Staring over agin I need a little push

so I came on here years ago and went from 167 to my lowest being 115 (I wasn't losing weight in the safest way) it's been a few years and and I am now 135 and would like to lose weight again.
I'll be getting a new job soon and I'll be sitting 8 hours a day so that has me worried to gain tons of weight back
I joined the gym last month and we go 3-4 times a week and run a little and also swim so I'll have some activity but we stay maybe an hour working out.
The hardest part is eating we like our bread and I gain weight like crazy and my husband stays the same skinny person he is -_- so how do I feel the motivation to keep going


  • toadyfrog1
    toadyfrog1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I'm starting over too. Haven't done this program before but willing to give it a try. I need accountability and support. Once I get started, I do ok. Made up my mind to try again on April 13th, which was my grandmothers birthday. Like you,my husband can eat a lot more and still remain slim!! Not fair :)
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    You can only be motivated if YOU really want to do it. Nobody else can do that for you, but they can support your self-motivation. Sounds like you are already getting started. This time, once you've lost the weight, stay with MFP and do the maintenance plan. I know several people here who lost their weight but keep it in check by doing that. Best of luck to you!
  • hln567
    hln567 Posts: 2 Member
    edited April 2015
    I started a few months ago also, its not easy. I have yo-yoed a little and still lost. You have to stay motivated, don't give up on you. I love mfp, it keeps me accountable.
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    edited April 2015
    Push? ok. :smiley:giphy.gif

  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Men usually out-mass us so they expend more energy doing the same exact things. This means they can eat more than we can to maintain their weight. Unfair, yes, but there's no way to get around it. Crying and stomping around about it burn more calories but are otherwise ineffective. :smiley:

    There's no reason you can't eat bread and lose or maintain your weight, you just need to fit it into your calories. As much as I like bread, too, I mostly avoid it because to me the calories aren't worth it. I'd rather save those calories for a treat at the end of the day. More than once I've explained to a co-worker at a lunch meeting that I'm eating the deli meat and cheese alone (or hamburger without a bun, etc.) so I can have a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie for dessert. It's all about priorities!

    Motivation comes from within. No one can give you motivation you have to find it for yourself. You can, however, be inspired by others' motivation. Look at the success stories in these forums, make a list of the reasons you want to lose/maintain your weight and refer to it when you feel yourself slipping. Many here will tell you that rather than needing motivation, you need commitment and dedication. When motivation wears down, commitment and dedication will often take over and get you through the tough times.