Emotional Eating

Take a minute and write about the emotional connected with overeating.


  • richbrenton
    richbrenton Posts: 13 Member
    Eating is an emotional state for me; it is a comfortable place I go when I feel stressed, and life has plenty of stress. I am hoping that by writing about it I can begin to identify, for myself, the emotions associated with overeating. Maybe it can help others. What are some of your emotional triggers?
  • PamH_8807
    PamH_8807 Posts: 25 Member
    Stress and anxiety
  • tlh68
    tlh68 Posts: 25 Member
    I agree! Stress and anxiety. I always reach for food to calm my nerves.
  • TinamarZDF
    TinamarZDF Posts: 58 Member
    edited April 2015
    Boredom, happiness, stress, anxiety, being tired. Everything is associated with eating, for me.
  • Not being able to control the outcome or change a situation. New situations, sadness, loneliness, boredom, frustration.
  • Habit of eating at certain times, functions, events.
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    I am a complete emotional eater... Raised in an Italian Family, we always cooked enough food for an Army, we ate when we were happy, we ate when we are sad... everything always revolved around food. Sick, eat... bored, eat... eat eat eat eat!!! Slowly trying to change my mindset about food. One day at a time... ;)
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    When my resistance is low I am less likely to resist poor choices.
    I release a lot of anger through chewing.
    I try and drown out my day through mindless activity, including eating.
  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    tlh68 wrote: »
    I agree! Stress and anxiety. I always reach for food to calm my nerves.

    This made me gain 60lbs.

  • starbucktigh
    starbucktigh Posts: 170 Member
    Stress, anxiety, celebration, anticipation, boredom.
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    sometimes its one thing. something upset me, I'm bored, lonely, etc. or it can be a combo of things going on that leads me to poor food choices.
  • cj94404
    cj94404 Posts: 154 Member
    Anxiety, boredom, fear of change. I can still remember the massive bowl of rice and beans I hugged in my lap when my mom was in a coma. Best food memories are from camping when you earn it.
  • richbrenton
    richbrenton Posts: 13 Member
    Ok, thanks for the feedback. I agree with everyone; eating is my basic response to to life. So here I go again, looking to lose weight and thinking "how will it be different this time?" Does anyone have any suggestions on how to identify the emotions which are the triggers, and then how to change those feelings around?
  • beamer0821
    beamer0821 Posts: 488 Member
    edited April 2015
    @richbrenton when i find myself reaching for something that isn't healthy that i just have.to.have. or I'm fighting with myself constantly in my head to choose the healthier option to eat. that for me is a red flag to ask "what is going on" emotionally. start there. awareness is step one. and the more you become aware of when eating healthy becomes difficult you'll start to realize, "I'm bored" "I'm tired" "I'm upset" sometimes it can even be something from the day before!
    practice awareness when you eat. you will start to learn about yourself and how you make food choices. this has been key for me.

    you can even start by checking in with yourself every time you eat. how are you feeling?
  • richbrenton
    richbrenton Posts: 13 Member
    awesome thank you so much for that great feedback
  • Edwardshar
    Edwardshar Posts: 271 Member
    not eating makes me emotional or hangry! :(
  • richbrenton
    richbrenton Posts: 13 Member
    Not eating makes me hungry. When I feel emotional I often turn to eating. They seem to be mutually exclusive for me.
  • Amyeeeeeee
    Amyeeeeeee Posts: 93 Member
    The only positive thing I've done today was logging in my food and not losing it when once again I ate 500 calories over my 1640 goal
  • taylori716
    taylori716 Posts: 10 Member
    After restricting/resisting foods all day; and getting home exhausted, I tend to mindlessly eat to "reward" myself for getting thru the day.
  • adriat
    adriat Posts: 49 Member
    Emotions = food for me. You name the emotion...and there is a go to food. I hate it!!