55 pounds to lose

A new friend told me about this site and I started today. I feel, ready, excited, and scared all at the same time. I have been down the weight loss road before and have succeeded and failed. Now I am the largest I've ever been and it scares me that I will always be like this. I have Plantars Facshitis (wrong spelling) due to weight gain. I also have right knee pain from reconstruction 15 yrs ago. Can anyone suggest a good exercise regemne follow? I do swim laps so that covers cardio. I have an exercise ball and small weights at home too. Help?!


  • LaceyVskmp1980
    LaceyVskmp1980 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi @wensters! Welcome to MFP! In 2012 this site helped me lose 60lbs. I've since quit logging, and wouldn't ya know...gained it all back. I have the plantars fascititis too...no fun, at all. I use a golf ball at night before I go to bed, roll it around on the bottom of my foot, then I stretch it out before I get out of bed in the morning. It still hurts throughout the day but it's not as bad. I also have a condition that causes flare ups in my nerves, as well as degenerative disc disease...I honestly found that Zumba is one of the best programs out there for low impact (especially on the knees). Best wishes on your journey!! Keep with it, you'll find in time that this app is worth the time :)
  • cherryblossombabe
    cherryblossombabe Posts: 113 Member
    Hey! Nice to meet you and welcome to MFP!