Back to the grind. Warm weather is here

started insanity back up this week and lifting in the afternoons like usual. Looking to get in a little better shape before July. I am gonna try to track all my progress.


  • craig_meyers
    craig_meyers Posts: 13 Member
    If you want to see and hear about the progress feel free to add me.
    I'll also keep the diary updated daily with my meals
  • jhjohnson99
    jhjohnson99 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Craig, how's it going? See you do insanity, is that at home or in a class? I do it twice a week at my gym and love it! What's your goals?
  • craig_meyers
    craig_meyers Posts: 13 Member
    Im doing good. I am doing insanity at home in the morning then after work I'm in the gym for weight training. I'm looking to cut some more to get more definition and really try to get the abs going.
    What about you? What's your goals?