking for people in the same boat or anyone seeking mutual support, share experiences or guide me to groups/discussions to help me in my cause.
    ladyashen wrote: »
    You can do this! Don't give up. You'll have good days and very bad days, you might even fall off the band wagon, we've all been there but you can do this!
    Sorchya wrote: »
    Hi! I posted my initial goal as 75 pounds as I get depressed when I think of having to lose over a hundred pounds. My goal is to get there and then set another goal for the next round. At 5'2" and started at 222, should get down to about 110. I have lost 2 pounds in my first week which if I look at how it compares to the big goal I can get depressed, so I have to look at it by itself. I see a lot of people here have done this. Go for it!

  • alssatter
    alssatter Posts: 9 Member
    Same boat as you I have about 116 lbs. that I want to lose maybe a few more.
  • mmphilma
    mmphilma Posts: 7 Member
    I need to lose 100, please feel free to add me! We could all use some extra motivation! :)

  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    walk. if yu can get to water. go to the water and float. then tread then breast stroke...it takes time
  • brendasharp9801
    brendasharp9801 Posts: 27 Member
    Come on you can do this !!!
  • minca1920
    minca1920 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone, though it is time to revive this post. I have failed yet again in my quest to become healthier. Had a great personal loss and I was soon back where I started and then a few more lbs. I have recently started again and so far lost about 20lbs. I am on a very strict program and it sometimes gets to me, but I had to do something very drastic. Still such a long way to go and some days I still feel like I want to give up and that I do not deserve this. Add me if you have some struggles yourself and also need some support.
  • PinkPixiexox
    PinkPixiexox Posts: 4,142 Member
    minca1920 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, though it is time to revive this post. I have failed yet again in my quest to become healthier. Had a great personal loss and I was soon back where I started and then a few more lbs. I have recently started again and so far lost about 20lbs. I am on a very strict program and it sometimes gets to me, but I had to do something very drastic. Still such a long way to go and some days I still feel like I want to give up and that I do not deserve this. Add me if you have some struggles yourself and also need some support.

    Never give up. I promise you can do this! Hang in there and stay strong :)