Healthy on budget!

I am trying to loose 50lbs by next year. I have a short term goal of getting under 200 by the beginning. And I an doing all of this on very little money. If there is anyone that is in similar boat add me


  • munekaoo26
    munekaoo26 Posts: 19 Member
    I am in the same boat! Wish you the best. I know you can!
  • decotterell
    decotterell Posts: 47 Member
    My wife would tell me when I started using myfitnesspal, that it cost too much to eat healthy. Truth is, it really doesn't. I can get a 5 pound bag of apples at Walmart for $2.99 or a bag of Dorito's for $2.69. Just be conscious of the foods your selecting and if you shop early, you can find sales on meat's, the more lean the better. Now my wife uses myfitnesspal too, with me reaching my desired wight and her losing every time she weighs in.
  • vegetabletarian
    vegetabletarian Posts: 22 Member
    As a rather broke student I have an idea of what this is like! I tend to try and get what I can from budget shops (Aldi/Lidl) and everything else I just go for basic rather than branded. Simple tips that I'm sure you know but it has helped me to be able to actually afford to eat healthier :) Best of luck!! You got this!! ;)
  • abok627
    abok627 Posts: 8 Member
    Decotterell, thanks for the tips. I was worried I wouldn't be able to afford eating healthy until I realized how much we spend on junk food (I'm surrounded by chocolate and crisp addicts lmfao).
  • Sweets1954
    Sweets1954 Posts: 506 Member
    By fresh fruits and veggies in season, you can shop frozen fruits and veggies when they are on sale, stock up if you can. Oatmeal is inexpensive, so are eggs. If you avoid many of the processed foods and things that claim to be "low-cal" but are really full of sodium and added sugars you can do okay. I don't use coupons since you very rarely find coupons for meat, fresh fruit and vegetables, or dairy but I do shop the sales. I will also look for the "manager's specials" on meat. My grocery store will often have meat 30% to 50% off.
  • laurieldl08
    laurieldl08 Posts: 28 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips!!
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    I try to go to the farmers market spring to fall for fresh produce, my local co-op often has fruits and veggies in a 'to go bin' - it's produce that has to get off the shelves and be used fairly soon but it is not spoiled or anything . Sometimes apples or potatoes have small blemishes but not worse than what I grow in the garden. Good way to get organic produce for much less. I also buy grains and legumes there in bulk. If you fix your own beans and lentils from dry vs canned or frozen it is cheaper plus you control what goes in it. Buy produce that's in season. Cook from scratch, freeze, use leftovers. If you can grow some herbs, veggies. Beans and herbs and lettuce are so easy. Cutting out some of the processed junk food also helps cuts cost down. Good luck
  • jessicaex_oh
    jessicaex_oh Posts: 2 Member
    Honestly I would love to go get a whopper, but I am three weeks and 7lbs down and though I can't go to Burger King and get a $7 meal I can make a slice of toast and one egg over medium and eat it slowly and still get the full effect.
  • Pancakes80
    Pancakes80 Posts: 3 Member
    Honestly I would love to go get a whopper, but I am three weeks and 7lbs down and though I can't go to Burger King and get a $7 meal I can make a slice of toast and one egg over medium and eat it slowly and still get the full effect.

    And without feeling like crap afterwards :)
  • musicandarts
    musicandarts Posts: 187 Member
    I lost weight on regular food I buy from the local grocery store (Market Basket). I don't eat/drink any low calorie or low fat food. My diary is public, if anyone is looking for suggestions.