Baby weight loss challenge!

I'm a new mom to my 7 months old baby boy and am working on losing the baby weight... My goal is to lose last 10 pound of baby weight and gain muscle mass and who knows maybe even one day get bk to my skinny jeans! So far...the journey has been an interesting one...contrary to popular belief that breastfeeding help u lose body decide to do just the opposite so needless to say this has been probably my greatest weight loss challenge ever! I'm hoping by connecting with others and sharing our stories, progresses, set backs, etc we can motivate each other and stay on track to a healtier and happier us!


  • Motivation is definitely key in the journey to a new and greater you. I am looking for a buddy to share stories and build each other up to meet our weight loss goals. ;)
  • ktmeyer28
    ktmeyer28 Posts: 8 Member
    I have 2 girls (3 and 8 months)
    Wanting to get healthy and fit to show them to be proud of their bodies and to take care of themselves! (My mom was always overweight, cycle dieting, gain & lose multiple times.)
    I want to be an example for my girls!! Lets help motivate and support each other!
  • Deana0904
    Deana0904 Posts: 11 Member
    I know the feeling! I just had my 3rd baby 9 mths ago and the weight isn't comming off like it did with the other two. Every pound I have to work for. I want to loose 20 lbs to get back to my weight before any of my kids. Add me if you want we'll help each other!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Hi everyone - I am here for the 2nd time. 4.5 years ago I lost over 60lb of baby weight using MFP in 6m. I've just had my 2nd daughter 7 weeks ago and have been doing well so far but need some friends for extra motivation!