anyone 5'9"

I'm always searching for people who are my height and weight because I wanna see what they looked like after they lost the weight... lol basically I wanna see before and after pics so I can see how much I'm going to change in the future.

It's a longshot, but there are a lot of people on here... so I'll give it a go.

Is there a girl 5'9" who used to be around 240 who lost weight? (all the before and after that i've seen of people that weight.. they're all much shorter)



  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I'm close. I'm 5'8" and started at 236.6.
  • cjwolfjen
    cjwolfjen Posts: 323 Member
    I am interested in this too, because I am 245 and 5'9
  • kje2011
    kje2011 Posts: 502 Member
    I am 5'9"
    My heaviest I was at was 210, I now weigh 173lbs. (still trying to lose to reach my goal of 160 or less)
    I regret not having before and after pictures, but there is a difference :) (yay!)
    Good luck with your weight loss!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    Yeah, if anyone has before and after pics that would be great! lol
  • tammyr76
    tammyr76 Posts: 174
    I am 5'9" and 3 months ago I weighed in at 220,,I am now at 202 and can fit into a size 12,,,my 14's are more comfortable but I am pulling them up all day....My goal is 150 lbs,,,that should put people at our height in a 8 or 10.....
    Good luck to all of ya'll tall ones on your diets as well....
  • nicolvt
    nicolvt Posts: 3
    I'm just about 5'9 and I started out at 200lbs and got down to's definitely a big change! I went from a size 16 to a size 8!! No more double chin! And my tummy flattened out. I didn't lose any bust a little butt and there will always be things I don't like but for the most part I'm so happy to be in a single size again. It just takes commitment and determination and this website is awesome :)
  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    I'm 5'9 and currently weight 240, so get back to me in about a year (hopefully) and I can show u my b/a pics ;)
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    haha sounds good! you and me both.
  • nicolvt
    nicolvt Posts: 3
    Alexandra! I posted some pics on my profile....I'm in the green shirt at 200lbs at my Bday in November....I just went on a cruise two weeks ago and fit into "a little black dress" The other pics are current of me now. Hope that helps! I'll be deleting the "fat" photo soon! :)
  • TrophyWifeSass
    TrophyWifeSass Posts: 490 Member
    Maybe we should form a group or something! I am also 5'9 and started at 200. I am now 197 and have a long way to go. I wasn't sure what I should weigh, I was kind of thinking 160, glad to see I am in the right ballpark. This site is wonderful and has already helped me tons. Way to go Tall Beautiful Future Super Models!!!! WE ROCK!!!!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    hahaha yes we do! Right now my goal weight is to get down to 220.. ultimately I want to get down to 200. When I get there, I will see how I feel but I feel like I would look strange if I was really thing. I feel like I'm supposed to be... sofy. lol
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I'm very close, I started at 237, and I am (today) at 169. I don't consider myself "done", but I am across the line of "healthy"

    Please feel free to check out my pics in my profile, the purple shirt and green shirt are both before.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    oh and as far as dress size, I'm in a 10, and in a medium shirt.

    Stick to it, you can do this!!!
  • alexandrarae90
    alexandrarae90 Posts: 61 Member
    You look great! Congratulations!