Busy Bee Moms of MFP..Plz share tips on losing the 1st 10lbs! and how to keep losing :)



  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    knitapeace wrote: »

    I second the posters above who work out in the morning. I have 2 kids who are super busy in the evenings after school but are not yet driving age, so I get to be taxi. Working out at night is NOT an option, so I had to adjust to a 5am wakeup and workout. Almost 2 years in and I actually feel weird if I sleep in and miss a workout! So fit in the exercise as you can, busy mom, but remember that the food choices you make are going to affect your weight the most. :) You can do it!

    Oh yes, mom Taxi right on!! Im just starting to make sure I log every crumb I put in my mouth and I will be giving the AM work out a try. May I ask how many times you workout in the morning a week?

    I work out five or six mornings a week. In the winter it's a Fitness Blender video every morning (they vary from strength to cardio to HIIT to Pilates). Once it warms up enough it's a strength/crosstraining video every MWF, and running every TThSat. Sometimes I take the entire weekend off, depending on how I feel. Exercise has been important for my weight loss (about 44 pounds) because I like to eat and I need to keep that deficit. But the main thing I like about it is how it's reshaping my body: no more Bingo Wings, tighter waist and hips, nice muscles in my arms and back.

  • Cindeeee
    Cindeeee Posts: 25 Member
    Time: Get up earlier has got to be the thing that is working for me. I make excuses after I get off work. I gotta cook, I'm tired, I'm going to miss my shows, homework. I have found that working out early in the morning is the only time that I am not able to convince myself that I'm too busy.

    She's right. If I wasn't working out (to dvd's at home) in the morning then I wasn't working out at all. For me, it isn't about "making excuses", though. Mothers are busy. We have too much to do at night, and if I work out at night, I have to wait until the kids are in bed, then shower, then blow dry my hair, etc. It causes me to go to bed way too late. I also started working out at home 3 times a week during my lunch break. It helps, but I don't beat myself up when I can't. We also try to walk for a mile twice a day at work, once in the morning and once in the afternoon as our "smoke break". If you can, do it. The only time I get to go to the actual gym is on Saturday mornings. I sleep in and everyone is awake at home, and I don't want to work out in front of them because they bug me nonstop (you know what I mean). Don't compare yourself to the mother that does everything and then hits the gym for an hour at night. If that isn't realistic for you, then don't even consider it. You'll just get discouraged, then quit.

    The point is, I try to find ways to insert some exercise here and there. I don't work out every morning or lunch. I don't work out at all on Sundays. I've lost weight because instead of getting frustrated and giving up, I take it day by day. Some days, I did awesome. Others, not so much. But I'm not giving up.

    I saw major progress when I started being honest with myself and logging EVERY bite I put into my mouth. Using this app consistently opened my eyes to how high my caloric intake was. Use the app faithfully. Be honest. I make better food choices now, and I feel great.
  • cherryjubilee23
    cherryjubilee23 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you ladies! This is so awsome, I am looking forward to incorporating some of the tips you all have shared with me. I will continue to move forward and not get discouraged. Please feel free to add me as a friend, as I only have a few right now. I would love to read your updates and post mine as well to encourage progress!! Happy Tuesday :blush:
  • hutchy100
    hutchy100 Posts: 103 Member
    Try insanity at home
  • Willogurl1231
    Willogurl1231 Posts: 7 Member
    No pop no sugars. I have lost 26 lbs. U can make it. I work.. run foster care.. and married to a needy husband.