April 2015 Running Challenge



  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,423 Member
    I stayed up too late last night at a concert and was very tired today. I probably should have passed on the run today but I needed it for my mental health (such a great work stress reliever!). I was hoping to get a nap in before strength training but ran out of time. I love going to the gym feeling like crap and walking out feeling like I could do just about anything!

    04/01.....4.07.......4.07 - +2 mile walk
    04/02.....5.20.......9.27 - + Strength Training
    04/05.....0.00.....28.85 - Rest - 3 mile walk on the beach
    04/06.....7.20.....36.05 - + Agility
    04/07.....6.24.....42.29 - + Strength Training
    04/08.....0.00.....42.29 - Rest + Strength Training
    04/09.....4.37.....46.66 - Surprisingly good tempo run
    04/11.....8.23.....61.09 - Hill repeats, trail run and more hills!
    04/12.....0.00.....61.09 - Rest - 3 mile walk on the beach
    04/14.....5.36.....73.85 - + Strength Training


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Thanks for the encouragement! flowersmh.gif

    I don't know why I the idea of signing up for a race makes me hesitate so much. Well, maybe because when we had to run in school I always came in last, no matter how hard I tried, and got a "barely sufficient" rating from the teacher... At least now, if I finish last in a race, I guess I still get a medal instead of depressing comments, right? Plus as my first race it would be guaranteed to be a PR :)

    So I've decided togive it a try. I just spent the last ~2 hours looking for 5k races that are not too far away and at a day where I have time - and I actually found one just next Sunday! I signed up right away before I get a chance to change my mind, and now I'm super excited!
    Now I have to go and read all the "how to prepare for your first race" postings I can find. ^^

    My first race was an indoor 5k, the day after Christmas 2010. I was the only one to show up and the race director said I could just skip it and take the shirt, or he'd time me all the same. I ran it, and I came in dead last with a 29:xx. Since I also came in first, I treated myself to some clearanced Christmas candy.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Just uploaded the data of todays run to my running logs (I use two - can't decide which I like best...).
    I've noticed before that runningahead and Strava are a little different - I think Strava both "smoothes" the gps tracks a bit and "autocorrects" for stopping in place, while runningahead leaves them "as is".
    Usually I don't care too much, but since today I set out with the ambition to finish 5km in less than 32 minutes, it actually makes a difference this time. Strava still reports a new PR for 5 km, but with 32:13 - which is odd, since the pace breakdown it lists for the kms is 6:37, 6:04, 6:32, 6:28, 6:09, which in my mind adds up to 31:50.
    runningahead gives somewhat different splits (6:19 + 6:04 + 6:47 + 6:28 + 6:06), which would add up to 31:44.

    I was really happy when the watch vibrated to report 5km done, and when I looked at it some seconds later it said 31:52. But now I'm not sure it the correction strava does might make it more realistic that the watch...

    Long story short: what do you guys think - can I celebrate reaching the "sub 32-minute 5k"-milestone, or not?

    14.04.2015 - 6.5 km


    I think it is possible, but it is also not wise to set out to do so on all of your training runs. Keep your easy runs easy. My easy pace is a good 2-3 minutes above my 5k PR. Running fast all the time is a recipe for burn out, and in a race it can be a disaster.

  • bjdavidson964
    bjdavidson964 Posts: 266 Member
    It's been a drizzly, gloomy day and there was hardly anyone at the park. A little spooky but I got it in.

    4/3: 3.88 mi
    4/4: 3.57 mi
    4/5: 3.72 mi
    4/7: 3.81 mi
    4/8: 1.25 mi (quick stop by the park after Zumba)
    4/9: 4.37 mi
    4/11: 6.72 mi
    4/12: 4.67 mi
    4/14: 4.39 mi

    Current Total: 36.38 miles (of 35 mi goal ... oops I really undershot)
  • Beccajayn
    Beccajayn Posts: 22 Member

  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    April Goal 60 miles

    4/1: unplanned and unwelcome rest
    4/2: planned rest
    4/3: 3.43
    4/4: 4.44 (no, I didn't plan that.....)
    4/5: work and church and company for dinner...oh my
    4/6: 4.15
    4/7 snorkel 2.5 hrs
    4/8 3.20
    4/9 3.67
    4/10 rest
    4/11 3.86
    4/12 3.29
    4/13 too lazy to move
    4/14: I don't normally post until I have a run to report...but today's four hours of snorkeling was too good to not report....turtles and whales and eels and: OCTOPUS!!!!
    Video of the octopus is here: http://the-hroost.com/public/2015/04/coral-imitating-octopus/

    Total 26.04
    (Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date)


  • jtarmom
    jtarmom Posts: 228 Member
    4/1 - 3.44 miles
    4/3 - 5 miles
    4/4 - 5 miles
    4/6 - 4 miles
    4/8 - 3 miles
    4/10 - 3.5 miles
    4/12 - 8 miles
    4/13 - 3.5 miles
    4/15 - 3.47 miles

    Beautiful birthday morning run!

  • rnjcb
    rnjcb Posts: 86 Member
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    April 1 - rest
    April 2- 6.01 miles
    April 3- 5.15 miles
    April 4 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 5 - 20 mile bike ride - hilly ride.
    April 6 - 6.01 miles
    April 7 - Weight Training
    April 8 - 4.89
    April 9 - 6.02
    April 10 - 5.03
    April 11 - 34 mile bike ride
    April 12 - 40 mile bike ride
    April 13 - 4.25 miles
    April 14 - Weight Training
    April 15 - 5.1 miles


    @autumnblade75 - I would just count the walking as part of the mileage if I was you (if it is within the run). That's what I did the first several months. And even now, if I have to walk for some reason, I still count it. It's too complicated to subtract it out.

    @_nikkiwolf_ - YAY! You will get addicted once you start. I keep looking for races in the future because I like to have those to look forward to. You will do great! Can't wait to hear out it goes! As @shanaber stated don't do anything different that day!

    @RunTimer - lol, I'll go on that ride. :naughty:

    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - wow, that's crazy you were the only one that showed up! But first place is great! :wink:

    @SBRRepeat - it's amazing how much better we feel once we get going! I woke up in a bad mood today, which doesn't happen much. No particular reason, well, some reasons, but nothing major and the same happened to me this morning ... that is, after mile 2 I was feeling great! :sweat_smile:
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    4/1 - Nice 3.1 miles on indoor track
    4/2 - Brutal 4.75 miles of "hilly" treadmill
    4/4 - 10 miles, nice mix of hills
    4/6 - 4 miles on indoor track
    4/8 - 4 miles on indoor track (33:16...pretty speedy for me)
    4/9 - Another hot, humid 5 miles on a "hilly" treadmill (Total 30.85/110)
    4/10 - 4 miles on indoor track
    4/12 - 11 miles, on the windy side, but otherwise nice
    4/13 - 2 recovery miles - maybe should have skipped it...ouch!
    4/14 - power outage = no alarm = unplanned rest
    4/15 - 4 miles on indoor track

    Love following everyone's progress!
  • autumnblade75
    autumnblade75 Posts: 1,661 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    @autumnblade75 - I would just count the walking as part of the mileage if I was you (if it is within the run). That's what I did the first several months. And even now, if I have to walk for some reason, I still count it. It's too complicated to subtract it out.

    I would like not to count the walking if I'm running intervals on the treadmill - I time my walk breaks and always walk at the same speed, so that's easy. If I'm outdoors, though, I tend to forget to count and the timing is more difficult without a clock already right there in my face... I am a huge fan of the data. I think that's why I'd rather use the treadmill. But it is definitely too complicated to try to subtract it later without the clock. So there are some walk minutes mixed in on the last run or 2. And each mile split is faster outdoors than on the 'mill, even including the walk breaks. Go figure.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    April 1 - rest

    @SBRRepeat - it's amazing how much better we feel once we get going! I woke up in a bad mood today, which doesn't happen much. No particular reason, well, some reasons, but nothing major and the same happened to me this morning ... that is, after mile 2 I was feeling great! :sweat_smile:

    @ddmom0811 seriously- I make all sorts of jokes about "not being a runner" - but one of the reasons I run is because I feel so much better after I'm done. It's very... I dunno- cleansing for me- cathartic. It's good. I'm liking my comittment to run more for sure.

    (being said I am sucking massive Donkey D*$k this month- but I have two big shows I'm prepping for- I simple CANNOT do it all.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for April
    4/1 6.2 miles - 6.2
    4/2 5.35 miles - 11.55
    4/3 REST DAY (TAPER)
    4/4 13.1 miles - 24.65 <<< Oak Barrel HM in Lynchburg, TN (1:44:13)
    4/5 REST DAY
    4/6 10.5 miles - 35.15
    4/7 REST DAY (also travel day as I am in Md this week)
    4/8 5 miles - 40.15
    4/9 4.2 miles - 44.35
    4/12 13.2 - 57.55 <<< Bridge Street HM (1:39:26 PR - 53 OA, 5 AG)
    4/13 REST DAY
    4/14 6 miles - 63.55
    4/15 8.15 miles - 71.70


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »

    You have training personalized plans available... Am I correct? I don't think any are published. Sorry I wasn't concise.

    No I don't. I take other existing plans and I modify them to what makes sense. I became a student of running and read a lot on the subject. Because of that, I can adapt any existing plan and personalize it according to where someone's fitness level is and what their goals are. But your miles may vary since I am not a professional in any way, and there are a few on this site that are much more experienced than me that I would defer to.

    But I am more than happy to provide any advice and share experiences on the subject.

  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    5th - 4.6km (walk)
    6th - 5km
    7th - 5.5km
    8th - 6.6km
    9th - 10km
    11th - (cycling, turbotrainer, 17.5km not counted)
    14th - 3.68km
    15th - 7.4km


    I'm finding it hard going at the moment. I dont know if its the sudden burst of unexpected hot weather here in London, or that i was out of action/reduced action for a couple of weeks (still quite chesty tbh), or probably a combo of both, but i'm finding it hard and way down on pace.
  • millermkarate
    millermkarate Posts: 46 Member
  • italysharon
    italysharon Posts: 195 Member
    April 1: 4.14
    April 2: 5.01
    April 3: nada nada mermalada
    April 4: 6.12
    April 5: 3.29
    April 6: 5.26
    April 7: 1.5 & Pump
    April 8: nothing
    April 9: 1.5 & Pump
    April 10: 6 miles outside
    April 11: nothing
    April 12: 7 miles outside
    April 13: nothing
    April 14: 2 miles ™ & Pump

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    skinnyby31 wrote: »
    shanaber wrote: »
    skinnyby31 wrote: »


    Did my fastest km ever yesterday. Sill probably very slow in comparison to the majority of runners but it felt great.

    Comparison is the thief of joy. Good job :)
    @SonicDeathMonkey80 - love this ^^^

    @skinnyby31 - there are runners here of all levels and abilities, some are faster and some are slower but it doesn't matter because your times are yours alone and someone will likely always be faster/slower than you. We are here to share our love of running and appreciate each others accomplishments! Great job on your PR!!

    Thanks for that! I'm delighted that I'm getting a bit faster as it feels like it's taking me forever to get a little faster

    Don't focus on running faster. Focus on running further and the speed will come automatically. I have been running consistently for about a year and a half now and did very little speed work. Mostly just concentrating on building up and putting on the miles in per week. Like between 40-55 miles a week. Last year, Bridge Street HM was my very first half I did. Last year I did it in 1:58:07. This past weekend I did the same exact course in 1:39:26. And that's a half marathon distance. In a few weeks I will do a 10K on a repeated course and expect to even have a better PR. But my point is, very little speed work have I done so far. There is a science to the run more miles to get faster that was discussed in last month's challenge.

  • JustWant2Run
    JustWant2Run Posts: 286 Member
    1--- 8mi
    2--- 8mi
    3--- 20mi
    4--- 6 mi
    5--- 12mi --- Week total: 66.3 miles
    6--- Rest day
    7--- 14mi
    8--- 8mi
    9--- 12mi
    10--- 8mi
    11--- 8mi
    12--- 20mi --- Week total:70 miles
    13--- Rest day
    14--- 8mi

    Total: 132 miles

    Goal: 250 miles
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Wendy1Fl wrote: »
    skinnyby31 wrote: »


    Did my fastest km ever yesterday. Sill probably very slow in comparison to the majority of runners but it felt great.
    I can't compare my time to anything but what I did the last time I ran that distance. If I look at other runners' I would have given up months ago! Congratulations on your personal improvement; that's the only kind that counts!!! :blush:

    ^^^ where is the love button when you need it. The thing about running is it's all about you against you, at least that is the way I look at it. So Stoshew71 and I ran the same half this past weekend, he finished far enough in front of me that he was probably sitting having lunch while I was still running. So what? I'm happy for him, I know he's happy for me. 554 people finished in front of me about 500 finished behind me, but guess what we all ran the same 13.1 miles and we should all be proud whether it was a 90 min race or a 3 hour race.

    So true. I enjoyed it no matter what. There are 52 people that finished before me that I want to beat (except Brandon York - that sucker is fast) and I may or may not ever get to. But to me, that day, all I wanted to do was beat 1:40:00. It didn't matter what the other people in front of me did. Last year when I ran the same course, I just wanted to finish. LOL I enjoyed seeing all my fellow friends that also ran. If you have instagram, you can see all the photos I took with all my running buddies all met while I just decided to join different running groups and just people I see in races. Heck, last weekend up in Oak Barrel, I was just standing around looking at the race results when all of a sudden walks up Josh Whitehead and we just casually start talking. (Josh is the amazing local running stud in the Huntsville area and you can google him). And I am just sitting there talking to him as if he was just some other average Joe. Then this past weekend, I saw him at my race and he recognized me and congratulated me. It's the little things that make me love this sport.