I need advice...bad day/week

What a week....I need some advice to keep on track for the rest of the weekend.
Today I went to a funeral in the morning of my 35 yr old cousin who died suddenly. This evening I went to a wake of my sisters best friends mother, I've known her my whole life.
This Sunday is my brother in laws BDAY (would of turned 50), who pasted suddenly this past summer. I've been trying to be there for my sister and 2 nieces ( I've been coparenting since his death). My aging mom who i assist with errands/chores, is having increased trouble moving around more then normal. My husband is great but has been super busy with finishing up a class and told me tonight that he has to go to NY monday for a business trip for 2 days. Oh and I work full times. My house is a disaster!
I've managed to work out every day this week and feel better when i do.
Today was the only day that I ate well over my calories. I feel gross.
I know I should cut myself some slack I've done so well but I can't help but feel terrible that I used food to get through the day.
How do you deal?
And I just want to say I have a lot going on but I love my family and they would help me out to. I do at least 30mins of cardio 6x week and do strength training too.


  • Orochimarusi
    Orochimarusi Posts: 9 Member
    Sounds like you've had some rough times but hey, did I read that you've worked out every day? Maintained your calorie goal every day but not today? That is good. In fact, that's amazing! One day (even if you eat 10,000 calories) won't kill your diet, at most, you'll feel a bit bloated next day. It's just one day among the others and tomorrow is a brand new day:)

    Honestly, I admire you. Anyone would be struggling with the amount of things you've got going on. You, however, have stayed strong. Not everyone could do that. But you could, eh?:) Stay strong!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you're not having the best week - it sounds stressful and saddening. Condolences to you and your friends and family.

    I think you sound like you're coping really well despite all that. In terms of not resorting to food and trying to manage through, I find pre planning and prepping meals helps. Even if it means eating the same thing every day for a week, it'll mean you can stick to your goals. Pick meals you can make in bulk, using a few ingredients. Have them prepared in the fridge for the day so that you don't have to go looking for food....

    Also take it easy. Look after your mind and body, and if that means forgetting about tracking every morsel for a few days don't worry about it! There is more important things in life sometimes
  • elizzabethmarie
    elizzabethmarie Posts: 18 Member
    I know how hard grief hits your eating habits. I gained about 20lbs after my little brother died. If you're worried about not having time to get chores done, I will sometimes use cleaning time as cardio time. If you keep yourself moving fast enough, you can get a little workout or dance through it with music blasting, and help you get two things done at once. I'm a college kid. I live with roommates who think I'm the maid. Sometimes using the cleaning as a work out makes me hate them just a little bit less.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    That is a tough week and still more to deal with on the weekend.
    As a practical matter, consider hiring someone to clean the house so you feel less overwhelmed.
    Good job keeping up exercise and staying close to food plan. <3
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks everyone!
    Yes I have had a rough go since my brother n law past. Lots to juggle. I am so grateful for starting this better living journey a month before he past. It's what has kept me sane. I think I have so much around me that I can't control and this gives me one thing that I can... What I eat and how I move. So when I lose control it can frustrate me. Luckily it doesn't happen to often.
    I've lost 45lbs with good eating and exercise. My whole family is into it now including the kids. This is has been great
  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    My condolences for your loss. Don't worry, it's just one day and you seem to have a great track record in maintaining your routine. Life will always get in the way and we need to find a way to juggle our busy and sometimes stressful routines and still find time to eat properly and workout.

    I think you're doing fantastic job and it's great that your entire family is also with you on this ...makes it a little easier.
  • insideoutgirl
    insideoutgirl Posts: 45 Member
    And you get to be human! Sometimes we go overboard, sometimes under. Let yourself be human within perameters.

    Also... You have a lot on your plate (pardon the pun ☺️)... Might you need to take care of you more so you have more to give? I always think of the flt attendant instructions of putting on your own oxygen mask before someone else's. Sounds like you are doing great though!!
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Thanks everyone! I made it through the weekend! I also had my 5 yr old with a stomach bug to add to my fun but I made it!
    I kept with my exercise, tried not to snack too much, and found some time for myself. My husband will be back tomorrow from NY!
    My weight has been all over the place the last 3 weeks so I think I'm fustrated. +/- 2 lbs. I think it's trending down but so hard NOT to see confirmation on the scale.
    Everyday I'm trying to start a new and give it another shot.
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    Oh yeah almost forgot... I'm getting cleaners to come in 2 weeks on a regular basis.
    My awesome husband took my son to one of his BDAY parties, it gave me 3 solid hours of cleaning and tidings up.
    I feel like I'm ready to have them come.
    Thanks for the advice!!!