Exercise with Trigeminal neuralgia??? Please help

Some day s I feel ok and other day I feel really bad, I really want to go to the gym but worried I will make myself worse,
I went on Sunday because I was feeling ok and felt good after but late afternoon I was so poorly

Anyone else suffer and have ways to cope?? Only just been diagnosed with it :-( xx


  • zymurgea
    zymurgea Posts: 5 Member
    Yes, I've had issue with exercise as well. Not only do I have to be concerned about my face hurting, but also that Planet Fitness has several banks of huge ceiling fans - which of course exacerbates the symptoms.

    I started a ketogenic diet back in September to offset weight gain from inactivity - so far over 20 pounds. Keto diets help with epilepsy and other neurological conditions; so I figure I'd give it a try.
  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have this, it comes and goes, usually lasting for 6 months or so at a time....it goes along with my hemiplegic migraine disorder. I find that no matter what I do, it freaking hurts, and I don't/ won't get used to it, so I just work out really hard and try to distract myself with pain somewhere else.

    Sometimes I use voltaren gel which I tell myself almost works, but not really as nothing does (sure you already know that lol)..and putting it on is the hard part
    . I can't take medication but maybe there is something out there your neuro could prescribe for you? I try not to do things where I bend at the waist or where I need to look down, because that seems to really irritate things more. I have to focus on keeping my face relaxed when I exercise, which seems to make a difference. I tend toward making "concentrating" faces and will tighten my jaw,brows without realizing it when I work out

    I also avoid exercise that involves a lot of bouncing up and down, so rebounding is a no, I usually avoid running when things flare up. For cardio maybe try elliptical or bicycling?
  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    I also just wanted to add.... There are certain foods that really seem to worsen the pain, specifically nightshades. Tomatoes,eggplant, peppers, potatoes, Gogi berries. Tomatoes and eggplant are the worst for me, especially if I eat them a couple days in a row. Soy sauce and foods with msg , yeast extract seem to flare the nerve pain as well.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Have you tried swimming or water aerobics?
  • astralpictures
    astralpictures Posts: 218 Member
    I have cluster headaches that cause irritation in the Trigeminal Nerve. The only exercise I get is literally bouncing around the room in pain. Are you on any treatment for it?
  • marmaladepixie
    marmaladepixie Posts: 83 Member
    Have you tried swimming or water aerobics?

    The problem with that is even a slight breeze sets off the pain, change in temperature, everything. It's king of like getting an electrical shock and burn at the same time. Even splashing water on the face or having a single hair move on your head can set it off.