5 ft 2 females...



  • marisa28a
    marisa28a Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 5'2 and currently around 136. Ideally I wanted to get down to 112 but I started lifting and I'm hooked! Now I don't think I will ever get down to that weight but that's ok! I want muscles now and low body fat.
    It's so frustrating because I am on day 48 of MFP and I have really only lost 2 pounds. My clothes are getting looser so that's a positive change but I thought I would be further along by now. Oh well I just have to trust the process. It's hard to trust it
  • jen47778
    jen47778 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm 5'1and am currently 112 lbs, GW is 105. I was stuck at 115-116lbs for the longest time and only recently dropped a couple more pounds. I mainly do cardio with body weight exercises and am thinking its as far as I will get with my current routine so am looking to start up weight training.
  • Bug1988
    Bug1988 Posts: 1
    Just started today! I'm on a mission this time. Im 5'2'' and 135lbs. My goal weight is 125. I have a more medium build on the bottom half and gain muscle easily. I try and do more cardio. Ive always struggled with staying under 130 so I hope MFP helps me track my sweet tooth better. I'd love to be closer to 120lbs.
  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    edited April 2015
    5'3 sw 159 cw 146 gw 133 but my dream goal Id be 120 :wink: just dont think its realistic for me to maintain.
    you are probably at a very healthy weight OP thats why its so hard to lose at this point
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I am 5'2.

    My goal weight was 125. I got down to 115 and didn't like it.
    I am maintaining between 120-123 and feel I look great there.

    My before and after at 123.2 is my profile pic
  • FeliJD
    FeliJD Posts: 22 Member
    Yep, loosing weight and keeping it off with a small frame is hard. I used to weigh 60kgs, am now at 49kgs. At 154cm I'm not sure what the "correct weight" should be, I guess it comes down to how far you want to take things and where you feel comfortable. The BMI index can help you decide where you want to be.

    To loose the weight, what worked for me were the following things: Write down (or type!) everything you eat, reduce the size of your dishes (I used entree sized plate for a main), treat alcohol as an only sometimes drink (I was having it nightly), no food after 7pm but herbal teas ok, get rid of chocs and any other tempting foods in the house, have an exercise plan (I was doing loads of cardio and have since increased weights, usually 30 mins or so a day), set a time limit on the diet ie 6 weeks. Unfortunately there is no magic potion - all common sense!

    And finally be kind to yourself. I now roughly follow a paleo type diet and this helps a bit. It is a constant battle and I don't do half of the things well all of the time, however we all do our best and sometimes fall off the bandwagon.

    I admire any person trying to loose weight or make themselves look and feel better. Regardless of how much or how little you have to go, it is hard and it does require commitment. Wishing you well whatever your goal!
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    I'm 5'2" and currently 139. My goal weight is 120, but I would be happy with 125. I have been in the 110s before and I looked like a Q-tip in pictures. I have an athletic build, so the 120s seems to work better. I am trying to figure out what I am doing wrong as I have hovered between 137-139 for a month now. Trying to do an equal amount of cardio/weights or things requiring my own body weight. I have to be better about tracking food, like, all 7 days of the week. Have a wedding to attend in the Keys in August, so I have to get it going now!
  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    I'm 5"2, med frame. I'm at 117 which is small for me. I tend to stay around 122. My goal is lower bf% and muscle gain. I started lifting 6 days a week in March.
  • shortiequinn
    shortiequinn Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'0, SW 123 but was as high as 135. Currently 110-112 after 113 days on MFP. YAY! Goal is 108. I can already tell these last couple of pounds are going to be the most difficult.
    Feel free to add me to check out my diary.
  • GetThatRunnersHigh
    GetThatRunnersHigh Posts: 112 Member
    5'1.5" here. Currently fluctuating between 126 - 132 pounds, goal is to reduce body fat. I guess I have a larger frame since my ribs and gap show despite my higher weight. BF% measured at 22.1%, looking to get to 18-19%.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    puraze wrote: »
    I'm 5'2". I find it easy to maintain 125-130, below that becomes a struggle. /

    This is me too! I'm 160 with a goal of 130 - Like how I feel and look at that point, but we'll see once I get there. It's been so long ;)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    5'2", currently around 140, goal weight is 125. I am focusing more on lifting weights now, so the number isn't that important. I just want to look fit! :)
  • jcox147125
    jcox147125 Posts: 11 Member
    5' 2". SW: 148, CW: 139.

    My goal weight is 119 right now, but I'm not set on it. I've never been below 130 as an adult so not sure what I'd look best at. My guess is I will stop somewhere between 115-125.
  • ninjapixie87
    ninjapixie87 Posts: 124 Member
    5' 1" here, current weight 129lbs, about 28-29% BF.

    I've been anywhere from 95lbs (about 9 years ago) to 140lbs (last year), so I already have an idea of what my body looks like at different weights. But even when I was smaller, I was still "skinny fat", so my focus now is more on reducing my BF% than getting to a specific weight.

    Current goal is ~115lbs (max) and ~22% BF. Longer term I'd like to get back to the 105-110lbs range and more like 18-20% BF, but with some muscle this time...I just don't know how much muscles will affect my weight at that point.
  • 1cristalle
    1cristalle Posts: 1 Member
    5'2". SW: 155; CW: 153; GW: 120
    Just started back at it again after neglecting myself for too long! I love the way I look and feel at 120, but have never really been into lifting so 120 with lifting could look completely different on me and I'm willing to work at it!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I've already lost the weight, and decided on 120 pounds as ideal. I could maybe go a little lower, but I'm 54, and figure I should be without any fat in case I get sick or something. I would say I have a Medium frame size.
  • what sort of weight is your ideal weight? I'm really struggling to shed the pounds. Currently about 125lbs but want to be around 105 ideally. Need friends of similar build with similar goals to motivate me!

  • brisloth
    brisloth Posts: 7 Member
    5'3", my goal weight is 110 or less.
  • dpepi2015 wrote: »
    what sort of weight is your ideal weight? I'm really struggling to shed the pounds. Currently about 125lbs but want to be around 105 ideally. Need friends of similar build with similar goals to motivate me!

  • JackieMcK25
    JackieMcK25 Posts: 3 Member
    Looks like I might be the most vertically challenged in the group at 4'11 and 1/2 :p , my SW was 149, CW 130 and GW 110. I have read through so many groups on MFP trying to figure out the best way to accomplish my goal and I think strong lifts might be the way to go. I have been as low as 102 but looked way to skinny....Not a good look! I would love to add some additional friends that are of similar height and build as me to to keep me motivated!