35lb weight loss goal

Hello everyone! I'm sorta new to my fitness pal (I've been lurking around since the beginning of the year but havent committed to weight loss. Its now April 14th and I haven't loss a pound since January because I've been lazy honestly. Not to bore anyone but I'm honestly pushing as of TODAY to lose 35lbs by August 14th. I am currently 185lbs and 5.7" in height (the biggest I've even been). I honestly need the motivation, exercise tips, meal tips and support from those who can relate to where I am.


  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    Feel free to add me....I'm here everyday. I have 52lbs more to go...so far I've lost 34 lbs
  • KellyDean242
    KellyDean242 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks goingtobefit! 34lbs is alot of weight, conrgats to you! I'm sure you feel awesome. Can you share some of the things you did? I plan to start walking in the evenings when after I leave work.
  • donut0420
    donut0420 Posts: 44 Member
    Feel free to add me too Kelly. I can always use more support and motivation!
  • wathjo1
    wathjo1 Posts: 106 Member
    I am looking to lose about the same amount of weight! I have been at a stand still lately, but that probably has to do with all of the family and office parties that seem to keep popping up! Trying to get more active and pay attention to what I put in my mouth. I think I need to break down and get a food scale. I read today that some people underestimate what they eat by 600 calories a day! GAH!
  • KellyDean242
    KellyDean242 Posts: 15 Member
    Cool! Is my weightloss goal realistic? I do not want to set an unrealistic goal. Weekends btw are the hardest to stay on tract.
  • KellyDean242
    KellyDean242 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Wathjo1, I see youve lost 6lbs? How did you do it? I need tips jump starting my journey.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    OP, sorry to say but your goal is not realistic. I'm not saying you can't lose 35 pounds. But to pressure yourself to do it in 4 months is counterproductive. I would suggest taking time out of your goal. If you want to focus on time, cut the weight to 20 pounds. If you lose more, I'm sure you won't mind. If you set a large goal and don't meet it, you'll get discouraged.
    Ultimately, we have to keep in mind that goals are just there to encourage us. It doesn't really change how we lose weight. Always set the goal lower so you can feet it's obtainable.
  • ecte4
    ecte4 Posts: 1
    Kelly- we sound exactly the same! I also weigh 185, am 5'7 and hope to lose at least 40 lbs. I had my fourth baby a year ago, and can't seem to lose all of this baby weight! I started getting serious yesterday but always lose my motivation after a week or two! Add me if you'd like, and we can motivate each other!
  • Headtothemountains
    Headtothemountains Posts: 36 Member
    You can add me :) I have 30 lbs more till my goal and I plan to hit it in August as well!
  • Hi! I'm the same height (5'7") and have a similar weight loss goal. I actually need to lose about 50lbs total - I'm 201.6lbs - my highest weight ever. I have 3 kids (my oldest just turned 5 and the twins just turned 3). Most of my weight is in my stomach area. Sad to say, I still look pregnant 3 years later. My husband tells me I'm too concerned about my weight, but I've never been this big in my life. I've always been thin - around 155 so that's the weight I would like to get back to. I've been on MFP a while but never seriously and never consistent. This time I'm serious. A major problem for me is that I don't get enough sleep. I stay at home with the kids so I've been doing some at home workouts. Right now, I'm on the 30 day shred and I like it. I also take a zumba class a couple times each week. It's fun but I just need to look at that as "extra". I'd like to lose the 50lbs by next year this time. I just started reading the forums to get added motivation. Feel free to add me, I don't have many friends on here other than family members. Let's do this! :)
  • metalmaiden17
    metalmaiden17 Posts: 36 Member
    edited April 2015
    Go ahead and add me too! I am also a repeat offender (as in I start, quit, and start and quit...) but I have found that since being more active in the online community here that I have been doing much better and finally beat my first goal of 165lbs (currently 164.4 and 5'4"), and am on to the next one! I love seeing my online friends hit their targets too and seeing what works for them!
  • KellyDean242
    KellyDean242 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi again everyone! So good to know that people understand where I am! I really hope to do this. @SHUMLYENG I'm really hoping to lose 20lbs by then. If I get to the 35lbs mark it would be great. I'm just thinking if I could constistingly lose 2lbs per week, then in 15 weeks I would atleast lose 30 of my 35. In the end, I just want to lose weight, the healthy way and if I happen to set unrealistic goals, I'm expecting persons like yourself to offer tips, guidance and support.
  • N3rdyBird_
    N3rdyBird_ Posts: 98 Member
    Feel free to add me. I have 20-25lbs to go! I'm always on :D
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I just lost 15lbs (Started in Feb) and have another 25 to go... but I try not to think about that. I only concentrate on the next 7 or 8 lbs at a time.

    I agree that setting a deadline for yourself isn't a good idea...no need to set two goals, just one, the weight you'd like to lose, is pressure enough! And as long as you stay the course, you will get there.

    Im pretty strict with myself about 90% of the time..the other 10% is flexibility for being a human being =) and Ive lost an average 1.5 lbs since starting. BUT I also know from everything Ive read on the forums that as time goes on, weight loss slows...so I dont expect that I will see that type of loss all the way to the end. What matters most to me is that I keep progressing.
  • Kphenderson
    Kphenderson Posts: 60 Member
    I have a little more to lose than 35 but anyone can feel free to add me! I will support and help as much as I can. We all can do this!!!
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    I'm with @shmulyeng. I' think that 30 pounds is probably not realistic. You didn't gain 30lbs in 4 months most likely so expecting to lose it in that period of time is probably not possible. I lost 35lbs for all of last year and I still have 35 more to go. But doing the weight loss thing slowly isn't all bad. I'm not starving (cause I get to eat more) and I'm finding exercises I actually like.

    Without a time frame, I also occasionally eat at maintenance for a week or two if life gets hectic. Which is does with my two toddlers. If you want to keep the weight off once you lose it you are making a life time commitment. S,o I kinda feel like there is no rush as I'm putting in place changes that will last a life time.
  • SDB210
    SDB210 Posts: 100 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm sorta new to my fitness pal (I've been lurking around since the beginning of the year but havent committed to weight loss. Its now April 14th and I haven't loss a pound since January because I've been lazy honestly. Not to bore anyone but I'm honestly pushing as of TODAY to lose 35lbs by August 14th. I am currently 185lbs and 5.7" in height (the biggest I've even been). I honestly need the motivation, exercise tips, meal tips and support from those who can relate to where I am.

    Hi, we have very close starting weights and goals. I started on jan 5th with a SW of 187, and a GW of 153 (so 34 lbs). I'm 14 weeks in and my current weight is 158... 29 lbs lost and only 5 to go. So your goal isn't impossible. Having said that I didn't give myself a deadline it's just kinda happened that way.
    I gave myself around 10 mini goals and have quite enjoyed ticking them off along the way ! :smiley:

  • Feel free to add me too KellyDean242. I am weigh the same and would like to lose 40 lbs. I just started back here on MFP yesterday. Tracking what I'm eating so not to overeat, making sure I have enough water, and getting at least 30 mins of exercise daily is what I'm going to concentrate on. I'm sure we can all support each other with tips and motivation! We can do this! :)
  • Hayer1
    Hayer1 Posts: 18 Member
    You can certainly add me! I was 185 and 5'7 (still am that height -haha), and I lost about the same amount of weight you want to lose - 40 pounds. I did it in about 5 months. I've gained about 8 back over the winter and I'm back on track to get to my December (and lowest)weight. I run, spin and track my meals!
  • KellyDean242
    KellyDean242 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all for commenting and adding me to your network! So appreciate it! @stepherz84 so my goal is realistic? yay! lol I will accept whatever I lose and will pace myself. You certainly are where I want to be, wish I had joined this network sooner. Congrats to you! @CarmelitaMingoTucker will add you! Lets do this! @Hayer1 amazing! Congrats to you as well! From what I've seen via this thread, weightloss is possible, just have to keep trying and have a great support team. Thank you so much! I'm off now for a 5mile walk.