cross-training: swimming or martial arts?

So, I'm coming up on running my first 5k this weekend. Once I'm finished, I'd like to start incorporating another form of exercise to help cross-train and mix it up on the days that I'm not running. I'm considering either a swim class or a martial arts class. Both appeal for different reasons to I'm really not sure which to pick! Any advice or thoughts on this?


  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    Swimming is exercise. Martial arts is a skill. If you are getting "conditioning" or "cardio" or anything of the sort from a "martial arts" class, you are probably not learning anything close to "martial arts"
  • wolfgate
    wolfgate Posts: 321 Member
    Swimming - though my first choice would be true strength training. However, swimming will complement your running while giving you some upper body strengthening as well.
  • jujuk83
    jujuk83 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks for the responses! I obviously don't know much about martial arts...I have never been around it. I thought it would be a form of exercise...shows what I know!

    I am actually doing strength training twice a week right now with a trainer. It's been great to work my entire body. I'm wanting to prevent any injuries and make myself stronger all over. Sounds like swimming would be the way to go.