Low carb or low calories

I used to weigh 95 and was very happy with the way I looked. I had gained 25 pounds of muscle lifting weights and eating a LOT of protein, I was 40 years old and felt grate! Now I'm 50 weigh 225 and ashamed to take my shirt off. Last month I got off the couch and back in the gym. I weight train every other day and do cardio ( 45 to 60 minutes 6 days a week). The first 3 weeks I was in PAIN, I feel much better now.

My experience says eat all the protein and fat I wont but after web research I am a little confused. I am counting calories, I have never done this before.

What do you think?


  • uvi5
    uvi5 Posts: 710 Member
    dardone wrote: »
    I used to weigh 95 and was very happy with the way I looked. I had gained 25 pounds of muscle lifting weights and eating a LOT of protein, I was 40 years old and felt grate! Now I'm 50 weigh 225 and ashamed to take my shirt off. Last month I got off the couch and back in the gym. I weight train every other day and do cardio ( 45 to 60 minutes 6 days a week). The first 3 weeks I was in PAIN, I feel much better now.

    My experience says eat all the protein and fat I wont but after web research I am a little confused. I am counting calories, I have never done this before.

    What do you think?

    You meant 195 :lol: But, seriously, just keep reading and learning. I learned that weighing my food out, exercise and patience is paying off. I still am learning. You made the start, you'll get there :smiley:

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Weight loss is about the calories but some choose to go Low Carb High Fat along with counting calories and do very well.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member

    Even if you go low carb it's still about the calories

    Eat to your calorie defecit across the week. Weigh food and log accurately

    Hit protein and fat goals as a minimum

    0.8-1g protein per lb of LBM
    0.35g fat per lb of bodyweight
  • nicolericcarandell
    nicolericcarandell Posts: 17 Member
    How do u know your deficit
  • nicolericcarandell
    nicolericcarandell Posts: 17 Member
    I am showing. Always under defiit
  • dardone
    dardone Posts: 5 Member
    I was a carb adict whenI was not training. I could not get enough cerial. When I started training I stoped craving all those carbs. On my day off staing at a defecit is a little tuff. I miss nice sweet flavorfull drinks water is soooo borrring.
  • dardone
    dardone Posts: 5 Member
    I never had to loose weight before. I spent 7 years trying to get to 200, I trained and ate like like crazy. 197 Was my max I could get to 200 but could not keep it. I never did cardio.