Gaining weight but doing everything right?



  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    A short term weight gain could easily be water weight. From sodium, TOM/hormones, stress, change in fitness routine, etc. The best course of action may be to keep doing as you are, but give it 6-8 weeks to form a trend.
  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    So, alliesgettinghealthy, where did you get your medical degree from?
    Your entire post was pretty much you ranting about how you don't like that I said gluten allergy. And honestly that doesn't help my weight loss journey at all. Gluten is WHEAT, Barley and Rye. So gluten pretty much is wheat. And the definition of allergy is "A damaging immune response by the body to a substance."
    So, yeah, gluten allergy fits. Don't get your panties in a wad just because you don't like the way someone puts something, I didn't ask for you to explain what Celiac Disease is. I asked about why I was gaining weight. You're implying pretty much that I'm an idiot because I said "gluten allergy". If that's totally incorrect then why does the licensed physician that I go to call it that?

    I've used other sites to calculate how much I burn. I've used I think 4 different ones and they all gave me a BMR of between 1,800 - 2,000. So I'm going with 1,800. If I have a deficit of 600 and then I burn 200 a day then that's a weekly deficit of 5,600. I should be losing at least 1 lb - 1.5 lbs a week, at least. But I'm not. I'm gaining.

    And oh my God someone seriously thinks I have severe emotional issues with food? LOL. That's hilarious, good one. I'm just a person trying to feel better and be healthier and also lose weight so that makes me crazy? I had a bad day yesterday, I was tired and upset because I had a goal that I wanted to reach and despite trying so hard I didn't reach it and that upset me. Am I not allowed to have a bad day?? I'm so so terribly sorry for having a crappy day.

    Honestly guys, I barely eat. I have some 2 eggs or 1 apple in the morning, for lunch I either eat 1-2 pieces of chicken or a 240 calories salad, and for dinner I have vegetables like 1/3 cup corn, some carrots and some green beans or something like that. If I snack it's a piece of fruit or a granola bar. And the stuff I do eat I don't eat a lot of at all. It isn't possible for me to be going over my calories so much that I've gained this much weight. I may be off by 100-200 at the absolute very most but that's it. I don't barely eat because I have a mental issue, it's just because since I cant/don't eat junk food and such I don't love stuff like vegetables or get all excited about eating them so I don't eat a whole lot because I'm not a huge fan of it. I will occasionally have a binge day if I'm feeling bad or during PMS but that's every other week and really all I do is eat a few pieces of candy or some french fries.

    I didn't join this site to be judged... you all pretty much tear down any confidence or willpower I have by being so rude and judgemental. I just asked a question.. I was having a rough day looking for some support and some answers and all I get are people telling me I'm crazy and need professional help or that I'm pretty much stupid because they think I'm doing something wrong and calling my doctors hack jobs. Seriously guys? Yeah, A+, I hope you feel happy about the way you act.

  • Shaystays
    Shaystays Posts: 34
    And no, not all of you were rude. Some of you were very nice and helpful and I appreciate that. I came here for help and so those of you that did, thank you.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Shaystays wrote: »
    I've used other sites to calculate how much I burn. I've used I think 4 different ones and they all gave me a BMR of between 1,800 - 2,000.

    You're not using them right. I'm a 6-foot-plus male and my BMR is only 1900ish.

    So your numbers are off from the start - don't use BMR calculators unless they take into account body fat percentage or you will get significant over-estimates.

    Honestly guys, I barely eat.

    Open your diary.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Either, your written down estimates are overestimated or your cals burnts are overestimated or a combination of the two.

    Also, 7 day rolling average of weight will even out the fluctuations.

    As well as that, take pics and measurements as scales only tell you total mass not what it is comprised of.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T. I time my exercising and calculate my pace (MPH) then use the MFP log to see how many calories I burned.

    Why are you using MFP if you rarely log? That's what MFP is all about ... logging your food.

    For the next 2 weeks, try logging everything you eat ... absolutely everything. Be meticulous about it. Be accurate. Note that not all the food choices that come up on MFP are accurate, so you will need to check and double check. Compare what's on MFP with what's on the package or with what's on another site like Nutrition Data to be sure. Weigh everything.

  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T.

    Well that makes it easy - you're eating more than you think.

    Start logging.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T.

    Well that makes it easy - you're eating more than you think.

    Start logging.

    yep, seems to be this. Pretty simples :smile:

  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    If that's all you're eating maybe that's the problem? It really doesn't seem like enough food.
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member
    Shaystays wrote: »
    So, alliesgettinghealthy, where did you get your medical degree from?
    Your entire post was pretty much you ranting about how you don't like that I said gluten allergy. And honestly that doesn't help my weight loss journey at all. Gluten is WHEAT, Barley and Rye. So gluten pretty much is wheat. And the definition of allergy is "A damaging immune response by the body to a substance."
    So, yeah, gluten allergy fits. Don't get your panties in a wad just because you don't like the way someone puts something, I didn't ask for you to explain what Celiac Disease is. I asked about why I was gaining weight. You're implying pretty much that I'm an idiot because I said "gluten allergy". If that's totally incorrect then why does the licensed physician that I go to call it that?

    I've used other sites to calculate how much I burn. I've used I think 4 different ones and they all gave me a BMR of between 1,800 - 2,000. So I'm going with 1,800. If I have a deficit of 600 and then I burn 200 a day then that's a weekly deficit of 5,600. I should be losing at least 1 lb - 1.5 lbs a week, at least. But I'm not. I'm gaining.

    And oh my God someone seriously thinks I have severe emotional issues with food? LOL. That's hilarious, good one. I'm just a person trying to feel better and be healthier and also lose weight so that makes me crazy? I had a bad day yesterday, I was tired and upset because I had a goal that I wanted to reach and despite trying so hard I didn't reach it and that upset me. Am I not allowed to have a bad day?? I'm so so terribly sorry for having a crappy day.

    Honestly guys, I barely eat. I have some 2 eggs or 1 apple in the morning, for lunch I either eat 1-2 pieces of chicken or a 240 calories salad, and for dinner I have vegetables like 1/3 cup corn, some carrots and some green beans or something like that. If I snack it's a piece of fruit or a granola bar. And the stuff I do eat I don't eat a lot of at all. It isn't possible for me to be going over my calories so much that I've gained this much weight. I may be off by 100-200 at the absolute very most but that's it. I don't barely eat because I have a mental issue, it's just because since I cant/don't eat junk food and such I don't love stuff like vegetables or get all excited about eating them so I don't eat a whole lot because I'm not a huge fan of it. I will occasionally have a binge day if I'm feeling bad or during PMS but that's every other week and really all I do is eat a few pieces of candy or some french fries.

    I didn't join this site to be judged... you all pretty much tear down any confidence or willpower I have by being so rude and judgemental. I just asked a question.. I was having a rough day looking for some support and some answers and all I get are people telling me I'm crazy and need professional help or that I'm pretty much stupid because they think I'm doing something wrong and calling my doctors hack jobs. Seriously guys? Yeah, A+, I hope you feel happy about the way you act.

    You seem awfully defensive. I didn't really see any post here that warranted this kind of response. Honestly, this post is the rudest post in the thread. The others were just trying to give you advice. And if you really are eating that little and not losing, maybe you should consult a nutritionist or doctor. Chances are you are eating more than you think, but since you don't like that advice, maybe consult a professional rather than people on a forum.

  • Shay, I think you look great, just sayin' :smile:
  • alliesgettinghealthy
    alliesgettinghealthy Posts: 87 Member
    I never said that I was a doctor. I was simply trying to explain something that I thought would be more useful for you. It does pertain to your weight loss. I'll leave it up to you to find out how though, since you obviously know all about it. Best wishes to you on your weight loss journey. :smile:
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T. I time my exercising and calculate my pace (MPH) then use the MFP log to see how many calories I burned.

    Why are you using MFP if you rarely log? That's what MFP is all about ... logging your food.

    For the next 2 weeks, try logging everything you eat ... absolutely everything. Be meticulous about it. Be accurate. Note that not all the food choices that come up on MFP are accurate, so you will need to check and double check. Compare what's on MFP with what's on the package or with what's on another site like Nutrition Data to be sure. Weigh everything.

    When you sign up for MFP they do not require a signed affidavit that you will log your calories.

    There are other features to this site besides the daily food log.

    I assume that we can use any or all of them as we desire.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    edited April 2015
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T. I time my exercising and calculate my pace (MPH) then use the MFP log to see how many calories I burned.

    Why are you using MFP if you rarely log? That's what MFP is all about ... logging your food.

    For the next 2 weeks, try logging everything you eat ... absolutely everything. Be meticulous about it. Be accurate. Note that not all the food choices that come up on MFP are accurate, so you will need to check and double check. Compare what's on MFP with what's on the package or with what's on another site like Nutrition Data to be sure. Weigh everything.

    When you sign up for MFP they do not require a signed affidavit that you will log your calories.

    There are other features to this site besides the daily food log.

    I assume that we can use any or all of them as we desire.

    In the OP's case of using the exercise log (that is rarely accurate) it seems like she is using the most useless function available on the website pertaining to weight loss.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    chrisdavey wrote: »
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T. I time my exercising and calculate my pace (MPH) then use the MFP log to see how many calories I burned.

    Why are you using MFP if you rarely log? That's what MFP is all about ... logging your food.

    For the next 2 weeks, try logging everything you eat ... absolutely everything. Be meticulous about it. Be accurate. Note that not all the food choices that come up on MFP are accurate, so you will need to check and double check. Compare what's on MFP with what's on the package or with what's on another site like Nutrition Data to be sure. Weigh everything.

    When you sign up for MFP they do not require a signed affidavit that you will log your calories.

    There are other features to this site besides the daily food log.

    I assume that we can use any or all of them as we desire.

    In the OP's case of using the exercise log (that is rarely accurate) it seems like she is using the most useless function available on the website pertaining to weight loss.

    One of the most useful tools is the recipe builder and the food data base.

    I lost 40lbs before I joined MFP...I kept track of my calories in a notebook.

    I agree with the exercise calculator...most of them are at best inaccurate.

    BTW...I log my calories but at some point I will probably least try to...I will however continue to use the site.

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    According to you, you are doing everything right, but people disagree with you fundamentally about your logging and methodology. Nope ypu arent doing everything right am afraid, nor do you seem interested in what people are trying to point you towards. Obviously you can do it your own way, but without a reliable method to know whether you are in deficit or not, then you deny yourself information that you really need.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    Okay so I'm just going to tell it like it is. There is no such thing as being allergic to gluten. I think people that say they have this don't realize that what they have is actually a mild wheat allergy, if they are truly having problems with anything. You either have Celiac Disease, which is an autoimmune disease, or you don't. It's not like you can just have a slight version of celiac disease you either have it or you don't. Gluten is a sticky protein and when people with celiac disease consume it it triggers an autoimmune reaction in their body. People with it can get serious damage to their villi in their intestine. If you feel like you may truly have Celiac Disease you need to ask your doctor for a blood test to see. If you feel like maybe you are having a slight reaction when consuming wheat products you should go and get allergy testing done. Also please don't say that you are allergic to gluten and then eat it in front of others because it causes a real problem for people where it is medical necessary for them stick to a gluten free diet.

    Anyways rant over
    -Are you weighing your food?
    -Consuming enough water?
    -Logging everything?

    Coming from all the issues my wife has dealt with, I would highly disagree with your statement that there is no such thing as a gluten allergy. To assume such is rather narrow minded, IMO. There are plenty of people who do not favorably respond to gluten products, and the includes items outside of wheat. I know this because my wife has the same reaction to soy sauce or certain bbq sauces as she does with bread, which is extreme lethargy, GI discomfort and skin irritation. In fact, when she was using shampoos that were derived from gluten products, she had dry and irritated scalp. We know this after working with an Endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, electrophysiologist, POTS specialist and other cardiologist. My wife has a medical condition called POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome). And according to several of her specialist, about 50% of people with POTS, benefit from a gluten free and low carb diet. Sadly, it took a few years to figure out all of this. The moment she went gluten free, her stomach pains went away and she stopped taking naps. Additionally, once we switched shampoos, the irritation subsided. On top of that, she tested negative for IBS, celiac, Crohns and more.

    So while the OP might not have a so called allergy, maybe it's more accurate to say sensitivity. Who knows, the whole gluten thing is rather new in terms of research. And it will continue to change as more information is available. But one thing is for certain, people react different ways to different food items. I know people who have issues with strawberries, red meat, dairy and a variety of other foods.

    Having said all of that, I would recommend that OP start tracking her calories on MFP. This way, we can make a more educated recommendation. It's also potential that she does not follow the standard algorithms and might have to adjust her calories lower. But that is hard to say without a solid food diary.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    You're eating too much.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Shaystays wrote: »
    Opening my diary wouldn't help because I rarely ever log in it, I write it down. I do weigh my food most meals and pretty much follow the serving size and calories to a T. I time my exercising and calculate my pace (MPH) then use the MFP log to see how many calories I burned.

    Why are you using MFP if you rarely log? That's what MFP is all about ... logging your food.

    For the next 2 weeks, try logging everything you eat ... absolutely everything. Be meticulous about it. Be accurate. Note that not all the food choices that come up on MFP are accurate, so you will need to check and double check. Compare what's on MFP with what's on the package or with what's on another site like Nutrition Data to be sure. Weigh everything.

    When you sign up for MFP they do not require a signed affidavit that you will log your calories.

    There are other features to this site besides the daily food log.

    I assume that we can use any or all of them as we desire.

    Of course you can use the site any way you want, but ...

    Why say you're doing everything right ... as the OP has done ... when you're not using a calorie logging site (MFP) to log calories?

    All I'm suggesting is that she use the site to log all her calories meticulously for 2 weeks. And then see how she's really doing.

  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    From reading everything in this thread so far, it seems that only positive answers are welcome. It seems that any sort of questions pertaining to how you are losing weight or trying to are unwelcome and that you are not open to advice from others. With that, I will say that your weight fluctuates often through the day, the week, and the month. TOM will affect it, water retention will affect it, building muscle will affect it, sodium levels will affect it, when you weigh yourself during the day will affect it... so many things can. For 3 lbs, I'd not worry about it. If you see consistent increasing numbers, then I'd take a serious look at how your are logging. It's a mathematical equation of calories in vs calories out. Good luck.
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