


  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    I allow myself to let loose but try to make healthy decisions. When alcohol is involved on vacations, decision-making skills goes out the window. So, Proceed with caution!!
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    i am going to try to eat what i normally do because our hotel has a microwave and reg. but i know we will go out to to the famous pizza shop. I will enjoy myself and watch as closely as i can and hit the fitness center lol didnt gain on this in a week so if i gain oh well i just get right back to it when i come home.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    continue to make healthy choices, and you should be just fine... drink plenty of water before and after you have a few drinks... consider this a mid-term exam on how you would function in a world without MFP...
  • cbear729
    cbear729 Posts: 4 Member
    When I go on holiday I eat what I want. Last summer I gained 10lbs in 10 days (AND I did a LOT of up hill walking) but I enjoyed it... so it didn't bother me lol
  • MissyK222
    MissyK222 Posts: 204 Member
    I was wondering the same thing... going home to Florida to visit for 5 days for my daughters birthday...taking her to Disney for the first time and I'm freaking out because I don't want to come back and had ruined any progress I made... I know I'm going to be worrying about it but I will have a slice of my daughters cake and I will go out to dinner for mine and my husband date night ....What's life if you don't enjoy your food?? everything in Moderation I guess :-)
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I loosely track on vacation, logging with general entries recognizing that the accuracy is gonna be way off, but the mere act of logging keeps me mindful. And I typically walk and exercise WAY more on vacation than I do at home at my desk job. So usually I end up losing weight on vacation.

    Beware of the common vacation traps of buffets, giant restaurant portions, and alcohol. If you can moderate these things and make healthier choices, you'll do fine.

    But if you're in a once-in-a-lifetime kind of situation, then don't miss out just because of your diet! I love to try the local foods wherever I am. And I'm not gonna go to France and avoid French food and wine, for example. That'd just be silly. I just am careful about overdoing it, and hey, even if I end up with a small gain on the scale, it will have been worth it and I can lose it again once I get home.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't really do anything differently on vacation than I do at home...there are plenty of healthy options out there you can make and portion control is always a good thing...I enjoy myself for sure, but I don't see vacation as a reason to stuff my face until it hurts.

    I'm usually very active on vacations and don't worry about it all too much...but I still tend to enjoy healthier options and eating foods in reasonable quantities...
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    edited April 2015
    I just returned from a week in Mexico. I didn't have internet so I couldn't log (too lazy to do paper and pen). I just cut loose and started logging once I got back home. I haven't stepped on the scale because I don't want to know. ;-)

    I was, however, very active there. Lots of swimming and walking.
  • Supermom883
    Supermom883 Posts: 84 Member
    i am hoping to only gain 2 lbs tops...if i eat anything off my diet ever i gain weight it sucks and i know its water weight but still frustrating. thats why i have been so strict this time around.
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    I went on two separate vacations late this winter and my goal was to stay the same weight. I was pleasantly surprised to get home and see that I managed to do that (both times!!).

    I made sure I worked out every day of my vacation; get out and take some walks, see the sites, enjoy the atmosphere of your vacation spot. Swim in the pool, if there will be one. If the kids are in the pool playing, jump in and tread water instead of standing in the shallow end. Also, I agree with the portion control. Try to take half the meal to go with you (or just don't eat it or share it with someone else at the table). Try subbing steamed veggies or fruit instead of having fries as the side.

    Prior to these past two vacations, my normal vacation mindset would be that I would just say screw it, I'm on vacation; I've been working hard; I deserve a treat, blah, blah, blah and I always got home being a lot heavier (we're talking 5 - 10 pounds). I knew it was just water weight, but it still took time to lose that weight (again), and it was frustrating and I always ended up just being so p.o'd at myself for letting me do that. It was a two week set back, at best and in the end, it really wasn't worth it! Plus, it made it so much harder to get back into working out and healthy eating when I got back from vacation because I was used to being lazy and eating whatever I wanted.

    Enjoy your vacation, but just remember how far you've come and how hard you've worked. Think about whether the choices you are making is worth having to lose the same weight again.

    BTW - congrats on the awesome loss so far!!!