Best workout DVD in your opinion?

Hello! I'm a stay at home mom looking for suggestions on the best (in your opinion) workout DVD. Since I can't really go to a gym with my little one, I'm trying to have different things to do to get my exercise in! (Like running around after a toddler isn't exercise... Lol)

I am presently working out to Ripped in 30, finding it useful, but getting bored with all the arm exercises. So, I'm looking to switch it up. I am open to anything - kickboxing, strength, cardio, qigong, whatever you can think of - but a good quality workout that's easy enough for an intermediate level to do. Thanks in advance! Feel free to add me if you're in a similar situation!


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    The best DVDs are one you will do consistently. I have a library of DVDs so I switch back and forth.

    Kelly Coffey-Meyer DVDs are really good (IMO) because her personality is so natural. 30 Minutes to Fitness is a series - DVDs have 2 - 30 minute workouts and lots of different premixes. I do Kelly DVDs for strength....I'm not good with choreography

    Because I'm not good with choreography I look for "walking" style workouts...checkout or Leslie Sansone DVDs. Walking workouts are about what you put into them....they will never be advanced. But if you use lots of arms, high knees, etc. they are intermediate.

    Another "style" of workouts...a fusion of pilates and yoga...I like Ellen Barrett DVDs. She's so encouraging
  • lindsayh87
    lindsayh87 Posts: 167 Member
    I'm also a stay at home mom. I have insanity and really like it, it's pretty much all cardio though so I guess it depends on your goals. Others may say something that uses weights may be better. It's a tough work out and challenges me and I like that so it works! Anyways, I completed a whole round of it and had great results, when it gets to the Max portion the longest work outs are 59 minutes and that was somewhat tough with the little ones around but if I planned ahead and have them snacks and a good activity or did it during nap time it wasn't too bad! They often run around with me and crawl through my legs during squats! I also bought T25 for days when I'm really busy and don't have the time or motivation for a full hour work out. I haven't followed the programs calendar as far as what work outs to do on what days or whatever but I do feel like it's a great burn in 25 minutes!

    *i should add, I'm NOT a beach body coach, if you are looking to buy those programs I highly suggest checking amazon, eBay and your local Craigslist to get them for much cheaper! I bought T25 off Craigslist and insanity off amazon :)
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Yeah I love Kelly C-M as well, not only because her workouts are a bit like Jillian only without the Jillian part, but also because of the way they offer different remixes of all of the segments so you can do just the cardio, just the weights, just upper, just lower, etc. You get a lot of variety in one DVD.

    (TeaBea and I have all the same favorites lol)

    I also like JessicaSmith a lot. I have one of her DVDs called Cardio Abs, it has a cardio workout, a more functional core workout (different core moves, no crunches) and a more traditional ab workout on it. All are good.

    Oh and my absolute FAVE new one - Chris Freytag ACE HIIT DVD. Lots of different workouts, all are tough but safe and she's really motivating as an instructor. It's worth it's weight in gold to me, honestly.
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    edited April 2015
    The best will vary depending on the person. The best for you will be whatever gets your heart rate up and you enjoy doing.

    There are A LOT of videos on youtube
  • danielle62384
    danielle62384 Posts: 6 Member
    I've tried so many different workout video's and the ONLY one that I didn't want to cuss someone out or throw something at the tv is BodyCombat. I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to doing that DVD every night. So I think this would be a personal preference as opposed to the "best"....whichever one you're gonna do consistently, and whichever one you really enjoy doing will be the best for you, which may not be the best for everyone else.
  • onehappypickle
    onehappypickle Posts: 74 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions - just looking for something that's not goofy or gimmicky... I've seen sooo many that I just think "if you can tell me I can do it, but not tell me proper form, then it's a waste of time on fake encouragement"! Lol I want to move with purpose, and not feel like I'm just wiggling all over the place randomly. Lol
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Options will be a good site for you to browse at, then, because they have clips of all the videos so you can tell what they will actually be like. You can't beat that feature lol, I can't tell you how many vids I've thought sounded awesome but then 5 seconds of watching the instructor and it's like...noooooope!