support for emotional/stress eating.

jmiller1028 Posts: 17 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
I have been able to curb my snacking since tracking my food daily on mfp, but i have been having miserable urges to stress eat. Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions on what they have done to deal with their emotional or stress eating?


  • Angelfire365
    Angelfire365 Posts: 803 Member
    Walk. Do something physical. I personally love jacking the tunes up in my kitchen and dancing my little heart out!
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    I'm the same ! I actually panic when alone around food. This is from some serious neglect issues as a kid where I would and still grab as much food as I can when no one is there and binge .. Although my meals are now regular it's a horrible horrible mental scar . I too would like some support <3
  • pcrucifer
    pcrucifer Posts: 71 Member
    In my experience the emotional eating was a symptom of other issues. While I could not always control the stressful situations, I was able to be more intentional about self-care. I find that running helps cut down on the need, as does venting to a good friend.
  • kbkat7
    kbkat7 Posts: 28 Member
    emotional eating is my down fall :/
  • kanka2
    kanka2 Posts: 4 Member
    I comfort eat. That is why im am overweight. But i have already lost 2 stone so slowly i am getting there. But what we need to remember is to not restric ourselves when we are on our normal "diet" one piece of cake is not going to make u fat, but the whole cake might just do it.

    So sometimes if u feel like ur about to start snacking cause ur stressed. Just have one indulgent thing. And thats all u need. And thats all u will allow urself. Then u need to focus on why are u stressed? What triggered it? How can i fix this so i dont go ruin my "diet" with my food? And how can i prevent it if this stressful thing happens again?

    I still have this problem. Theres is no magic answer. U just have to train ur mind. Slowly it will work. Just like you have to train yourself to not go over in yours calories u might b hungry but u know u cant go over. The first few months will be hard but it will be worth it in the end.

    Nothing worth having will happen over night
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think just being aware is the most of it. Telling myself this is just stress eating and I can have such and such another time when I am not stressed
  • dawson1377
    dawson1377 Posts: 2 Member
    I find that when I'm "hungry"...I'm stressed, bored or dehydrated! I've trained myself to drink a bottle of water first and if I'm still feeling hungry then have a small snack
  • Kat78956
    Kat78956 Posts: 27 Member
    I agree with Dawson1377 and Brenn24179 -Water and being aware.
    I also find that if I feel down and I want to comfort eat I pull out my phone and look at the MFP success stories and also find other people who need support. Its great to be able to help motivate others and also to realise you are NOT ALONE in this!
    Hugs as I know its bloody hard!
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    First, eliminate the items in your house you feel you are risk of over eating when stressed. Second, in a state of calm before a stress filled scenario, really think about what makes you happy, what activity or music or memory etc makes you smile, "store" that for when things are bad and recall it. Third if able, hit something! Like a pillow or heavy bag etc...GREAT release! And lastly, we don't have to be impulsive reactionary creatures, respond, don't react.