To Use Protein or Not use Protein,Thats the ????



  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    I’d recommend start to read or research whatever you want to call it. You don’t have to be an expert on the matter, but you will get to know a lot about food and nutrition and exercise.

    I use protein powder to supplement my diet. I’m doing an low carbohydrate diet and letting my body use it’s stored carbo’s(fat). It’s working pretty well, actually I’ve been eating low carbohydrates for a few years now with no ill effects.

    While nothing against the medical field, but family doctors aren’t specialized, they are general medicine. I actually answer dietary questions for my family doctor. He’ knows general medicine and I told him 1.) About this website(MFP) 2.) About the protein powder I use(Jay Robb ZERO fat 25G of protein and 110 calories) I would recommend going to a nutritionist or a dietician for good advice about diets and nutrition, your Doctor should of recommended that you see one. (Unless he’s is like the Doctor I FIRED for letting his ego getting in the way and not my well being. You can do that you know and I do.) [Read a book called “The Empowered Patient” by Elizabeth Cohen]{That’s a whole different topic though}

    50% of my diet is protein of some sort and only 35% is carbo’s. My diet is set at 1600 a day.

    Oh and a common misnomer about protein, the body can only assimilate 12-22 grams every hour to 90 minutes. Then you can reload up on protein again.

    I would also recommend on doing some kind of exercising. Exercising of some sort is almost mandatory, losing weight can be done without exercising, but it will take at least twice as long and not as effective.

    Definitely exercising can be as simple as walking, which is always a good one. Joining a gym is great(don’t let it intimidate you, they’re all people with the same goals. To get in better shape!) As soon as you get used to going there, it is a great place to learn more “Tricks of the trade” on getting in shape. Treadmill, stationary bike, elliptical machine, swimming, spinning classes, aerobics(Actually a good place to start, if you’re not used to exercising)

    A link about nutrition

    A link about dieting

    How much protein do you need?

    The truth about “Low carb diets”

    Another link about nutrition

    I use a lot for research.

    If you wondering who the hell is this guy and why is he telling me about diets and HE’S on this site, check my bio out if you want, ……or not.

    I’d recommend doing a lot of your own research, and then recheck that source.

    Good luck in reaching your goals!

  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Check out Jay Robb WHEY protein powder Zero Fat, 110 calories, ZERO sugar and 25 Grams of protein.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I saw Jay Robb Whey protein at krogers today and its really pricey. I decided to give it a shot so
    I bought ESA 100% Whey Protein-Vanilla flavor and used it in a smoothie tonight. The strange
    thing is that shortly after drinking it I got a really bad headache and I drank it after i worked out. Does this stuff
    cause you to have a Headache? I still have it too. :(
  • registers
    registers Posts: 782 Member
    I did what the guy said about protien turning to fat. total bs. Things in life don't mutate to other molecular structure.
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    I just Read on the internet that WHey Protein can cause headaches and I have had one ever since drinking it. That
    sucks.... I don't want to have a headache every nigh from drinking Whey Protein. I wish someone would of
    mentioned that aspect of it. Maybe i should only use 1/2 of a scoop instead?
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    I've been drinking WHEY protein for well over a year and haven't had a headach. I can't see why WHEY would give you a headach, it's drived from cheese.
    Not that I don't believe you, but from my experence I've never had ANY troubles and I drink at least three if not four whey shakes a day. Mostly for medical reason's(Healing a wound).

    Now for exercise reasons.

    If you're Lactose intolerance I can understand.

    I use Jay Robb WHEY protein powder, and I really like the vanilla protein shakes, kind of idicting. Ha, there are worse things by far(110 calories zero fat).
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    NOPE! Protein powder will only make you gain weight if you go over your daily recommended calories. You will only get bulky if you eat a high calorie diet and lift heavy HEAVY weights. I've been using protein bars and powders a little over a year and it helps me from being super sore after workouts and helps me build strong muscles. Hasn't made me gain weight. :happy: I use Clif Builder Protein bars (all natural and tasty!), Pure Protein shakes and Shakeology when I have the $. Pure Protein is all natural as well, no fake ingredients or artificial sugars. I usually mix it with milk and some fruit. Shakeology is good mixed with just almond milk and ice. It's got a lot of extra vitamins in it that you are hard to get in when you're on a calorie deficit diet such as MFP's plan. Tastes good though but is pricey.
  • pattycreel
    pattycreel Posts: 1 Member
    Know that the body can only absorb 20-30grams of protein at one time. Any more consume is wasted.
    The smaller the meals and frequency at which you consume them a day, the faster your metabolism will be. Example, eat every 1 1/2 - 2 hrs then you can go 2-3 hrs. Graze..... Casine protein powder should be consumed before bed. Not the best of taste kinda chaulk like but feeds your muscles while you sleep. Protein is very important you dont want your body to take from your muscles. Remember, eat to survie, not everything has to taste great.
    Im a big fan of the AMP 60 protein from gnc. its 60 grams in 3 scoops so you just mix up 1 scoop, which is 85 calories three times a day. You can get vanilla and mix a small amount of fruit with crush ice and 6 oz water. Get a stick blender makes a world of difference. Easy to clean and makes the shake more enjoyable.
    All women should drink 90 to 120 oz af water a day.
    Try eating clean like a professional boxer. Its called EATING CLEAN.This is something to research. Try this, "If man made it do not eat it".
    Fresh veggies, fresh fruits clean protein example egg whites, organic chicken breast, wild fish not farm raise.
    3500 calories equal 1 pound. To lose weight is simple math. The out put has to be more than the input. The input must be clean fresh healthy foods. You can input all foods on this fitness pal and it will tell you how many carb, protein & fats each food has. Great tool.
    Fats, olive oil but not to much either.
    Sweet potato with cinnamon is great. An organic white sweet potato is even better. Pre making foods for the next day makes eating simple. Get a bunch of small tuperware and make them up. Heres an example of one of my days.
    Gala apple 90cal
    1 cucumber/ 1 plum tomato in balsalmic vinegar (1/2 now 1/2 later on) 75 cal
    amp 60 1 scoop "vanilla" 90 cal
    2 cups raw baby spinach then lightly steamed/ organic chicken breast 3oz covered w/ minced gala apple &cinnamon 200 cal
    Sweet potato w/ cinnamon 80 cal
    2 hard boiled egg whites "no yolk" 35 cal Stawberries aprox 6- 65 cal
    ELITE casein powder "chocolate" 100 cal
    64oz water w/ two thin sliced lemons 2 organic stevia as sweetner in a bottle (2 bottles consumed 128oz total)
    Thats with no excercise just daily brisk walking.
    no hunger pains no head aches
    Still hungry you may add any of these foods and still be fine.
    Remember craving pizza and desires for certain foods is different then being hungry. Getting off fast fods, high frutose cornsyurp, salt, msg excetra is like a smoker starting to quite smoking. You will have withdrawls, headaches ect. just have strong will power, keep looking ahead and focus on a goal youll get there. Make small goals and onced reached take them higher.
    Kind Regards,
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    Well I woke up with the same Headache that I went to bed with and this only happened after having my 1st WHey protein
    shake. Not a good symptom to me, I don't have withdrawel Headaches because I have been eating this way for over 2 months.
    I don't like Headaches and this makes me not want to use Whey Protein. ANy idea why I have a Headache from this
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    I've heard that one needs 60grams of protein a day (average) although this website told me I need 42. The thing about protein powder is that they are *NOT* all created equal. Your protein powder should not read like a chemistry project. The ingredients should not be all chemicals. There are many powders out there that are, my advice would be to stay away from them. I've read that the more natural powders are better for you (makes sense) such as pea and hemp powders. That being said, i tried a brand called garden greens that is made of soy, pea and spirulina and i couldn't stomach it. I'd suggest the 365 brand whey protein powder. It contains 80 calories and 16grams of protein. Mix with non-fat milk or make a smoothie!
    Protein helps build muscle, the more muscle you have the easier it is to burn calories. Protein powder will not actually cause someone to gain weight. One scoop of something that is 80 calories is not going to make your weight go up a significant amount or at all.
  • lisabel87
    lisabel87 Posts: 152
    I just Read on the internet that WHey Protein can cause headaches and I have had one ever since drinking it. That
    sucks.... I don't want to have a headache every nigh from drinking Whey Protein. I wish someone would of
    mentioned that aspect of it. Maybe i should only use 1/2 of a scoop instead?

    Thats weird. I get headaches very easily but never after drinking whey protein! strange.
  • RDH0513
    RDH0513 Posts: 245 Member
    If you are having so many issues with having a protein shake... then don't drink one. Eat chicken or egg whites. Question solved.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You've had lots of advice already, but I'll add some more for you!!

    I think that if you are just starting out then you should listen to your doctor and don't worry about adding protein powder unless you find you aren't getting enough protein from regular food or unless you take up a seriously heavy gym program.
    Keep it simple, real food, healthy meals, keep up your exercise - and once you've done this for a while you can start tinkering with more protein etc if it seems to be needed.

    (My personal thoughts on protein powder is that it has to be highly processed and most that I've seen have a mile long ingredient list which doesn't fit with my eating style, but you need to develop your own strategies that works for you, not what someone else does/says)
  • jghoffman
    jghoffman Posts: 9
    I have always used protein shakes to supplement my weight loss or muscle gain. I drink two a day on average. The purpose is to get more protein into my body regardless of my goal at that time. It helps feed the muscle so whether you are doing cardio and lifting weight it aids in recover. First and foremost listen to your doctor, if he says don't then I am sure he has a reason. Others on this board have given you a ton of advice a lot of it is good. As for your headaches I have never experienced anything like that so it may be the whey you might consider going to soy if you want to continue to use the protein. Don't worry about it forcing you to gain weight because that piece is not true. Calories in versus calories out.
  • kyodi
    kyodi Posts: 376 Member
    Protein power can be used and not gain weight if used properly. I use it after a workout, with food that has little or no protein, and only between 15 to 25 grams. The body can only use between 25 and 35 grams per meal; the excess is just that. I also lift weights 5 days a week which is why I use it after my workouts. I've been losing weight since mid Feb and have been taking the protein since as well.
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    you don't have to add powder protein to your diet..

    forget about the bodybuilding stuff.

    You need high protein diet if your workout consist of primarily strength exercises. You need strength exercises because it's the best way to lose weight in the first place. you build muscles -> you increase metabolism -> your muscles grow -> which in turn increases metabolism -> fat burns faster and faster the more lean muscle mass your accumulate.
    You need protein to do that.

    Most of people doing heavy cardio and little strength exercises when trying to lose weight, which in my opinion should be quite the opposite.
    Here is the article that explains my line of thought much better:

    Thanks for the article.. I just read it!