Calorie intake

hi all
I had a baby 6 weeks ago and I'm really wanting to lose quite a bit of weight. Could anyone advise me on what calorie intake would be good?! I haven't been able to do much exercise as I had a c-section but I do a lot of walking.
Many thanks


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Walking is good. Helps you to smell the roses (and occasional dog poop)! Plus, steady but slow wins the race. People who start out wanting to run and lift weights, etc., usually get burned out and give up. Take your baby with you!
  • kanka2
    kanka2 Posts: 4 Member
    Dont start exercising too soon. My mum made that mistake after she had my younger brother. She was only doing yoga/pilaties but pushed herself too hard and started getting bad pains. 22 years later she is still paying the price.

    Not trying scare u, just saying take it easy and listen to ur body. Not the mirror ;) Besides u just had a baby. Give urself a break!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    If your ticker is accurate, set your goal to a pound a week, eat that plus half of your exercise burns and more if you're breastfeeding to keep your supply up. As said above, walking is good. My sister-in-law had a c-section eight weeks ago and that's all the exercise she's been able to muster up to now.
  • kimstanton84
    kimstanton84 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks girls :)
    This was my 3rd section so I know what my limits are and know not to push myself too soon.
    It's just that I became so greedy and ate as if I was still pregnant and obviously not exercising so piled on the weight.
    I'm not breastfeeding and happy to lose a pound a week, and because I cannot do much other than walk I didn't want my calorie intake to be too high.
    Thank you again :)