Anyone need friends for the journey

i am Brian looking for friends to keep motivated! Need to loose 80lbs and have planed out for what works for my lunches. I'm in the grocery business so deli food, bakery food and other junk foods are around me for 10-11 hrs a day! I have to be strong lol.

Any Fitbit users out their?


  • LizDeWal
    LizDeWal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Brian ☺

    Feel free to add me, am also looking to add more friends on mfp. I am just getting back into it. I have a fitbit too and I loves it , feel free to add me on there too!

  • briancook71903
    briancook71903 Posts: 14 Member
    How do you add Fitbit friends? Haven't figured it out yet
  • wolfespit
    wolfespit Posts: 14
    Wow, we're in the same boat. I'm a baker. One thing I find that helps is to fill up on low carb meals in short intervals. So you don't let yourself get hungry. Don't chew gum because it can cause digestive problems. Maybe carry a huge water bottle so instead of snacking you drink water when you're bored.