60 days and lots to celebrate.

WolffEarl Posts: 379 Member
They have been good, these last 60 days. Let us take a look.

I restarted this journey into better, fitter living on March 18th this year and thus far:
- Continue to eat well, with lots of fruit, veggies every meal.
- Successfully (mostly) ignored the pleas of ice cream, pizzas and chocolate bars, demanding to be eaten by me, while lurking in the fridge or counter (amazing what my adult kiddos and sweetie will leave in plain sight:). (my daughter actually told me last night as she put left over pizza in the fridge: " Be strong dad, be strong" :)
- Have exercised every day, mostly jogging, with some strength training, punching bagging thrown in, at least 30 minutes a day, but very rarely more than 1 hour.
-Used to take me 27 minutes to run 5 k and could not do the 10 k without needing to walk. Now do the 5 k in around 24 minutes and just completed a 10 K in 48 minutes.
-Started with being able to do 19 push ups (just barely), now can do 52 (also just barely:)
-Could hold the plank for just a minute back then, now at 3 minutes (although not pretty to watch the grimace on the face:)
- Planted an apple tree in my garden, dug hole and all, but did not record that as exercise, simply as a sign that life is fruitful:).
- Lost some 5 inches of the waist (finally under 40 again), 3 inches from the hips and another 2 inches elsewhere.
-Could barely do 3 regular pull ups 60 days ago, now can huff and puff and do about 9 most days.
- Became even better friends with my Treadmill, visit her every second day (for awhile there, she was mostly a dust and paper collector). She is not afraid to push me, going faster and steeper all the time, so much so that after 25 minutes I must let her be. She only smiles and says:' I will be waiting". Good thing my sweetie is not the jealous type:)
And yes, lost 31 pounds along the way, some 20 pounds the first 30 days, then 11 the last month.
Life is good.


  • katiusha
    katiusha Posts: 4

    P.S. Thanks for the post - it came just as I was about to lose the battle with some sesame halva. It was exactly what was needed to win :)
  • Losershawn
    Losershawn Posts: 152
    WTG Wolf - your insight and perspective is refreshing. I appreciate the fact you focus on the NSV's and weight is almost an afterthought!
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks for the post as well. It was well written and inspiring :)

    The only thing I struggle with is how slow the weight loss is for me. I'm losing about half a pound a week-- have lost 20 pounds over the last two years, but only 6 in the last three months.

    But... I can run two miles now, without stopping.
    I enrolled in my first 5K (an obstacle course known as the Warrior Dash!)
    I eat between 1400 and 1600 cal almost every day and have come to love berries and almond milk and water, water, water...
    I FEEL good-- especially on the days that I run the full 2 miles-- any work-related anxiety dissipated for a few hours.

    My oldest son (19 and in decent shape) couldn't keep up with me and Jillian Michaels lol.

    Thanks for your post though-- even though my scale isn't moving like a lot of people's, it made me think of what I gained.


  • kenlad64
    kenlad64 Posts: 377 Member
    Great job! Very inspiring and yes well written. I see a lot of similarities in my story. It is a path we have chosen and continue on and hopefully pick up some great habits and lose the bad ones. It’s a way of life and I feel much better too. I have dropped 40 pounds since early March and highly motivated to continue. Best of luck, thanks for sharing!
  • gemco
    gemco Posts: 129
    thats all brilliant :) well done you
  • pixietoes
    pixietoes Posts: 1,591 Member
    Thanks for sharing your journey, you inspire me and call me higher, and sometimes, when it's very tough and I don't know if I'm going to make it through, that kind of encouragement makes a big difference. From you I have learned not to flinch in the face of fear and to not blink in a staring contest with a piece of pie.
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    well done buddy. enjoyed reading your journey, keep up the good work.
  • StaceyL76
    StaceyL76 Posts: 711 Member
    LIfe is good! I enjoy your perspective and well written posts. You are doing awesome! The changes you have made are so positive and you have done it by yourself! I mean we are here but those around you arn't doing the same thing and that poses a lot of challenge and temptations ~ however you persevere! You are a true inspiration! Thank you for sharing this and your journey with MFP. I value your contributions.
  • jperrysunlover
    jperrysunlover Posts: 96 Member
    What a great post! I'm so happy for your success. It gives me inspiration to keep up with my goals!
  • sholley25
    sholley25 Posts: 5 Member
    Great job, I can't wait to post my success story. Keep up the good work.Thanks for the encouragement. :wink: :devil: :drinker:
  • lealea25
    lealea25 Posts: 12
    Good job!
    A 3 minute plank? Impressive. I can manage about 40secs before I collapse in a heap!
    Keep up the good work
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    You said it: Life is Good! Congrats on your many accomplishments!
  • VStar55
    VStar55 Posts: 75
    Wonderful inspiring post. You've done a great job with your fitness levels.
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