why are YOU losing weight?!



  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    Vanity. Also I run to "run away" from depression & anxiety.
  • kettouji
    kettouji Posts: 16 Member
    I want to lose weight so I can start adding some serious muscle definition. Lose the fat, then put on the bulk. Yes, please.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    I feel better when I look better and to me thin is better. I'm sorry if that sounds judgmental.
  • AdamImadA
    AdamImadA Posts: 74 Member
    To get off of blood pressure meds and have a normal fasting blood glucose.
  • kaylas1114
    kaylas1114 Posts: 5 Member
    98% to set a good example for my kids and be able to keep up with them and 2% vanity (maybe a little more vanity than I'd like to admit) :)
  • Solamer
    Solamer Posts: 67 Member
    pure vanity. I'm a healthy weight atm and my goal weight is healthy too, just smaller. My main goals are lowering BF and getting stronger. I'm ok if the scale goes up.
  • deathninja82
    deathninja82 Posts: 108 Member
    Now I'm back running, to help my pace.

    Also I'm ugly *kitten*, no sense being fat on top of that
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    edited April 2015
    1. Health. At my age all those "risk factors" start to become real.
    2. Pain. When I was 70lbs heavier everything hurt. I want to avoid that.
    3. Strength. I like to be strong. It makes me feel bad a.s.s.
    4. Vanity. My hot bikini days are behind me, but I want to look "dayummmm" for an old lady. :p;)
  • JenniferInCt
    JenniferInCt Posts: 431 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    When I was at goal 08-11. I felt amazing. Now at 42 started up 55 lbs fom goal ( out of 75 ttl I lost) I had been plannung on getting back at it for awhile. Had a night where I felt like crap including and odd feeling in my chest. Started to worry so texted my kido who was on a trip with his dad (my ex) "just in case". That was 22 days ago. Lost over 11 pounds and have run every day since. I am back to between 4.5 and 5 miles a day.

    I really wish that was the end of my story. But it isn't.
    This sat at 76 my dad suddenly had a heart attack and died. My brother the doctor is confindent that it was a result of his weight that caused type 2 diabeties and hyper tenstion. My dad was very actvive often walking 3-4 miles a day with my parents dogs and golfed. He ran marathons till 50.He never smoked and didn't drink every. But he was morbidly obese for the last 20 years from strait old fashion crappy eatting and too much of it since 50. We all figured the fitness would overcome the crappy eating and morbid obesity. It didn't and we are all crushed. I now know that taking off this weight and keeping it off is truly a matter of life and death for me.
    I am so sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
  • Naptownbabi
    Naptownbabi Posts: 256 Member
    Lower my blood pressure, health, to be more acive with my kids. And of course incase the Zombie apocalypse happens I'll have my cardio game up to be able to flee.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    I have autoimmune arthritis. Losing weight and exercising are two of the most effective ways of dealing with that.
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    When I was at goal 08-11. I felt amazing. Now at 42 started up 55 lbs fom goal ( out of 75 ttl I lost) I had been plannung on getting back at it for awhile. Had a night where I felt like crap including and odd feeling in my chest. Started to worry so texted my kido who was on a trip with his dad (my ex) "just in case". That was 22 days ago. Lost over 11 pounds and have run every day since. I am back to between 4.5 and 5 miles a day.

    I really wish that was the end of my story. But it isn't.
    This sat at 76 my dad suddenly had a heart attack and died. My brother the doctor is confindent that it was a result of his weight that caused type 2 diabeties and hyper tenstion. My dad was very actvive often walking 3-4 miles a day with my parents dogs and golfed. He ran marathons till 50.He never smoked and didn't drink every. But he was morbidly obese for the last 20 years from strait old fashion crappy eatting and too much of it since 50. We all figured the fitness would overcome the crappy eating and morbid obesity. It didn't and we are all crushed. I now know that taking off this weight and keeping it off is truly a matter of life and death for me.

    @Vixenmd1 , I'm very sorry for your loss. :(
  • IAmTheGlue
    IAmTheGlue Posts: 701 Member
    My Dad died of Congestive Heart Failure almost 3 years ago. At the time I was going through testing with a cardiologist and he said that my heart may only be able to effectively support maybe 130-140 pounds and I was 314. :/

    I've lost and regained since then. My mom is 70, morbidly obese, in poor health and can barely get around. If she sits in a regular dining room chair she says "how am I going to get up from here?"

    In January, I had a breast cancer scare and at the dr I weighed 300. Geez. At around the same time, I realized that I was having trouble standing smoothly from squatting down and it clicked.. I'm turning into my parents. Unacceptable! I will not allow that to happen to me.

    I got a fitbit scale & the fitbit charge hr February 19th. I weighed in at 268 this morning. I'm not stopping until I see 130 & then I'm heading back to the cardiologist. If I look better at the end, awesome! :) but my weight loss is about health and fitness.
  • Tweakfish
    Tweakfish Posts: 93 Member
    For confidence. Would also like a boyfriend.
  • noclady1995
    noclady1995 Posts: 452 Member
    To be more healthy and fit. To look better. To feel better. It'll be one less thing I have to stress about when I'm maintaining weight, rather than going to figure out how to lose it.
  • allyxnatara11
    allyxnatara11 Posts: 74 Member
    IAmTheGlue wrote: »
    My Dad died of Congestive Heart Failure almost 3 years ago. At the time I was going through testing with a cardiologist and he said that my heart may only be able to effectively support maybe 130-140 pounds and I was 314. :/

    I've lost and regained since then. My mom is 70, morbidly obese, in poor health and can barely get around. If she sits in a regular dining room chair she says "how am I going to get up from here?"

    In January, I had a breast cancer scare and at the dr I weighed 300. Geez. At around the same time, I realized that I was having trouble standing smoothly from squatting down and it clicked.. I'm turning into my parents. Unacceptable! I will not allow that to happen to me.

    I got a fitbit scale & the fitbit charge hr February 19th. I weighed in at 268 this morning. I'm not stopping until I see 130 & then I'm heading back to the cardiologist. If I look better at the end, awesome! :) but my weight loss is about health and fitness.

    I'm so sorry for your loss! Good luck with your weight loss journey! 32 pounds is a great accomplishment!!
  • ladywanderlust
    ladywanderlust Posts: 7 Member
    To be honest: because I want to challenge myself and see what I can do. I've been chubby since puberty-- not more than a few pounds overweight, but certainly pudgy (I averaged around 167-170 pounds at 5'7). I've always had a lack of confidence in my appearance, despite having lots of confidence in other aspects of my life. My legs store fat disproportionately, and as I result I have always had very thick calves. Throughout my teenage years and into college, I refused to bare my legs under any circumstances-- no shorts, dresses without tights, or bathing suits. But now I figure that instead of whining about all the things I don't like about my body, I can work to change it. Maybe I will never have stick-thin legs, even at my goal weight, but what's the harm in seeing what happens as the weight comes off? I'll never know if I never try. I am young and healthy and I have the resources-- if not now, then when? Many of my older female relatives are overweight or obese and all but one of my grandparents died at a very young age due to living an unhealthy lifestyle. I want to make the change as early in my life as I can.

    I have faith in myself. Since starting to eat better and exercise more nearly three months ago, I have lost over 10 pounds. I haven't noticed much of an outward change yet, but I love the way healthy eating and exercise make me feel. It's helped me relax through what would otherwise be a very stressful time: writing my graduate thesis and trying to find a job. It's a constant presence in my life, and I know that no matter what happens, I have the ability to achieve continued success with my weight loss goals.

    (There's really nothing like BodyCombat for when you just HAVE to take out your frustrations about the way school work is going!)
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Health first and foremost! My father passed away from a heart attack last year. He was only 65. His weight and seriously high stress levels took a big toll. I'm doing what I can to manage my own stress (ongoing struggle), and being a healthy weight is a major priority for me.

    Not that far behind health for reasons is vanity. And third is practicality- I have a closet full of really fancy clothes that are all a size too small, and I can't afford to replace them!
  • Ameengyrl
    Ameengyrl Posts: 127 Member
    To be able to run better than I ever have (remember losing a cross country race in HS... I mean came in dead last. Was my first race but really sucked) and to be comfy with my size. And to wear jeans again without worrying about my fat rolling them down.
  • KingofWisdom
    KingofWisdom Posts: 229 Member
    To better my health and to feel comfortable in my own skin. I'm doing this for me and no one else.