In the red :(

The last 5 days, I have been in the red on calories. 4 of those days were between 100 and 350 calories over.

I am set to lose 2lbs per week, and if 1lb is 3500 calories, then surely I should lose atleast 1lb this week?

Have had quite a depressing week, as I have busted my knee, and I'm really upset about it, as I wanted to continue with C25k. (I injured it on the 3rd sesh!) Its quite depressing that I have to wait for my knee to heal, but also that I have to wait 2 weeks until payday before I can start, as I have to go and get proper trainers (gonna go get them to watch me run etc)

Plus also, I did the Jillian 30 day shred, and only managed 7 minutes of it before just giving up!

........and last time I weighed myself, it seemed as though I had put on 1.5lbs, even though I have exercised this week, eaten back my exercise calories, and been on somewhere between 1200 and 1500 net calories!

Need a boost! Grrr!


  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    This is a small bump in the road that is the rest of your life.

    This lifestyle/journey is yours forever.

    Don't stress over a bad week in your food diary.

    Sorry about your knee. :flowerforyou:
  • Msaip
    Msaip Posts: 482 Member
    Don't give up! Things will get better and you WILL LOSE THE WEIGHT!. I have to tell myself this everday when I scrounge for excuses not to do anything.....but you have a VALID reason for not working out as much!

    You can do it!
  • kklemarow
    kklemarow Posts: 167 Member
    Don't fret, you'll get back to it in no time. Concentrate on the things you've accomplished (getting to the last third of a marathon is incredible!) and you'll see that this is just a minor bump. Terrible about your knee - maybe try something that isn't hard on the joints like water aerobics or cycling.

    Tomorrow is a new day, chin up!
  • daveelamp
    daveelamp Posts: 43
    dont give up... you will have setbacks along the way but never give up. i find reading the success stories to be really inspiring. sorry to hear about your knee... i snapped my cruciate ligament and was unable to exercise for 2 years while waiting for operation and then my rehab. so dont stress too much :)
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Let your knee heel and you can get right back on it! It's just a little slip up but the fact you've noticed it and want to get back on it proves you have the will power to do it!
  • DerGraf
    DerGraf Posts: 40 Member
    I was in the red this week too, maybe 4 of the 7 days... AND 4 digits in the red to boot !!!!

    But I look on the bright side, red is my favorite colour.
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    Don't let it get you down. I've been there done that.... I started zig zagging my calories and bamo! nice steady weight loss. I also hurt my knee on week3 of c25k. i got new shoes, was given the go ahead to run through minor pain, and it somehow strengthened my knee so now I can run pain free.... you will get there... like a pp said... you are changing your life forever.... a bad week isn't going to set you back forever, you attitude might though. Stay positive!
  • busymomyof3
    busymomyof3 Posts: 31
    i seem to also be having a a bad week for whatever reason. i have stayed in my calorie goal.. exercised every stinking day (doing supreme 90) but im not gonna let this get me down.

    like others have said.. let the knee heal & pick back up. overall health & fitness is your goal! you can do it. just believe in yourself & don't let that head of yours tell your heart any different!
  • fitnessjch
    fitnessjch Posts: 449 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    I am exercising every day still, but I am using the cross trainer, as it doesnt hurt my knee. Tried to run on the treadmill yesterday, and it was excrutiating :(

    Hey ho, gonna keep going. Most of my going over on the calories was eating chocolate through depression about my knee! Totally the wrong thing to do, but am still eating 500 less calories than MFP says I need to maintain my weight (instead of my 1000 less goal) so hopefully I should still lose? Hope so anyways!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    How about setting to lose 1lb per week, then you're more likely to stay in the green, which means you will have a better attitude about calorie counting, and not beat yourself up. Also if you are in the green on "lose 1lb a week" you can expect a little bonus weight loss every so often.