Breakfast ideas for people who hate cereal...



  • JediMasterNaw
    JediMasterNaw Posts: 124 Member
    I have a plain bagel with either butter or peanut butter just about every day. I've never been big on breakfast, but I have to have something so i'm not ravenous the rest of the day.
  • Aero818
    Aero818 Posts: 90 Member
    Greek Yogurt is my go to
  • I think breakfast burritos are great easy to do meal. I typically make them in bulk, the wrap them in foil and freeze. Then warm up in the morning because I never feel like getting up early enough to cook before getting to work at 6:30!
    My typical filling is black beans, corn, salsa, and some brown rice.
    I don't eat meat, but if you do you could always throw some lean meat in there like ground turkey.
    Also eggs and potatos would taste great, especially if you plan on adding meat.
  • nadavenport76
    nadavenport76 Posts: 1
    edited April 2015

    I made breakfast bowls all week

    2 large eggs 140 calories
    2 cups of baby spinach 10 calories
    1/4 cup of shredded cheddar cheese (Kraft) 110 calories
    1/2 cup of Jimmy Dean turkey sausage crumbles 90 calories
    1 tbsp Real turkey bacon pieces 25 calories
    1-2 tsp chopped green peppers

    Scramble eggs add all ingredients except cheese. Add cheese when done scrambling eggs and other ingredients.
  • For me, I eat whatever I want for breakfast. Sometimes it's Greek yogurt and nuts. Sometimes it's an apple and a protein bar. This morning it was 2 eggs, 2 pieces of multigrain toast, 2 pieces of sausage and a little cheddar cheese. It was my highest calorie meal of the day but it was SO satisfying and gave me energy and appetite control for the rest of the day. I find high protein, low carb works best for that. I taper meal size down for the rest of the day. Since you have all day to burn it off, why worry about a hearty breakfast. :)
  • mpat81
    mpat81 Posts: 351 Member
    Whole wheat mini bagel with light cream cheese, lox, capers and a tiny bit of red onion. Should be well under 300 calories if you take it easy on the cream cheese!
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    I'm really rubbish at eating breakfast, so I usually just have some almonds (measured) and black coffee. I love some of the ideas here though, may have to try some!
  • morelimesplease
    morelimesplease Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2015
    I sneak my veggies in with my morning meal usually, so today I did: a spinach omelette (1 cup thawed frozen spinach, 2 medium size eggs), American fat-free cheese, 1/3 cup soy milk (I wanted a cup, but we were out of it almost lol), and then I plan to get my fruits and stuff in later. I also do bars sometimes (like Luna) with a serving of fruit, and a cup of soy milk.
  • I just eat whatever I want for breakfast. Today I had taco salad, it was amazing.
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    edited April 2015
    Eggs are the best!! I like to add spinach and cheddar to my omelette. It packs in alot of protein and fiber, so keeps you full until lunch time.

    Greek yogurt with a little honey and walnut pieces mixed in or blueberries....YUM! Filling and delicious. Low cal.

    A protein bar and an apple or banana.

    Yogurt shake with 1/2 cup greek yogurt, 1 cup almond milk, blueberries, half a banana , 1 tablespoon of Flax Seeds

  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    Spinach in the Omelette... that sounds tasty! I usually just do cheese, peppers, turkey sausage.. I substitute the turkey sausage for fish if I'm feeling adventurous..
  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    I eat eggs every day w/a good amount of some veggies (favorites are spinach, mushrooms, peppers, broccoli) and a little cheese. Delicious and holds me over well until a late lunch...
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    Greek yogurt is a pretty common breakfast for me. I add fruit, nuts, granola, etc to mine.

    This is my daughter's go to.
  • fr3smyl
    fr3smyl Posts: 1,418 Member
    I have egg, dairy, and wheat allergies. My favorite breakfast go to is a smoothie (with 1 cup of coconut milk, 1 cup spinach, half an Apple, half a banana, and a carrot). With two strips of bacon.
    I know I should work out a back up or second favorite breakfast but have not done it as of yet.
  • sohappymama
    sohappymama Posts: 1 Member
    Try tosted bread cover it with honey and add sinamon or any other spice you like
  • aliceandria
    aliceandria Posts: 13 Member
    You could do a protein shake, which has been mentioned quite a few times.

    You could also do a primal coffee. If I eat too quickly after I wake, I tend to get a little nauseous, but adding coconut oil to my coffee makes me feel full and keeps me full until lunch. Plus, coconut oil is supposed to be very healthy for you. It's a big trend at the moment.
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    If I didn't start work so gosh-darned early I'd definitely have eggs for breakfast every day!! (poached, on whole-wheat toast with half a smashed avocado...mmm!)

    But actually I tend to go for the much mentioned protein shake. I keep one bag of unflavoured at home to mix into fruit smoothies, as well as one bag of flavoured at work, so that if I've stayed over at my boyfriend's house I can still have a healthy breakfast once I get to the office :)
  • annieinnm
    annieinnm Posts: 23 Member
    I like leftovers, especially Chinese from the night before. My go-to, though, is to saute some onion, add chopped chard (a lot) and some garlic powder and cook till wilted, add a couple eggs, salt and siracha and stir together till the eggs are cooked. Low carb, high protein and fills you up! Yum!
  • myeclipse81
    myeclipse81 Posts: 18 Member
    I like to eat bagels with fat free cream cheese for my breakfast. Easy to fix and eat on the go too. I have also done the mini bagels before with egg whites on the side for the protein. Those are my favorites. Also like to do oatmeal with eggwhites (actual eggwhites- I can't stand the egg whites that you mix from a carton) Bananas are also great breakfast idea.
  • sweetsorrow18
    sweetsorrow18 Posts: 54 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love breakfast, my fav meal of the day.

    Usually make a quick omlette (I keep my pepper pre-minced, cheese shredded and also pre-chop some spinach and onions for the week- so it's very easy to throw together in the morning).

    Sometimes I'll do a quick scrambled eggs with sriracha and mini turkey sausages.

    Greek yogurt with some berries, granola and honey drizzle.

    Low carb tortilla with peanut butter and a banana, rolled and sliced into breakfast sushi.

    I aim for a high protein, low carb breakfast - I try to save my carbs for later in the day.