Starting today, long journey ahead. Who's with me?

Hi, so I'm not new to mfp. This is probably the 3rd time I've tried. I really want this time to be the time that changes things for me. I'm 25. I get depressed easily, I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism about 4 years ago. I have my good days and then there's those days where giving up seems like the best choice in the world. I want this to end. I have a 5 year old son and hes very active. I just want to be able to have more kids, and be able to walk without needing an inhaler, paints my nails without suffocating, and be a better role model for my son. I want to get rid of all the excess fat I have 169lbs to lose so I have a long journey ahead. I would love to get to know people and be able to be supportive and get support! Thanks!


  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm 31 and have a 2 year old son. I did great until I got pregnant and gained 70lbs. Now over 2 years later I'm 30lbs over pre-pregnancy weight...I just can't seem to stick with anything. Friend me if you'd like...I will support as much as I can :)
  • i77benedetti
    i77benedetti Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there! My name is Indira Fuentes.
    It takes a lot of courage to expose our conditions to others. I personally think that you possess everything that it takes to overcome any obstacle. The major issue to have into consideration is to have lots of patience and establish a habit in terms of what to eat and how and when to exercise. I myself am trying to prioritize on the things that are good for my health and body.

    Work one step at a time and start with short goals. You are very young and certainly you can enhance your eating habits and therefore your health and your life!!!
    Keep in touch!
  • Hey!! I just joined again today too ( for probably the fourth time) I am 22. I want to lose about 80-100 pounds. I have PCOS- so similar issues concerning weight loss. I need someone to talk to and keep me motivated this time around!
  • EllenBentley1
    EllenBentley1 Posts: 3 Member
    I just joined. Trying to figure how to add food which is not on the database. I am retired, am pre-diabetic, cholesterol on the high side. Doctor said lose at least 20; I want to lose 40-50 and be able to use the smaller size golf clothes I have packed away. I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis for 30 years (low, autoimmune); not life threatening but if I miss a pill, I'm a slug by the late afternoon. I am 73, have 3 adult offspring in their 50s, 5 grandchildren and 4 great-grands. I do NOT intend to get diabetes & my cholesterol is coming down from 290 since I graduated from university 3 years ago to 204 now because I'm not eating Cheetos and Ghiradelli chocolates while I study. Have switched my munchy craving while I read good books to Cheerios and/or popcorn.
  • _whatsherface
    _whatsherface Posts: 1,235 Member
    Hi! Welcome back. I've been on a similar journey. I've had like 3 different profiles on here. I've been successful before and have fallen off the wagon as well. I've been on my current journey since July 2014 and am down 70 lbs. SW-318 CW-247. I also have a 19 month old very active son who keeps me on my toes. Everything I do I do for him. You will get there girl. Just believe in yourself, your body and have patience. Good luck to you!
  • acostasocorro24
    acostasocorro24 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I just joined and still navigating through everything...
  • Got2beme7
    Got2beme7 Posts: 23 Member
    HI everyone. I'm new again to MFP, having tried before but easily fall off when challenges arise. I will be 46 in about 2 weeks and I have an 8 year old and 6 year old....Very active kids. When I look around at other moms they are all younger than me and mostly fit....My kids are my motivation this time, similar to the original poster in this thread. I've tried "lose it" as well and it's similar to MFP, but I like MFP better. Looking forward to the journey.
  • Got2beme7
    Got2beme7 Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! Welcome back. I've been on a similar journey. I've had like 3 different profiles on here. I've been successful before and have fallen off the wagon as well. I've been on my current journey since July 2014 and am down 70 lbs. SW-318 CW-247. I also have a 19 month old very active son who keeps me on my toes. Everything I do I do for him. You will get there girl. Just believe in yourself, your body and have patience. Good luck to you!

    Congratulations on your weight loss!
  • Mammabear49
    Mammabear49 Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome back and good luck ! Third time's a charm. :) I also would like to be able to give myself a pedicure (I physically cannot), tie my tennis shoes without being out of breath, and be self-confident about my body again. I feel as if it's been so abused. Not with alcohol or drugs, but with toooo much FAT. And, that is abuse.

    We will all help each other! :smiley:
  • nicolleyeduardo2010
    edited April 2015
    Hii i have a long journey too i want too loose 100 lbs!! I want to b focused iv tried alot to loose weight and i always seem to give up! I am with you too loose that weightt!!!
  • alycep25
    alycep25 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm new on here, so trying to find my way around. I have alot of weight to loose & alot of willpower needed. I have 5 children so am always busy. I had a stroke in September & have a hole in my heart so I'd like to loose this weight & get fitter too. Wish me luck.
  • jacque610
    jacque610 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Jacque (Jackie). I'm 52 years old. This is my 2nd try using Myfitnesspal but my 100th time trying to lose weight. I have hypothyroidism. High BP. My cholesterol is on the high side. I was laid off 2 years ago and have been in a self pitying funk ever since. My weight is the highest its ever been. I basically just feel awful all the time. Hard to tell sometimes if its my thyroid, my depression or from just being so fat. I'm easily winded, my joints ache, etc etc. I just want to feel better!! In life I have always been a bit of a loner, but for this endeavor I need a support system. I need people to talk to and to help keep me motivated. I have such a hard time with motivation. I have a feeling that once I start to see a bit of progress It will help to keep me going, but the 1st steps are so difficult. I'm still not sure how to fully utilize this website but, for now, I'm here.....and trying. That's a start!

  • Hey!! I just joined again today too ( for probably the fourth time) I am 22. I want to lose about 80-100 pounds. I have PCOS- so similar issues concerning weight loss. I need someone to talk to and keep me motivated this time around!

    I am in the same planss i need the motivationn i want to loose the samee 80 to 100 pounds!! I want it tooo acheive my goals this time fr!!
  • nagyany83
    nagyany83 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm glad that I found this thread. I am also re-joining MFP for the 3rd time. I'm almost 32 and have PCOS. I want to loose about 88-100 pounds. I hope this time I can keep up until I get to my goal, as sometimes I tend to loose faith and give up after 2-3 months of ineffective trying. I would like to have someone who is in the same situation to whom I can talk, so that we can motivate each other.
  • MontanaEldridge
    MontanaEldridge Posts: 3 Member
    I will add all of you! You all seem so encouraging! Thank you all for the kind words!
  • nikki1504
    nikki1504 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi I just re-joined again, never used the boards or thought I needed help nut am needing some support and can offer it as well, good luck everyone