Traveling to Paris in a few weeks... Help Please!



  • shapenerfiterratii
    shapenerfiterratii Posts: 111 Member
    Eat and enjoy, you're lucky! Would love to go there and ditch chem. Try and watch your intake, but dont deprive yourself of a great trip.
  • draco706
    draco706 Posts: 174 Member
    I was in Nice last August. I would have a coffee and small pastry in the morning. I would have a piece of fruit or a salad for lunch and a "set menu" at a restaurant. The meal would consist of a Salade Nicoise. A main dish ratatouille or braised beouf and veggies tossed with pasta or a chicken and vegetable stew over pasta. Then came yummy time. Small creme brulees. And had red wine with dinner. Did not count a single anything. Lost 11lbs in two weeks. Although Paris is much flatter than the south of France you will be doing major walking. Plan on good shoes and have a great time! Below are some food pics from France.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    You will be surprised. The overall quality of ingredients in Europe is better. The restaurant portions are generally much smaller than here. Paris is a walking city... walk, walk, walk. But don't turn down the opportunity to eat anything and everything. Forget dieting and enjoy yourself. I am drooling with envy right this minute. My guess is you will maintain or lose.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    Don't log a damn thing. I lived in France for a year, and EVERY DAY I ate like there was no tomorrow and still dropped a ton of weight because I spent all my time outside walking around and enjoying France. Sigh. Jealous.
  • hhnkhl
    hhnkhl Posts: 231 Member
    You dont plan on hitting up the restaraunts in France?
    Just dont bother recording when you are travelling. Pick it up after you come back
  • acheben
    acheben Posts: 476 Member
    I'm living in Italy right now and I have found that most of the barcodes work, so I assume they'll work in France. That being said, enjoy yourself and experience the food. You'll get a ton of exercise in while sightseeing and you don't want to miss out on that deliciousness.
  • meweiglejr
    I was thinking barcodes for if I ran into a market and needed something quick to take on the train for day tripping out to the countryside. Thank you all for the encouragement! It's greatly appreciated. I was in Amsterdam last year and thought the amount of walking would counteract the food and beer. It didn't. I'm sure I'll be okay this time around. Can't wait to touch down.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    It is one week.
    I would not worry about logging and just try to eat and drink reasonable portions.
    Have fun!
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    The key to vacations is to enjoy it. It's vacation. But the day you get home, you are back on it. No waiting, just jump back in. That's the secret. Most people go on vacation, adapt to doing whatever, then come back and do whatever.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I've had barcodes work on packaged foods in France, but most foods I ate did not have barcodes at all.
  • didi2004
    didi2004 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm French and I use MFP everyday, barcodes definitly work here
    However, I think you should really enjoy yourself, it's only one week :)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    If you're in France and eating food that comes with barcodes, you're not doing it right! :smile:

    Amen to this.

    But, then, I use the barcode feature so rarely that I tend to forget it's there....and I'm in the US!
  • rufferta
    rufferta Posts: 5 Member
    Being on your own in Paris is probably not a danger to your diet, as long as you keep moving and avoid sedentary activities. Try to enjoy your food, and take time to eat and enjoy it. Don't sit down and eat in a hurry - I believe it is considered rude for a waiter at a restaurant to rush you.
    I understand that "fast food" and "convenience food" availability has become a threat to some Parisienne's svelteness; however, I have found that I am immediately recognized as an American when I am in Paris because I am overweight (blush!).
    One thought - don't eat 'every day' food there - so nix on the trailmix and the hershey bars and the McDonald's. Try some of the wonderful varieties of yogurt and cheese available.
    Also remember that being tired won't be solved by eating simple carbs.
    Carry water.
    Oh, by the way, if you are near a Berthillon's don't hesitate to try it at least once. Also, around now the flowers in the parks should be starting to bloom, so be sure to check.
    Wish I had taken my own advice - my last vacation included a cruise, and I have just today managed to get back on track.
    Have fun!