Does anyone have Bodybugg????

Does anyone have the bodybugg? And if so do you like it and is it worth the $$?


  • BrandiPants
    BrandiPants Posts: 41 Member
    Ooooooh! I was just reading about these! I too would love to hear people's response.
  • Caroline9252
    I wonder about this what they ware on biggest loser??!?! i wanted more information too ;)
  • corinnak
    corinnak Posts: 51 Member
    I have one. It's kind of cool, but the main thing I learned was that I was not burning as many calories over the course of the day as I would maybe have wished. I stopped wearing it because I found the sensor pads to be very irritating. It felt like getting a mild shock at times, and my skin got irritated and blistered. My DH wore his longer than I did and he ended up with some really scary looking skin issues where he wore it and had to start moving it around. Eventually it got too annoying for him as well, though he wasn't sensitive to the sensation like I was. I remember trying to run while wearing it once and had to tear the thing off, it was so uncomfortable. So it's interesting and can be informative, but I would not say for me that it was really worth it.
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    I, too, was curious about the Bodybugg and researched it and the FitBit. I decided on the FitBit because of several reasons, two of which were the price (less $$ than the Bodybugg and the website is free) and I am really interested in how many calories I burn throughout the course of the day. I am a school teacher and walk around quite a bit during the day. Come to find out, I burn a whole heck of a lot more calories than I thought (well, "approximately" burn, that is). It's a pretty neat gadget. I know there's nothing quite 100% accurate but I'm far impressed so far w/ the FitBit.
  • DJmom44
    DJmom44 Posts: 91
    I've had my BodyBugg for well over a year and I love it! I haven't had any problems like a previous poster who said it was irritating. And I've never felt like it was shocking me......? I wear it all the time and forget I even have it on. I do have to move it up and down the arm periodically to let the skin breath. I've been able to lose 43 pounds using it. I love being able to see how many calories I really burn, which is more than I thought. I'm a numbers person, so before I found MFP I used a spreadsheet where I input my calories in and calories burned. I'd say the BodyBugg is very accurate because my monthly actual pounds lost were always within .4 lbs of what I calculated losing.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    No BodyBugg but I have a Body Media Fit which is about the same thing.
    I adore my BodyMedia ... it actually showed that I burned ALOT more calories than I thought... which meant I needed to eat more!
    Since I got it ... my weight loss has been rockin ... totally worth it.
    I started using it on 2-28 ... and since then I have lost 11 pounds!
  • Sumo813
    Sumo813 Posts: 566 Member
    I've owned a V3 for a good while now and really like having it. Using it, I have learned that on good cardio days, I am burning upward of 4k calories. It's really nice for gauging your 24 hour burn, not just your exercise burn. The subscription fee can be costly depending on how you do it, but honestly, I'd say the knowledge that comes with using the bugg is worth it. You might be surprised at what you're burning just wandering around your office to go to the restroom or something. I've found that sometimes I'm not burning what I think, or the exact opposite in other times.

    If you bike, or use a stationary or recumbent bike, it will not pick up as well since it's also partially based on movement. I've noticed that on an upright stationary it does pick up a fair amount, but on the recumbent it's almost pointless to wear it.

    Another thing to note... I have some metal allergies, and I can say that wearing it all day does irritate me a little (i've never checked to see what the contact plates are made of, but I know i'm pretty allergic to nickel), but usually sleeping with it off fixes that, and Apex recommends you go at least an hour without it to give your arm a chance to breathe.

    All in all, if the monthly subscription isn't an issue, I'd say definitely give it a shot. Otherwise, you might be better with investing the same amount of initial money in a good HRM.
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    I just ordered one and can't wait to get it!

    I just purchased EA Sports for the Wii, and it has a heart rate monitor which comes with it, but it only seems to work with that program. I was really hooked on the numbers (I'm an accountant) and do other things besides EA, so I thought I would go out and get one.

    I am sensitive to Nickel, though, so I am a little concerned about the previous posts.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    I have the Bodia Media Fit armband and love it had it 3 months now and have losat 16 lbs. I like this better because it also gives you sleep data. I have the Bluetooth version that allows nearly real time info to your phone and has workout data set up so you can do workouts and go for calories burned steps taken a time or type of activity moderate or vigorous and use your MP3 application and it chimes when you achieve your workout goal.
    I have not had any irritation to wearing it I did purchase an additional arm band so I can wash it after hard workouts.