595 days on my fitness pal .. 70lb down and new Vegan ... Any Vegans out there??

595 days on my fitness pal and I love it!!! .. I have been vegan for two months and still learning ..


  • caoimhearlise
    caoimhearlise Posts: 18 Member
    I'm trying to get on the vegan bandwagon so if you have any tips or suggestions, please do share. Thanks!
  • tasha_rena
    tasha_rena Posts: 25 Member
    Vegan here! :smile:
  • chirpybunny
    chirpybunny Posts: 6 Member
    Not vegan, but I'm interested in new ideas. I have "no meat days."
  • Hi I'm vegetarian trying to go vegan. My only holdout is cheese. I can't find any cheese products that taste good and
    melt when you make pizza.
  • Karyth06
    Karyth06 Posts: 9 Member
    I am so happy to find Vegans!!!
  • Karyth06
    Karyth06 Posts: 9 Member
    I have been reading a couple of books about how to become a Vegan and its a lot of help.. Forks over Knives, Vegan for Dummies. I am always post my food pictures on Instagram Karyth76 (if you want to follow) .. I was never a cheese person but the only one that I get is soy cheese from Trader Joe and its really good.. I found almost all my recipes in Pinterest ..
  • dgoulbourne
    dgoulbourne Posts: 4 Member
    Vegan here!! :smile:
  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    'New' Vegan here (since Oct '14).
  • dsindu
    dsindu Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! Vegan since January. I think we can share vegan recipes. I'm on Instagram @ksinduve
  • gypop
    gypop Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all, fairly new to veganism and still a bit flexible. Vegetarian as a minimum, vegan as a preference.

    I've been on and off here for a while but started using MFP to track protein, iron and calcium more than calories.

    I'm thinking of adding vegan friends so I can spy on daily intakes and for inspiration but hope no-one will be offended if I don't like having 'friends' on here and end up deleting! :o Just trying new things. :D I'm UK based so ideally UK people only as it gets confusing with availability of meat and dairy substitutes!

    My diary will be open to friends if yours is too :smile:
  • inukshuk1960
    inukshuk1960 Posts: 27 Member
    Vegan for 3 years and vegetarian for 30 years before that.
  • Ajna2015
    Ajna2015 Posts: 3 Member
    New to MFP... I have been vegetarian my whole life but recently switched to vegan for health reasons and on my fabulous doctor's advice. Alicia Silverstone's book The Kind Life really helped me feel calm about the transition. And her website is fabulous too
  • Ajna2015
    Ajna2015 Posts: 3 Member
    [/quote] I was never a cheese person but the only one that I get is soy cheese from Trader Joe and its really good.. I found almost all my recipes in Pinterest .. [/quote]

    I think last time I looked at Trader Joe's soy cheese it wasn't vegan... check and see if it has casein in it - a milk protein. If they have changed it I will be very excited though!
  • Queengreengrass
    Queengreengrass Posts: 3 Member
    Hi - I keep sliding from Vegan to Vegetarian, but Vegan is my goal (hopefully full time by the end of 2015). Anyway, I'm interested in how much calcium I get and noticed above that "gypop" said, "...started using MFP to track protein, iron and calcium more than calories." Can anyone tell me how to see how much calcium we consume in a day? Thank you and I'm so happy I found this post!
  • C_Coppage
    C_Coppage Posts: 6 Member
    Not a vegan, but one of my best friends is. My wife and I are slowly cutting down to a holistic plant based diet, so just wanted to say I send you mad props!
  • nutritionenthusiast
    nutritionenthusiast Posts: 29 Member
    very new to veganism... 100% vegetarian... and working my way to 100% vegan as I discover what's in the food i'm eating... it's so surprising!
    AFINGLE1 Posts: 7 Member
    Me and my husband also changed our lifestyle to be Vegans ! We upped the stakes and took sugar out of our diets and limit our salt intake.
    Were on day 41 and feel great! The food can be amazing -seasoning is key!
  • stormy919
    stormy919 Posts: 4 Member
    Vegan here! I was vegetarian for 10 years before diving into veganism. It wasn't nearly as hard to transition as I thought it'd be. There are way more options at restaurants now than ever before and banana ice cream has been an amazing replacement for the dairy ice dream I was once addicted to.
  • pattiso
    pattiso Posts: 1
    I've been vegetarian for 8 years and I've just twitched to veganism. Newish to MFP, so feel free to add me anyone :smile: