Heyyyy im angel

Hi, so my names angelique and im 19 years old. I weigh 98 or 97 pounds. And i joined this website just to keep track of how many calories i intake. Im one of those calorie counter people that have to know how many calories are in something. I work out everyday and i love eating veggies, fruit and everything good for you. When i go out to eat i usually eat a Cesar salad plain or with chicken or just any type of salad, and if i feel like it i'll cheat have some of the chip and dip layin around, or even order some fries with my meal (*note* i dont go out to eat alot, only on special occasions or just probably,if ever, once a month) For dessert i never order anything from a restaraunt (i basically never eat dessert, if i do its probably a few grapes, an apple, or a mango or just any fruit *at home*) I love being young and healthy and active it really does help you stay on point with how you feel about yourself and really feel good. Overall being happy and healthy is key, no matter what size you are. *not to prove anything with writing this, just telling everyone what i do :)* :tongue: :happy:


  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
  • StrongLife
    StrongLife Posts: 525 Member
    You are on top of it for sure. That is a cool purple face...interesting.
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    Lol, thanks! :)
    BLOWMONEY1 Posts: 4 Member
    I felt like I was dieting just reading this lol good job
  • Doing good and looking great!!! Keep doing what your doing because it's looks as if it's paying off
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    Thank yall! :)
  • tonyouma1
    tonyouma1 Posts: 2 Member
    Is you're diet balanced?
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    Yes, but that post was probably about 6 months ago, I've changed my diet up a little bit because I was a little underweight, I currently weigh 108 which is a healthy weight for my age/weight. I do still eat extremely healthy but I'm currently doing the IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) lifestyle and I'm trying to be in the best fit shape I can be, I'm pretty fit now but I'm always working towards to be better. It's all about moderation. :smile:
  • fitfabforties
    fitfabforties Posts: 370 Member
    Good for you for making healthy choices at a young age....I'm almost 45, I'm 5'3" and I weigh 134 as of this morning....I would love to be 108lb....i'll settle for 120!!!!....best of luck....keep on keeping on!!!!
  • angelbarbz123
    angelbarbz123 Posts: 23 Member
    Lol thank you! You too! :)