20 somethings with 50 + lbs to lose!

I'm back onto MFP as I need to get motivated, and I am sure calorie counting is the best way to go, not slimming clubs which I just don't stick to!
I have 4 stone I'd like to shift, (56lbs)
Add me if you have a similar goal, so we can motivate each other! :D
Good luck everyone


  • Railuki
    Railuki Posts: 5
    I have about 9 stone to shift, I want to get to around 12st then decide if I need to lose more. I know that about 12 is fairly healthy for me. So, it's more than double what you have to lose, but you said "+"!

    I did this manually about 4 years ago and I was at my healthiest. I want to go back to that.

    My aim for right now is pretty slow. Get used to doing about 20 minutes of cardio, do some strength training and keep an eye on what I am eating. I want to enjoy my weight loss because it makes it easier. So, even while keeping an eye on what I am eating, I want to finish my birthday cake and the coke in the house.

    I did my first 20 minutes today and I got pretty demotivated. because I am so unfit and I am pretty flat footed my legs and back cramped up. My aim was to jog for the first 30 seconds of each song and be out for 30 minutes. Starting to thing that is unrealistic but after browsing a bit I have decided that being out for 10 minutes is easy. I'll do as much of the 30 seconds per song as I can before I cramp up and I should increase my stamina. But it really made me realise that I need outside motivation, even if it's to re-evaluate my expectations and make them more realistic!
  • daisy_janinex
    daisy_janinex Posts: 20 Member
    12 stone is what I want to be! :) I haven't exercised in years, I am really unfit, and I want to start!
  • Railuki
    Railuki Posts: 5
    We can help each other out! :)
    I need help with forcing myself to exercise and, when the time comes, giving up stuff like Chocolate and coke.
    Like I said though, first couple of days I'm not worrying too much, even if I go over my calorie intake. I want to see how much I eat just by keeping an eye on things (Although I have already significantly reduced the coke I'd have drank XD) while stuff leaves the house. Then I can see the impact of cutting stuff out clearer, which should help motivate me to keep it cut out!

    Exercise is hard. I've always really hated it with the exception of the cross trainer. Unfortunately I can't afford the gym and no space for one which is why I want to get into running/ walking. Slowly prepare for the zombie apocalypse!

    I noticed that you were in the UK too, where are you from?
  • daisy_janinex
    daisy_janinex Posts: 20 Member
    Sorry only just seen this! I'm the same, logging a few days on how I'd eat normally and OMG!! No wonder I'm fat haha.
    I'm from Devon, you? :)
  • Songbirdie90
    Songbirdie90 Posts: 35 Member
    Hi all i have been on and off this so long but today is the first time i've weighed myself in a couple of months and i am now 15 stone, i was 12st 4 this time last year so am pretty down right now. I have thrown out all the junk in my house and am planning meals for the next couple of weeks. I am determined to get to 10st 8, im not sure if thats too low for my height (5ft 7) but i am looking forward to finally sticking to this :)
  • Halidowns
    Halidowns Posts: 2 Member
    Hey guys, I also would like to get to around 11-12st and I'm at 17st now. I've just started with mfp so in still learning all the spots on here. I'm trying to stick to a 1400 calories a day plus 30min exercise everyday . While some days I will do a Zumba class or yoga and other days may be a busy day with no exercise I'm trying to balance it all out.
    I would really like to help out motivating as well as getting a kick in the *kitten* when I need it as well.