Looking for friends with similar goals (female only please)

looking to lose about 50 pounds . Im 18 . Feel free to add me.


  • Lol. I'm 58 and have battled weight my whole life. Do it now, learn new habits and figure out a comfort that isn't food, alcohol or drugs. You'll do great in life!
  • crystaldavis0430
    crystaldavis0430 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi my name is crystal and I'm also 18. I'm trying to lose 20 pounds. Feel free to add me because I'm not sure how to work this app. I've just downloaded it today!
  • girlyme514
    girlyme514 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am 31 and want to lose about 55 pounds. I am also new to this app. Feel free to add me too. :-)
  • I joined yesterday I find it difficult to keep motivated I want to lose around 20lbs too, but also tone up alot aswell. Feel free to add me I'm 22
  • prettygirlstorm1
    prettygirlstorm1 Posts: 721 Member
    Hi I'm Vada 48 have about 30 pounds i would like to lose. Staying motivated has been hard for me over the last 5 years. Trying to make this my last time and keeping the weight off for good. Feel free to add me maybe we all can motivate each other