Any Diabetics Out There???



  • Bethannny
    Bethannny Posts: 66
    I'm type one diabetic! I was diagnosed when I was ten. I've just been eating under 1500 calories (with lots of healthy food, especially fruit), and I've been working out for about 45 minutes everyday. It's been working great for me so far! I've noticed that the less I eat and the more I exercise, the the less amount of insulin I need to give myself, and insulin is rumored to make you gain weight. But, I always wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning with low blood sugars, which is probably the worst thing. I usually don't track the calories I drink or eat to bring my blood sugar up on here. :p
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I am a T2 Diabetic. I had a heart attack two years ago (at 36!) by not taking care of it and letting it get out of control. I blog here about my process and dealings with Diabetes now. I took to following the Diabetic Exchange program (1800 cal diet) I lowered my carb/fat intake. I dropped all junk and fast food. I exercise 4 days a week. And I moved my A1C from a 9.7 to a 6.6! I eat 5 times a day and snack on healthy foods. I didn't do anything drastic. And all the foods I love to eat, I just found a way to make Diabetic friendly. We can't eat or do fad diets like other people. You sort of have to be a food chemist. I learned what my body could handle by the test adjust test method. I started testing before my meals. Then two hours after. This way I learned what carb count my body could handle without going nuts on the bg. After a good two weeks of doing this I was able to find some valuable information about what kind of carbs I can handle and not.

    I too get lows after workouts even when I am careful. I try to eat a good hearty portion of fat and carbs right before I work out to get me through the hour of swimming. Man, swimming sucks up all your energy! I also try to have a snack directly after. But I do tend to crash sometimes simply because I do try to control my bg tightly.
  • dyan983
    dyan983 Posts: 3 Member
    I am also Type 1- it is super frustrating to lose weight! I have always fluxuated with my weight and my sugars. But I think the key is to not get frustrated and stay consistent with diet and exercise ;) We just take a longer time to lose weight
  • zimmebre
    zimmebre Posts: 1
    I'm a type 1 diabetic and I've been using the pump for over 10 years. I now also utilize a CGM. My A1Cs were always higher than what I expected. I was testing 8-10 times a day and my readings were generally pretty good. With the CGM I was able to see the ups and downs that my finger sticks were missing. I've also discovered that my body utilizes insulin very differently depending on the time of day. So if I would take 4 units in the morning for x carbs, I would only need 2.5 for the x number of carbs in the evening. it isn't so hard to get an A1C that isn't optimal, even if you test often. I love my CGM.
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