Question: c25k Distance Increase

peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
edited April 2015 in Fitness and Exercise
I've been thinking about trying to get back to a strict c25k program for the last couple weeks since I have started into running again. What I have been doing is a six set jog/walk cycle with increasing my jog time while keeping my walk time at 90 seconds. Sometimes I need a little longer walking break, but I have only really failed a couple of times. I'm currently up to 4.5 minutes jogging six times with the aforementioned 90 second break in between.

It seems that this should place me right about between week 4-5 in the programs I can find where it's a jog/walk for 20 minutes with 3-5 minutes jogging, and half that time walking in between.

That's cool, no problem. I could bust that out easily.

My concern is that in the middle of week five, it seems to jump up REALLY quickly to two sets of 8 minutes on the 2nd day, and a 20 minute straight run on the third day. Week six ends with a 25 minute run, and week seven is all 25 minute runs.

Now, I am not experienced in running, and how quickly the body adjusts to this sort of distance, but it seems to me like hitting a 20 minute jog by the end of next week is something an insane person who is totally whacked out on hallucinogens would tell me is possible.

So, my questions would be...

Why does it make this sort of seemingly meteoric leap out of the blue? Also, what is it about being able to do multiple sets of 5-8 minute runs interspersed with walking that would make the body ready to jump up to 20 straight minutes?

I can wrap my mind around pushing 20 minutes straight to 25 minutes straight, but going from the jog/walk for less than half of that time directly to "BOOM. TRY NOT TO DIE... LAWL!!!" seems like those expectations would be set by a unicorn riding a rainbow.

Anyone more well versed than I able to help me untangle my brain on this with a medical/scientific (not broscience, bro) sort of explanation?


  • erinm5
    erinm5 Posts: 55 Member
    edited April 2015
    You will surprise yourself. If you add up your run times from the previous weeks you are already running for a total of 20 minutes within a workout. It is scary but trust yourself and listen to your body. I remember when I hit my first 20 minutes run without stopping I was like h*** no, but then I just focused on my breathing and got it done.

    You can do it! Take it slow and if you can't run the whole time, then take a step back and walk for a minute then start again. You can always repeat workouts if your not ready.

    I am almost done this program, on W8D2, and I followed the program almost to a tee (With the exception of getting sick, going to Vegas etc). Your body can do more then you think it can.
  • fromnebraska
    fromnebraska Posts: 153 Member
    I had this same reaction when it came time for my first 20 minute run, but I did it. You'll be surprised at how well your body has adapted so far. I've found that running becomes more mentally challenging (boredom, self-doubt) than physically challenging as you increase your distance, so keep that in mind.

    If you start to feel winded or tired, then slow your pace and see if you can recover while still running. And if you absolutely cannot run anymore, you can walk. There is no failure in walking. But try running the entire time. It's absolutely thrilling when you reflect back on what you've just done and how far you've come in your training.

    Good luck!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Awesome, thanks for the replies, and good tidings!

    I'm still definitely going to try it out, but I think I'm going to do one more week of the six set thing I'm doing just to be cautious while bumping the jog time up to five minutes, and then I'll start the real fifth week of c25k on the 26th.

    If you don't see me post after the 30th... assume the worst. :P
  • minamina27
    minamina27 Posts: 89 Member
    You will amaze yourself. I got to week 5 then had to have 3 weeks off. On my second run back my app messed up and I ran for 28 minutes. The one after that I ran the whole 5 k (37 minutes) and have done so every other day since (6 times). I ran 5.5 k the second time just to check it wasn't a fluke. Can't wait for tomorrow morning for my next 5k (now just less than 36 minutes. ) slow but I got the distance.