Support and friends looking to lose 50lbs +

Confession: I am a binge/emotional eater. Food is my addiction. When I eat something I've been craving (usually sweets) I get that rush, that feeling of happiness. I go to bed at night saying tomorrow is going to be different but the next day I give into my old habits. When I first started my weight loss journey I was 243lbs I was able to get down to 146 through diet and exercise over the course of a year and a half and keep it off for a while. But my old habits kicked in again and I have gained back 58lbs in the last 9 months putting me over the 200lb mark again. It is always a vicious circle for me. I have now reached the point that I am ashamed of how I look considering how much thinner I was just 9 months ago. I could use any help, advice or friends that would like to help with motivation or even just the accountability.


  • Roylie
    Roylie Posts: 9 Member
    Oh my god, CK, when I read this I started crying, because you sound like me and my thoughts.

    I crave things and binge/emotional eat.

    I would love to go through this journey together.

    A bit about me...

    My name is Tara, I'm 35 and live in Berkshire, England. Married with a beautiful 5 year old daughter.

    However, hubby works nights so I don't get to see him, so I eat.

    If I feel down, I eat.

    If I feel guilty about eating, I eat.

    I get all these ideas about how I want to be, but my obsessive eating takes over.

    I really would like the opportunity to get to know you better and see if we connect.

    Tara x
  • MayZeeMay1
    MayZeeMay1 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Cknight 143,
    I'm glad I found you! I need support too and I am at about the same weight as you are! I'm feeling optimistic I guess spring has sprung and I have a few personal things in order. I am for the first time in my life convinced I'll get to my goal and enjoy myself along this healthy journey! I'd love to connect with you a few times a week we can keep each other on the right path! Would you like that?? Let me know
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    I also can relate to the Emo eating. It can be a sad or happy moment and food becomes my buff. I just joined today and need to lose a lot of weight. Thinking how to curb those Emo moments with a new habit might be the key. But when food has been my go to soother for many years it will be hard at 46 to change a bad habit to a positive one. Gl to all of u
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    I can so relate to this! I worked so hard in 2008-2009 to lose 78lbs... I got to where I was running 25-35miles a week and even run a marathon! But the weight has all crept back on between new jobs, marriage, pregnancy, and now moving. I eat my emotions and if I'm not being intentional, I just fall off the wagon without even knowing I'm leaving my health and self-esteem in the dust. I've sent you a request.
  • cknight143
    cknight143 Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks for the support everyone! It is great to be able to share this journey with people that understand that some days you struggle with food issues.
  • kaitiedid3
    kaitiedid3 Posts: 12 Member
    edited April 2015
    I can relate so much to OP and all you other ladies, I joined a few days ago, but I've been working on my weight since April 1st when I stepped in the scale and it read 290 lbs. I realised how serious my weight was becoming, and having a loving husband and young son that need me, I decided it's time to get my life back. I've never felt so determined before.
    A little about me: I'm 24 with an 11 month old son, live in Canada, and have so far lost 10 lbs with diet and light excersize. I've always struggled with my weight and emotional eating, in highschool I managed to lose 70 lbs and was at my ideal weight of 140lbs and after meeting my hubby (someone who is very slim, has very fast metabolism and suffers from hunger headaches) I ended up back over 200lbs, then became pregnant now here I am at 280 lbs 1 year after giving birth. My short term goal is to complete a 4km hike by August this year, and by next April I would like to lose at least 80lbs.
    Would love some motivation and to help motivate some ladies going through similar situations, added you OP and anyone else looking to give or get motivation can add me too :)
  • Brynne1234
    Brynne1234 Posts: 52 Member
    Request sent. I have issues with binge eating too and could use some accountability:)
  • Fighting4Healthy
    Fighting4Healthy Posts: 336 Member
    I totally get it, i eat when I'm upset, i angry eat, i eat when I'm happy and call it celebrating that wouldn't be so bad if I didn't eat a whole box of oreos or a whole 9" layered Boston cream cake, or a full dozen donuts in one sitting. I love sweets, like donuts and cake. I have a nine month old still have the baby weight. At 5'2 and 222 lbs I'm not healthy. And we want to start trying for our fourth baby. We can do this!
  • cece2200
    cece2200 Posts: 2 Member
    cknight143 wrote: »
    Confession: I am a binge/emotional eater. Food is my addiction. When I eat something I've been craving (usually sweets) I get that rush, that feeling of happiness. I go to bed at night saying tomorrow is going to be different but the next day I give into my old habits. When I first started my weight loss journey I was 243lbs I was able to get down to 146 through diet and exercise over the course of a year and a half and keep it off for a while. But my old habits kicked in again and I have gained back 58lbs in the last 9 months putting me over the 200lb mark again. It is always a vicious circle for me. I have now reached the point that I am ashamed of how I look considering how much thinner I was just 9 months ago. I could use any help, advice or friends that would like to help with motivation or even just the accountability.

  • cece2200
    cece2200 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm the same way. Binge/emotional eater. I went through an emotional Rollercoaster over the course of 9 yrs where i gained 65 lbs. The past 3 years I lost 45 through diet and exercise . Anyway I was looking and feeling better than ever. Met a wonderful man and the weight started creeping up on me. Now I'm up 15 lbs in about 8 months. I had worked so hard and now I'm afraid I'll lose everything minus the weight. I've lost all motivation. I can't seem to get back in a routine. I need more support. I don't know how to start over. Help!!!
  • TheDevilDuckie
    TheDevilDuckie Posts: 4 Member
    I'm with you all on the binge/emotional eating as well. A few years ago I started a (very) slow weight loss and just a few months ago was down to 174 (from 220+). I was so up because I had a hip replacement about 6 months ago & was finally given the all clear to start exercising about 2 months ago. Instead, for some reason after my PT ended, I just sat around, eating. I finally forced myself to get on the scale about 2 weeks ago and was mortified to see I'd gained almost 20 pounds back. (And, of course, I ate then...)

    My big time to binge is when I've had a rough day and I just need to unwind after the kids and my husband are in bed.

    In spite of that, I've decided this is my make it time and I'd be happy to join you on your journey.

    Anyone else here can feel free to send me an invite.
  • cknight143
    cknight143 Posts: 8 Member
    It is nice to know that there are so many people with this issue and I'm not alone. I've felt that way for a long time. I've even thought about joining an Over eaters Anonymous group and even called and spoke with the leader of one in my area but I didn't feel comfortable with her even over the phone. Food is my addiction, my comfort, my reward, my happiness when I'm sad, my stress reliever, my companion when I'm lonely. My relationship with food is not a normal healthy one so just eating better isn't my answer because my addiction is always there waiting for the next holiday or buffet as an excuse to stuff myself. I feel really strong right now and just have to stay motivated. I know we can all do this! If we are in this together then we can make our life changes!!
  • miche173
    miche173 Posts: 50 Member
    I'm here, too. I started with 80 pounds to lose, am down 28 so far. I am doing low carb, because I have no self control when it comes to certain foods. And then I beat myself up over eating, and it becomes self defeating. I am 42, my daughter is 6, and now is the time, before I end up with diabetes.
    Would love some friends to connect with, and to share. Thanks!