Social life and pressure from friends

I have an issue and I am not quite sure how to handle it. I have skinny and not so skinny friends alike and both seem to be really unsupportive of my weight loss journey. I know they are not purposely trying to saboutage it because we all care about eachother, but I am not really sure why they feel it's necessary to make it so hard.

I know there is a lot of people out there say if your friends are supportive, they aren't your real friends but the truth is we all have our own body image hang ups and it's unfair to jusge them. In my current position, if I saw a friend dropping a significant amount of weight I would probably be jealous too, but I'd like to think it would motivate me to dive into the journey with them.

Anyway, so here's my problem: At my age (27) my whole social life revovles around eating and drinking. I do belly dance and other go to grad school, but I just haven't made any connections at either place yet. I like to hike and be active and so does my boyfriend, but there never seems to be enough time in a week. When my friends want to go out to eat I try and suggest places that I know have healthy options, but they always pressure me to eat the appetizer or have "just one more drink." I feel like just saying no once should be enough, but then they say I'm not fun on a diet. The problem is, for me, this isn't supposed to be a diet. It's supposed to be a lifestyle change, so if I'm no fun anymore in their minds once I am not eating and drinking like a fiend, maybe we aren't going to fit into eachother's lives anymore???

Has anyone dealt with this or is currently dealing with this? It's hurtful, but not as hurtful as the thought of losing my friends?

Any advise is appreciated!

All good things,

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  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Hey, I'm 26, and I met up with some friends this weekend from university, and the next day we all went out for breakfast. There were a few upturned eyebrows as I ordered the greek yoghurt and fruit whilst they ALL picked a fried breakfast, and yeah, I did feel a bit out of place, but the feeling I had afterwards for making a healthy choice was better than anything :) The reason your friends probably act weird about it is because you remind them that they could be healthier, and home truths can sometimes hurt! But if they're friends, they won't care when you say no to the appetiser, the extra drink etc. Stick to your guns :)

    Good luck!
  • brian90
    brian90 Posts: 285 Member
    i understand how you feel. Everyone has people like this around you. I go through that all the time. Instead of encouraging you, they try to drag you down. They know they should be doing the same, but try to make you feel bad about it. Do it for yourself and avoid what they say. When you go out, you should be able to find healthier options. Dont let them get to you. You are in this journey for yourself.
  • emsibun
    emsibun Posts: 208
    From the point of view of someone who is only a little older than you I think your friends will most likely 'catch up' with you within the next six months to a year and also want to change their lifestyle to be more health conscious.

    In the meantime it's your lifestyle change and you are responsible for managing it. We all have our saboteurs and it's not fair to use them as an excuse to do the things we'd really like to do but shouldn't for whatever reason. Stick to your guns - you are no less fun 'on a diet' - you are still you no matter how many appetizers you skip!

  • sweetiepie31612
    sweetiepie31612 Posts: 240 Member
    I find it best not to tell my friends I'm on a diet. I'm not on a diet. I'm not having an appetizer because I'm really looking forward to my meal. And I ordered the salad b/c it looked yummy. I'm not having another drink b/c I have to get up early, or I've offered to be the DD. If you tell people you're on a diet, they're just going to feel guily b/c they're not on one and so they're going to try to sabatoge yours. I find it best not to talk about my diet and weightloss unless someone asks.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Well I tell my friends point blank that this is me... I actually do this with my lifestyle choice about not drinking. I make sure that all my friends know I don't drink and I won't drink. They know and understand this. They don't pressure me to change and accept me for who I am.

    Depending on how long you have been "getting healthy", they may think you are going to fall off the wagon. Just stick to your guns and have one drink or one bite of the appetizer... everything in moderation :wink: Prove them wrong that you are making a new lifestyle for yourself and still are fun! :bigsmile:

    P.s. make the meal healthier by asking for different cooking options, like grilled chicken instead of fried. Light sauces insteam of cream based. That kind of thing :smile:
  • Creiche
    Creiche Posts: 264 Member
    Have you sat down with some of these friends one on one and discussed these feelings? They're likely just having trouble adjusting to your new healthy lifestyle and how it makes them feel about themselves, but if they're true friends (which it sounds like they are), they should respond to you telling them how their words and pressure makes you feel. Assure them that you're not judging them when you don't want the app or don't have one more drink when they do, but that they need to meet you halfway on letting it go when you say no to something.
  • sam363
    sam363 Posts: 204 Member
    Have you tried speaking with them one on one before you get into this situation? It might help for them to know that it's not fun for you to go out with them knowing that they are going to tease/pressure you into something that you don't want to do. So instead of them focusing on what you are or are not putting into your body - have conversations focus around other fun topics like movies, funny dancing. If the only thing you have in common is getting hammered and binge eating then I would say start distancing yourself. The good ones will stick.
  • dosesr4winners20
    Hello! I understand where you're coming from. I don't think it's done out of meanness or anything but both of us are young and being super social is part of our age group.Even if this means going out to drink and eat. You can do those things but try to make better choces when you do. I get made fun of by my friends for eating a salad instead of a huge plate of pasta or a burger and fries. I don't care though because the next day I don't have to par take in the "I feel so fat convos" lol! Instead I get to say if only you had a salad too! I also have a super skinny roommate who is always cooking and then saying I made this for you, you can start your diet again tomorrow. I have learned to say thanks but no thanks. Friends come and go, your health doesn't.
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    I have a similar issue - with everybody. I don't drink alcohol. Ever. Not for any occasion.
    People (friends and strangers alike) just can't handle that for some reason. I can't say no once or twice or three times - sometimes I just have to keep saying no the whole evening long and the drunker they get the pushier they get.
    I just keep saying no. And the more they push me the less I want to drink in the first place.
    It is annoying.

    But I figure - people like for everyone to be just the same - nothing out of the norm is comfortable. If you know what I mean.

    As for your friends - they probably don't want anything to change. It makes them feel insecure.

    If you can actually stick to your no - I really don't think you need to be too upset with them. I think it is just normal human behavior.

    Although extremely annoying!
  • apenabaz
    apenabaz Posts: 7
    I went through something similar with my friends when we were younger. Whenever someone was on a diet, it would make the rest of us feel guilty. We almost felt like why go out if you can't eat or drink. But, now that we are 34 and want to get healthier, with slower metabolisms and busier lives, we are all on the same page and are very supportive of each other.

    So, it doesn't mean they are not good friends, they are just not there yet. Don't tell them you are on a diet. Alternate drinks with water when you go out and don't eat what you don't want to. If you feel pressured, try to just have a bite or half of a portion. Good luck.
  • ritarampage
    ritarampage Posts: 32
    When I lost a lot of weight in my late teens/early twenties, I lost all (well, most) of my friends. I'm not trying to be negative, I'm just being real with you. I never changed who I was, but everyone expected me to be the "fat friend" and to make themselves feel better by looking at me in that light. When I didn't fill that spot anymore, the friendships were ruined. It started with catty comments about what I was eating, then catty comments about how I shouldn't lose anymore weight, then accusations of an eating disorder, then distance, and finally, nothing.

    I tried to talk to my friends about it, and that's really all you can do. It was ineffective for me, but maybe you have better people surrounding you than I did.

    I can tell you that I have met some absolutely wonderful people since then and have developed friendships that will last, regardless of my size. You need to surround yourself with positive, supportive people. If they can't be there for you during some minor weight loss, what else won't they be supportive through?
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    I am much older than you and have not had to deal with this problem but I've read a lot of posts where spouces are insensitive to the other's spouce's attempt to lose weight and that's almost like what you are going through. If there is any one person or couple of people in particular who are making you feel pressured to not stick with your game plan then maybe you should write them an email or have a 1 on 1 conversation with that person and explain that while you value your friendship and times when you hang out, your goal to get healthy is a life-style choice and staying focussed is really hard right now. Tell them what you need from them -- to accept the word "no" the first time you say it because it's hard enough to resist and that you wuold appreciate it if they wouldn't taunt you by saying you're no fun unless you over-indulge because it hurts your feelings. And thinking like a Mother...sometimes these kids of messages go over better to the listener if they feel "needed" so they don't get defensive. Hope that helps....
  • ESVABelle
    ESVABelle Posts: 1,264 Member
    You're doing this for you. Not your friends. If they can't respect that, send them a text/email and include the Webster's definition of a friend...
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    It is common for most people to be afraid of change, and instead of focusing on how it will affect you these people are only concerned about how your changes will affect them . . . yes it IS selfish but unfortunately quite common.

    Rule #1 - you ARE rule #1 because in your life you ARE #1 on the list, so don't allow anyones influence to make decisions for you. I go out socially and have 1 drink and then only water, and I don't eat any unhealthy food including appy's. If anyone gives me one of the comments like you listed I just laugh at them and ignore it. After a while instead of negative comments I realized everyone had a healthy dose of respect for me for "sticking to my guns".

    Lead by example. They will come around, and those that don't are really not great friends so you can cross that bridge when you come to it!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    I find it best not to tell my friends I'm on a diet. I'm not on a diet. I'm not having an appetizer because I'm really looking forward to my meal. And I ordered the salad b/c it looked yummy. I'm not having another drink b/c I have to get up early, or I've offered to be the DD. If you tell people you're on a diet, they're just going to feel guily b/c they're not on one and so they're going to try to sabatoge yours. I find it best not to talk about my diet and weightloss unless someone asks.

    I'm going to try this when I eat out - I like the idea of justifying the salad for a reason other than IT'S LOW CALORIE AND HEALTHY - saying it's yummy is far more carefree than "It has 500 calories less than the steak".
  • sarahenagy
    sarahenagy Posts: 66 Member
    My husband is a food pusher - so I live with it day in and day out. He doesn't do it out of malice at all, he can just eat WAY more than I can and in fact needs more calories than I do. If it were up to him we would go out for drinks or ice cream every night of the week. I have made him aware and it has gotten a little better, but he still suggests ice cream at least twice a week and it's very hard to say no.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    Your friends are probably not ready for the change and growing up that you are doing. It is a sad part of life, that we all grow up and our goals change. It's not because of a diet, or losing weight, it is because you are growing into a different person. This is a good thing. It happened to me when I was 21 and the only one of my friends that was married. I didn't go out drinking to get drunk anymore. If your friends are telling you that you are no fun if you are not drinking and eatiling like they are, then that is where their priorities are. Yours are in a different place now. It's not time to say that they aren't true friends or anything, it is just that you need to be more selective in the activities you chose to do with them. They will grow up and come around and then you can hang out again and have a good time.

    Best wishes
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    Remember this is a lifestyle change. If your lifestyle revolves around food, you should try to take that out of the equation. I'm 29 and over the last year and a half or so I've definitely had a change in my social life. I still do once in a while meet with friends specifically for dinner, but most of the time it is to take a walk, work out, or do something else active. It allows me to still keep in touch with them, and get in my much needed exercise. Instead of consuming calories, we are burning them off. You need to take care of you and your real friends with be there for you no matter what. :flowerforyou:
  • Angela_MA
    Angela_MA Posts: 260
    Sometimes we as people change and that means our friends change too. I know it is hard, but sometimes lifestyle choices means a complete change, friends can be and usually are included in this.

    Now if you do not want to loose your friends then talk to them, tell them that this is important to you and if they understand, support, and agree with your decision then they are good friends and friends you want to keep around. However, if they continually harp on you or try to make you do things you do not want to do, then it is time to say goodbye to those friends. I know people say that no one can make you do things, but peer pressure can be difficult, especially for someone chnaging their current lifestyle.

    You do not need people making you feel bad for the decisions you are making in your life, you need to be supported and good friends with support oyur efforts! :happy:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I like SweetiePie's suggestion too. It's obviously too late to avoid them knowing you're trying to eat better and exercise but do try to make you're reasoning about your choices less about the "diet" and mroe about other things. My hubby sometimes asks me if I'd like (or downright pressures me to have) another serving or a snack of movie butter popcorn with him. At first it sort of hurt his feelings when I didn't join him in gorging on bad stuff but I tried not to make it about my diet and that seemed to help. I just told him I was full or didn't feel like having popcorn kernels stuck in my teeth.

    Take the same approach with your friends...
    "hey, have another drink"....."no thanks, I can't handle my liquor like I used to" or "no thanks, hubby and I have plans tomorrow and I don't want to be hungover"