Looking for other early 20's for support!

hi! I've been here a week and so far love everyone I've come into contact with, but would love some other younger people around me to be able to support me because all of my friends are a bit deluded and don't want to get involved / support me (they roll their eyes whenever I get exited about something)

I'm 20 and a uni student so would
Love someone similar to be able to chat with about weight or even uni work support .

Thanks for looking ! Hope to find new buddies soon :3


  • metanoia93
    metanoia93 Posts: 11 Member
    heya! im 21 and in uni. message me! :)
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you! Will do!
  • almondbutterbay
    almondbutterbay Posts: 221 Member
    I'm 21 and not in college but I'm 21 lol so if you want to add me feel free. Just a warning I like interacting with my friends on here
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    That's cool by Me!! :smile:
  • heesch
    heesch Posts: 10 Member
    22, feel free to add me :)
  • Spyer116
    Spyer116 Posts: 168 Member
    20, not in uni, but starting my first job ever, ext week. Haha. Add me if you want :)
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Adding both of you !! :3
  • treyswain3
    treyswain3 Posts: 7 Member
    Just turned 21, would also love to have others around my age to help keep me going :)
  • Im 24 and going back to college in the fall, working full time and trying to find time to work on myself somewhere in there! Lol I have a 55lb weight loss goal. Feel free to add me, it would be nice to have some support.
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Adding you all! I'm online daily , feel free to speak to me whenever you need it <3
  • enoughisenough9
    enoughisenough9 Posts: 42 Member
    21, Feel free to add me.
  • sophi135
    sophi135 Posts: 20 Member
    Hey i'm 22. Feel free to add me :)
  • postpartumprogress
    postpartumprogress Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 23! Anyone feel free to add me. I don't log my food on here often (I use an app called TwoGrand that allows me to have a picture diary of everything I eat), but I am on here daily interacting with others since I am still a part of groups. :D Plus I love my current friends.
  • Well I'm old :P I just turned 25 but I've started a program and lost 15 lbs in the last 3 weeks! =) feel free to add me as well!
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Adding everyone :3 will be nice to make new friends !
  • meg7117
    meg7117 Posts: 42 Member
    I'm 20 and in college! Working on losing 20 pounds, slowly but surely :) good luck and keep it up!
  • Pigeonitus
    Pigeonitus Posts: 15 Member
    Woo! You can do it :D
  • carriefeidt
    carriefeidt Posts: 12 Member
    19, 20 in September! College student who needs motivation or inspiration to not de-rail on the healthy tain as much
  • emily_wilfong
    emily_wilfong Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 23, a full time college student, and working two jobs. Feel free to add! I'm an exercise science major, so if anyone needs help with the physical activity aspect, please let me know how I can help :)
  • Ninjatio
    Ninjatio Posts: 19 Member
    Hey there, hope you get more than enough support and get ridiculous gains. I'm mid 20's working several jobs and going to grad school next year, add me up!