Hi! New mom at her highest weight and miserable!

Hi all !
I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl in August 2014. I didn't put on much weight then and lost all of it within 2 weeks. Shortly thereafter, I started gaining steadily and continuously (nursing diet!). I stopped nursing last month and my weight is still increasing on a daily basis. Each time I step on a scale, I see an increase. I had my blood work done and all looks good. So it's for sure my diet and lack of exercise. Running around with my baby definitely isn't enough. I am not sure if I have diastasis recti because my tummys huge!

Anyway. I'm terrified of these numbers but I weigh 245 lb and I was 210 when I conceived, 232 on the day of delivery.
So here I am. A new mom from Chicago who's desperate to lose weight and get fit!


  • bendyourkneekatie
    bendyourkneekatie Posts: 696 Member
    Sorry to hear you're unhappy with how things are for you right now. As mothers we tend to put ourselves second...or third...or, well, whatever the number it's usually last! Getting time to devote to exercise is something I'm still struggling with, so at the moment I'm focusing on diet (as well as walking as much as possible, which can be quite a lot with 2 kids and no car!). The combination of hormones, constant-hunger-from-breastfeeding, and exhaustion, make it very easy to overeat, so I'm finding calorie counting is helping me get some control back.
    My youngest girl is a couple months older than yours. (I also have a 2 year old girl). Feel free to add me if you'd like. Best of luck with getting things back on track
  • ivybelle82
    ivybelle82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, i'm a mum of two also, mine are 2 & 5. I know the feeling and was 40 pounds odd overweight. i got to a great weight a year ago but now ive gained again. im trying to control my awful eating habits. i do have some advise about excercise that i found works. use the baby as a weight and the baby thinks your playing. I'm assuming baby is nearer the one yr mark than newborn?
    if you want to add me then please do. we all need lots of support and encouragement x
  • fixeruppermom
    Thanks all for your reply.

    I have a perfect that loves to watch me do chores lol and she will be thrilled if I exercise in front of her. Hands and legs up in the air! How fun! I try to do stuff by holding her but that's only for arms. I can't really do crunches keeping her on my bent knees etc. My tummys too big for that. Haven't tried lunges but I will