Weekends are killing me

Hello guys, I've been using this app on and off for a couple of years now, but this time im really focused. However, it seems like this time the alcohol etc on a weekend are having much more if an effect on my efforts and literally taking me back to square one each week. Anyone else experiencing this? Im 30 m by the way. Mat


  • Vickiangel1003
    Vickiangel1003 Posts: 3 Member
    Alcohol calories really add up fast. Track the alcoholic drinks and see how many calories you're consuming. It is shocking! Have you tried to stop drinking on the weekends? I used to drink every weekend (a long time ago). I would always have a hangover and never go anywhere. It was kinda depressing. It motivated me to stop drinking. When I did I lost weight. Friday nights I would watch movies (mostly horror). Saturday mornings I would get up early and go hiking or just get out. Make a commitment to yourself and stick to it. You can do it!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Find a new activity that doesn't involve drinking. I like to workout on Saturday and Sunday mornings, drinking the night before really puts a damper on my workout:( There are fun things to do besides drink. Watch movies, play music, whatever you like. Otherwise, just make a point to be more active during the day so that you can have calories left for your drinks. Space out drinks with water in between.
  • 88thewinelady
    Drink 2 glasses of wine. Red preferably. It's healthier. Reservatrol. Wine has a nice portion of it. Keeps the blood flowing through your arteries nicely. Mellowing & Relaxing after a weeks worth of work and working out. I have a glass every night myself. Just one. 150 cal. a glass. Weekends it's 2. Downtime! Sip and enjoy!
  • mattyb0ysykes
    mattyb0ysykes Posts: 18 Member
    Knocking the drink on the head at the weekend sounds like a plan, it just seems line every weekend is crammed full if pre-made plans.. Like an everlasting diary of social pleasures ;) maybe time to grow up I suppose. Ah well, goodbye youth, hello temple of a body :smiley:
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    OR... order a drink you really hate. You've got a glass in your hand, it's alcohol (if you aren't quite ready to let it go), but you're not going to be drinking a lot of it. Just don't learn to love it or you'll be back to square one!
  • wullhunter
    wullhunter Posts: 3 Member
    I had the exact same problem with the weekends where I was undoing all my hard work from the week. Repeated this cycle for past few years. Recently tried the 5 2 diet starting in Feb and have lost nearly 15 pounds - down from 223 to 209 in 8 weeks. Mon and Tues I eat only 600 calories then eat normally for the rest of the week and drink beer on the weekend. Exercise 4-5 days a week at the gym. 43 years old. This may not be for everyone but works for me.
  • Keladelphia
    Keladelphia Posts: 820 Member
    I tried the whole weightloss thing for a long time eating exactly within my calorie range and hitting my macros but not counting booze on the weekend and never lost a pound. I cut it out almost entirely and the weight fell off. It sucked but was worth it and now that i've lost the weight I can have a few on on the weekend, count them in and still maintain.
  • FoodFitnessTravel
    FoodFitnessTravel Posts: 294 Member
    Eat light at dinner, always include some protein and fat, and drink uncomplicated drinks. They have less calories, light beer, wine, vodka and diet cranberry juice is my fav.
    You gotta have fun but don't get trashed. Avoiding alcohol completely is not a way to live life (i'm a college student).
    NO DRUNK EATING. Drink a lot of water before going to bed. Get back on track the next day. Dance all night-only if you like dancing. But don't stress about it, you gotta have fun and a fun night out can be as much as 500 cals, totally worth it to me.
  • lauren_gibbons
    lauren_gibbons Posts: 61 Member
    I found that the issue wasn't really the alcohol itself but the food I ate when drunk or hungover. I cut out beer as much as possible as the calories are crazy however will happily enjoy a fair amount of JD and diet cokes or Vodka Soda Water Fresh Lime which only come to 50 - 60 cals per drink which is nothing. I also make sure that I stay away from fast foods on the night and the next day try and go back to healthy eating and get some kind of exercise in. Good luck!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    edited April 2015
    Knocking the drink on the head at the weekend sounds like a plan, it just seems line every weekend is crammed full if pre-made plans.. Like an everlasting diary of social pleasures ;) maybe time to grow up I suppose. Ah well, goodbye youth, hello temple of a body :smiley:
    Meh, I still make drinks fits, lots.

    Friday I had a whole bottle of wine. :drinker:

    You just have to make it fit. Eat less a couple days during the week to make up for the weekend if you know you're going to be drinking more.

    No need to cut things out completely, just leads to binging in the future!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    OR... order a drink you really hate. You've got a glass in your hand, it's alcohol (if you aren't quite ready to let it go), but you're not going to be drinking a lot of it. Just don't learn to love it or you'll be back to square one!
    Why the heck would anyone do this? Waste money on something they don't like.

    Drink the alcohols, make them fit and be mindful of what you're consuming.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    Drinking calories is never a good idea.

    Weekends is a killer for me as well. I find that if I keep myself busy with planned activities (running, biking, taking the kids to the park, chores, etc.), I tend to control my eating better.
  • Showtime1978
    Showtime1978 Posts: 109 Member
    Maybe don't "pre-make" plans that involve alcohol OR limit your consumption of it by pre-logging it and sticking to your plan. Also, limiting alcohol is not saying goodbye to your youth...if you actually believe that then there may be some other issues at play here.
  • mattyb0ysykes
    mattyb0ysykes Posts: 18 Member
    Some great advise here guys, thank you all for your time.
  • marshallpotter1
    marshallpotter1 Posts: 4 Member
    I do this all the time man. I'm 40, and train hard/ eat right 5 days a week... then I enjoy the weekend. Every so often, I go "clean" for a few weeks- no alcohol, no sugar, etc. Once the pounds drop back down, I go back to my old habits. It happens. You got to live life. Just make sure it's all in moderation.
  • adam4eyes
    adam4eyes Posts: 21 Member
    Adan here, 33 from LB. I hear you on alcohol, I like to drink but I've noticed if I drink the night before a work out I don't perform as well so I've cut back. I try not to drink Friday night because I have bootcamp the following morning. I make Saturday my cheat day and after bootcamp I eat and drink whatever I want for that day. I try and stick to wine because it's the better alternative but that doesn't mean I don't have all the other stuff too, I do, just not as much. I also don't drink on school nights like I used to, it took some time to get used to but after a month of doing it I was ok. Everyone's different, this may or may not work for you, but you'll never know unless you give it a shot. Good luck with everything dude!
  • charleyDW
    Gin and slimline tonic tall glass lots of ice lasts longer that's not my problem it's the takeaway after the drinking session whoops
  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    Pretty simple. Stop drinking for awhile and see what happens
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    wils5150 wrote: »
    Pretty simple. Stop drinking for awhile and see what happens

    Don't do this. Also, don't order drinks you don't like. Make your drinks fit into your day.
  • MrMike79
    MrMike79 Posts: 17 Member
    I stopped going out with my friends as much. Too much alcohol and fried food. Having a new baby gives me a reason to stay home too. Or is that a reason not to be home? Ha!