Tired of yoyo diets .....want to do it the right way!!!!

Hello....I am almost 45 and pretty much did the yoyo diets all my life. I want to get healthy and loose 70 to 90 pounds the right way and keep it off. My plan is to just count my calories and join a gym. I dont want to limit myself to no carbs and all those other fab diets. I am realizing I have to change my eating habbits and lifestyle to keep it up. After day 3 I realized portion size is not what I have been paying attention to before....uggghhh its a bit of a struggle


  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Those diets are fab, I'm low carb myself for now anyway. My choice.
    If you're serious, we can be friends! I'd love more active friends!
  • Alex37166
    Alex37166 Posts: 38 Member
    Low carbs is not the way to go in my experiences and researching the right directions to go for a healthy way to lose weight. You need a certain amount of carbs, protein, and even the balance amounts of Omega 3 and 6 fats. The balance thereof is the key to losing weight the healthy and effective way. I lost 50 lbs in 10 months and never starved on any meals. Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • greeneyes419
    greeneyes419 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you so much :) congrats on ur weight loss
  • greeneyes419
    greeneyes419 Posts: 3 Member
    Those diets are fab, I'm low carb myself for now anyway. My choice.
    If you're serious, we can be friends! I'd love more active friends!

    Yes that would be great. Its always great to make friends that are on the same path as urself ☺
  • rieder2k
    rieder2k Posts: 2 Member
    That's why I love my meal plan program, it's made portion sizes so easy! And it doesn't let me cop out and eat fruits instead of veggies all the time! Doing something that is maintainable for a lifestyle change is important!
  • I lost my first 10 pounds going low carb about a year ago. Last month I realized that I had gained eight of them back. So obviously I was plateauing, and the low carb thing wasn't going to make the difference. So I added exercise and and tried to balance my carbs, fat, and proteins.I'm so happy to be eating beans and carrots and grapes again :-)still no bread, rice, or flour including pasta womp womp. No sodas, fruit juice, candy, sweets, still haven't picked the oranges and pineapples and mangos back up yet. But I just started this change 2 weeks ago so we'll see where it goes.